Course Syllabus


Mrs. Sutton

School Phone: 364-7778 ext.7365


Online learning management system: CANVAS - More info. to follow…

Philosophy: Biology is a hands-on standards based course designed to give students knowledge of the living world and provide a strong understanding of living systems. This course builds on the idea that science knowledge is acquired through inquiry and process. Students are taught the importance of process skills and how scientists use them. Through the observation, measurement, organization of data, classification, predicting, experimenting, analysis of data, and communication of information, the students will gain an understanding of the importance of the living world around them. Coupled with real-world applications for the concepts, Biology sets the stage for lifelong learning.

Text: Biggs, A., Hagins, W.C., Kapicka, C., Lundgren, L., Rillero, P., Tallman,

K.G., Zike, D & The National Geographic Society. (2004). Biology:

The Dynamics of Life. Glencoe Science.

Supplies: Students will be expected to bring with them to each class:

  • Their charged laptop and power cord.
  • A covered book; if a book is lost the student is responsible for covering the cost of that book.
  • A pen or pencil.
  • A folder or binder to organize handouts and paperwork in.

Absences: If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to get any assignments/notes you may have missed or to schedule make-up time after school. Most work will be posted online by the end of the day. If you need clarification on content or assignmentsit is your responsibility to see me after school or email me. When you are out, it is expected any assignments missed are made up within the allotted time period. NO EXCUSES! (Refer to student handbook for the school policy).

Class Rules: It is the intention of this class to follow the school’s mission statement and student expectations in words, deeds, actions and thoughts. Two essential and central concepts to the success of a productive learning environment are quality work and respect for others. The safety contract must be signed and returned before participation in any lab activity.

Help Night: Help night is held Mondays after school or other days by request.


Category / % of each Quarter Grade / Description
Homework / 10% / Short-term written work assigned by a teacher designed to provide students with opportunities to reinforce, practice and apply previous learning. Homework is due during the next class meeting.
Quizzes/Classwork / 25% / Any work that is done in class and is collected for a grade, as well as daily journal entries and balanced science activities. Quizzes are short formative assessments used to check understanding of individual topics.
Assessments / 40% / Any summative assessment including chapter and unit tests, projects, and labs. Revisions on these assessments are not allowed.
MCA / 25% / Major Course Assessment: given toward the end of each quarter, it is a large cumulative assessment which students need to pass with at least a 70% to earn credit for the course. 1 revision allowed according to school policy.

Homework Policy: Homework is expected on its due date. Students who do not turn in the assignment on time will have the opportunity to submit it by the next class period for half credit. Homework submitted past this time will not receive credit.

Quiz Revision Policy: Students who are not successful on quizzes will be allowed to re-take the quiz following an approved re-teaching session with the class instructor. These revisions must take place prior to the unit test on that material.

Course Syllabus

2014-2015 Course Content Outline

Course Syllabus

Quarter 1

Characteristics of Life

  • Characteristics
  • Homeostasis

Cell Structures

  • Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes
  • Bacteria vs protists
  • Organelles
  • Role in a cell/ generalized function
  • Compartmentalization, cell size, etc
  • Key organelles
  • Nucleus
  • Ribosomes
  • Mitochondria
  • Chloroplasts
  • Lysosomes

Cellular Processes

  • Molecules (carbs, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids)
  • Membrane structure
  • Importance of lipids in membrane
  • Role of proteins in membrane
  • Transport
  • Active vs passive
  • Osmosis
  • Enzymes

********* QUARTER 1 MCA ***********

Quarter 2


  • Organs and organ systems
  • Circulatory
  • Skeletomuscular
  • Nervous
  • Respiratory
  • Immune
  • Integumentary
  • Digestive/excretory
  • Urinary
  • Endocrine

Cell division

  • Mitosis
  • Cancer
  • Meiosis
  • Fertilization
  • Karyotypes

********* QUARTER 2 MCA ***********

Quarter 3

DNA and Genetics

  • Genes/alleles
  • Punnett squares
  • Autosomal
  • Incomplete dominant
  • Sex-linked traits
  • Dihybrid (honors only)
  • Pedigrees
  • Structure of DNA
  • Replication
  • Protein synthesis
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Beneficial and harmful mutations
  • Point and frameshift mutations

******** QUARTER 3 MCA **********

Quarter 4

Evolution and Classification

  • Theory of evolution
  • Natural selection
  • Effects of environmental pressures
  • Adaptations
  • Examples
  • Effect on survival
  • Evidence of evolution
  • Anatomical
  • Molecular
  • Fossil


  • Nutrient Cycles (C, N, H2O)
  • Equilibrium in an ecosystem
  • Effects of diversity
  • Food pyramids and biomass
  • Energy transfer
  • Decrease in energy as it transfers
  • Population growth/ carrying capacity
  • Succession, primary and secondary
  • Human impact and ways to minimize
  • Impact of humans/technology on global food webs

******** QUARTER 4 MCA

Course Syllabus