Stratham Community Church, UCC

An Open and Affirming Congregation

of the United Church of Christ

Wherever you are on life’s journey,

Know you are welcome here!

6 Emery Lane - Stratham, New Hampshire 03885

(603) 772-3389 -

Ministers - The Congregation

Pastor – Rev. Jonathan C. Roach, Ph.D. -

Sunday December 3, 2017 – 10:00 am

First Sunday of Advent

Candle of Peace

Carol Singing Before Service




Prelude “Hidden As A Baby”

(by Williams/Martin)

Call to Worship:

One: The “dark night of the soul” is a phrase often used to describe moments in our lives when light, understanding and hope seems to elude us.

Deacon: But God said, “You will bear a son…”

One: A young woman barely out of childhood receives the message that she would bear a son out of wedlock–something that could have doomed her circumstances for her entire life.

Deacon: But God said, “You will bear a son…”

One: When things that seem irreparable happen in our lives, how can we turn perceived doom into a belief in an opportunity for rebirth?

Deacon: But God said, “You will bear a son…”

Choir Response

I believe in the sun,

I believe in the sun, even when

… even when… it’s not shining.


One: In first century Christianity, Paul wrote these words to the church in Corinth:

Two: God has been given you in Christ Jesus, for in every way you have been enriched in Christ, in speech and knowledge of every kind – just as the testimony of Christ has been strengthened among you – you are not lacking in any spiritual gift as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Three: Advent is the season when we await the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ made new again in the baby of Bethlehem. God sends the peace of Christ to earth.

Four: On the first Sunday of Advent, we light this candle named peace. May this light ever remind us God is peace. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Congregational Response:

I believe in the sun,

I believe in the sun, even when

… even when… it’s not shining.

* Prayer of Invocation: (in unison)

*Hymn “Who Would Think That What Was Needed”

New Century Hymnal (black) #153

* The Lord's Prayer (using 'debts')

* Passing the Peace of Christ

One: Peace be with you!

People: And also with you!

(Please offer one another the peace of Christ.)

* Gloria Patri Pilgrim Hymnal (red) #513

All: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.


Thankful Dollars

Anthem: “My Song in the Night”

(by Wilberg)


(All children are invited to leave for the Children’s program)

Reading of Scripture: Luke 1:26-38

Sermon: “I Believe in the Sun!”

Rev. Jonathan Roach, Ph.D

Hymn: “You Are Mine”



Prayer Concerns

Time for Silent Prayer

Pastoral Prayer


* Offertory “In the Bleak Mid-Winter”

(liturgical dance by Jaden Scott/John Scott on piano)

* Doxology

We three kings of Orient are

Bearing gifts we traverse afar

Field and fountain, moor and mountain

Following yonder star

O Star of wonder, star of night

Star with royal beauty bright

Westward leading, still proceeding

Guide us to thy Perfect Light

Prayer of Dedication (in unison):

All: God, whose faithfulness exceeds the limits of the earth, accept these gifts of our hearts and hands. May they be multiplied and magnified as the living presence of Christ’s peace in the world. Amen.


All are invited to participate who know Jesus Christ as Lord.

(Inner ring is juice, outer ring is wine)

Invitation to Sharing the Sacrament

Sharing the Bread and Cup

Prayer of Thanksgiving: (in unison)

All: Holy Creator, Bread of Life, Everlasting Salvation, A light shines in the night and the night will not overcome it. In this meal we have been replenished and strengthened, the light of your love rekindled within. We will be bold to carry this light into the world. Thank you for recharging our batteries and reviving your ambient glow within us. You are the power source that never gives out-eternally renewable and sustainable.

Thank you: God!

Thank you: Christ!

Thank you: Spirit!



* Hymn “Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus”


* Benediction

* Postlude

Please remain in your pew until the Light of Christ is carried out of the sanctuary. Thank you.

* - All those who are able are invited to stand.

Thank you to John and Jaden Scott for sharing their musical talents with us this morning.


Deacon: Kristen Dusseault, Christine VanDerslice,

Martha Myers and Roger Stephenson

Immediately following Worship, please join us for coffee and fellowship in the Rust Room, hosted by Leah & Jennifer Scrafford.

We Pray For:

The family and friends of Patty Nerney

Alice & Faye Giordini

The victims and their families affected by the TX shooting

The people in California affected by the wildfires

The Victims and their Families affected by the Las Vegas shooting

For the Family and Friends of Jerry Sterritt

Rabbi David Senter

The People who have been affected by the Earthquake in Mexico

The People who have been affected by

Hurricane’s Harvey, Irma and Maria

Jonathan's Office Hours:

Tues. & Thurs. - 8am to 1pm (afternoons for visitation)

Weds. & Fri. - 8am to 4pm

Jonathan's Cell Phone Number:


Jonathan's Email Address:

Our Advent and Christmas Themes and Services:

“I Believe Even When…”


The story of the birth of Jesus is filled with common themes of human drama: unknowing, doubt, disgrace, fear, oppression, journey, hardship. The words of an anonymous poet begin, “I believe in the sun, even when it’s not shining…” In this we hear the affirmation of belief in spite of what seems like the absence of light, of love and sometimes, even what feels like the absence of God. By exploring the first chapter of each of the Gospels in this Advent/Christmas series we will acknowledge the presence of hope through Christ “even when…”

Carol Singing:

Before each Sunday in Advent, we will have a carol sing starting at 9:50 am. Sherry will be leading in singing all our favorite Christmas Carols and playing your requests. Allow this powerful time of worship to get you ready for worship and welcome your soul into the season.

Family Advent Devotional Coloring Books:

We are offering an illustrated Advent coloring book for children during this Season. Please pick one up and color the illustrated pages with your children as you undertake the Christmas Journey. These are great family devotional activities for the Advent Season.

2nd Sunday of Advent, December 10:

“Don’t be afraid to take Mary as your wife…” (Matthew 1)

On this second Sunday of Advent, we will be reading the opening chapter of the Gospel of Matthew with the story of Joseph. “Love is never having to say: ‘I’m sorry.’” Yeah, right. Relationships seem wrought with wrestling–wrestling with our own expectations, the expectations of the other and all of it wrapped in the fear of rejection. Not all of us have an angel show up to tell us what to do like Joseph did as he faced the disappointment of a betrothal gone awry. But perhaps we can heed the angel’s words for faced the disappointment of a betrothal gone awry. But perhaps we can heed the angel’s words for letting go into God’s possibilities for all our relationships. Rev. Jonathan’s message will take us into Joseph’s story with the theme “I believe in love.”

Pageant Rehearsal:

Rehearsal for the Youth Christmas Pageant will be December 10th after worship at 11:15am.

Family Caroling, December 15th:

Everyone is invited to join the choir and Sherry spreading Christmas cheer with Christmas caroling. Meet at 5:00 pm at the church to go out. An open house reception will follow at Reverends Jonathan and Esther’s home at 179 Nottingham Square Road, Epping

3rd Sunday of Advent, December 17 (Children’s Christmas Pageant):

“Look, I am sending my messenger before you… he will prepare your way…” -- Mark 1

On this powerful 3rd Sunday of Advent, our children will be our messengers. They will share the message with us through drama and song from the Swedish Children’s Story “Christmas in the Stable” by Astrid Lindgren. Our scripture for this Sunday will come from the opening chapter of the Gospel of Mark and introduces us to the Christmas story of John the Baptism. A seeming madman named John is prophesying in the wilderness. He speaks of one who will come after him, puzzling the people. “Who are you,” ask the people. “Are you the one who will deliver us from our fear and hardship and oppression?” Often, we are left wondering these same questions. At times in our lives when we feel unsure of our next steps, when fear grips us in the face of uncertainty, when we look around and wonder when God will address injustice… when God will show up and save us… we yearn for the messenger, for the way to be made plain before us.

Blue Christmas, Thursday, December 21 @ 6 pm

On this longest night of the year, the winter solstice, we will gather to affirm and worship in solidary with all whose lives and emotions are impacted by blue feelings this Season. During this service, we make the space and take the time to acknowledge the blue feelings that many of have during the Christmas Season. This is not a joyous season for everyone, every year. Many of us are struggling with loneliness, depression, grief, fear, doubt, and this service many a place at the Jesus’ stable for everyone who is blue. Rev. Jonathan’s message on this longest night of the year will engage the theme “I believe even when…”

4th Sunday of Advent, December 24:

“What came into being through the Word was life, and the life was the light for all people…”

(John 1)

In this last week of Advent, our anticipation, our yearning, for the light is palpable. What is this growing within us? As our theme song has proclaimed, even when the sun is hidden from sight, even when love feels remote, even when we’re not sure of God’s presence… we sense that the light is coming, love is near and the holy is born yet again in the midst of the pain of life. There is hope. There is light. Rev. Jonathan’s message will continue the theme of “I believe even when…” from the Blue Christmas Service through the dramatic opening verses of the Gospel of John.

Christmas Eve, Family Service @ 5 pm:

"Unto you a child is born, and he will be called Prince of Peace.”

The night of mystery and awe has arrived. And Jesus is born into a world fully human and finite in its pain and beauty. And God breaks in upon our lives yet again in and through our belief of that which transcends our human limitations. We believe. We believe. Rev. Jonathan will share the story of the Bishop Nicholas of Myra who was born in year 270 and became known as St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. This service will also include a special time for the children to hear the story of Jesus’ birth. This moving service will feature special music, Christmas carols, and candles for the whole family.

Christmas Eve, Carols, Candles, and Communion Service @ 8 pm:

"Unto you a child is born and he will be called Prince of Peace.”

During this powerful service, Rev. Jonathan and the Stratham Community Church Choir will share the awe of the Jesus’ birth with special woodwind music. The night of mystery and awe has arrived. And Jesus is born into a world fully human and finite in its pain and beauty. And God breaks in upon our lives yet again in and through our belief of that which transcends our human limitations. We believe. We believe. This dramatic service will include carols, the choir, and candles.

Christmas Eve, Carols and Reflection Service @ 11 pm:

"Unto you a child is born and he will be called Prince of Peace.”

During this quiet and reflective service, we will take a quieter approach to the night of mystery and awe that has arrived. And Jesus is born into a world fully human and finite in its pain and beauty. And God breaks in upon our lives yet again in and through our belief of that which transcends our human limitations. We believe. We believe. We believe in Christmas. This simple but mighty Christmas Eve service will include carols, communion, and candles.

A Look Ahead:

Mon., Dec. 4 - Journey Song – 7:00 pm – Sanctuary
Tues., Dec. 5 - AA – 6:30 pm – Rust Room
Wed., Dec. 6 - Clothes Attic- 9:00 am – 3:00 pm &
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Wed., Dec. 6 – Trustees Meeting – 7:00 pm
Wed., Dec. 6 - AA Meeting – 6:30 pm – Rust Room
Thurs.,Dec. 7 - Choir – 7:00 pm – Music Room
Sat., Dec. 9 - Clothes Attic – 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Sun., Dec. 10 - Worship – 10:00 am – Sanctuary

Sun., Dec. 10 – Pageant rehearsal – 11:15 am - Sanctuary

The Nursery is in Room 204 and is available anytime from 9:45am through the end of Worship for children three years and younger. The attendants of our nursery are Kimberly Chenard and her daughter Julia who will alternate Sunday’s with Keri O’Shea.

Children are invited for the Children's Program

in Room 201 after the Announcements.

Stratham Community Church, UCC

6 Emery Lane - Stratham, New Hampshire 03885

(603) 772-3389 -

Ministers - The Congregation

Pastor – Rev. Jonathan C. Roach, Ph.D. -

Minister of Pastoral Counseling - The Rev. Allan Lurvey, Th.D. -

Minister of Pastoral Care – The Rev. J Esther Roach, BCC -

Minister of Music - Cheryl Stromski -

Youth and Family Director of Christian Education – Lily Nutt

Church Office – Katie Brown -