Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Present: Kathy Pykkonen (Academic Staff); Martha Einerson (Comm Arts); Mei Cao (DBE); Mary Churchill (EdL); Eleni Pinnow (HBJD); Shin-Ping Tucker (MSC); Greg Moore (Music); Andy Breckenridge (NS); Jeff Kirschling (RegistrarPriscilla Starratt (SI); Tim Cleary (VA); Virginia Donovan (WLLC); Yvonne Rutford (WLS)

Guests: Interim Dean Liz Blue

The meeting of the University Undergraduate Academic Affairs Council was convened at 2:30 p.m. in YU 204 by 2013-14 secretary Mary Churchill.

Motion to elect Eleni Pinnow as chair for 2014-15 (Rutford/Tucker). Approved.

Motion to elect Mary Churchill as secretary for 2014-15 (Rutford/Tucker). Approved.

Chair Pinnow presided over the remainder of the meeting.

Motion to approve agenda (Einerson/Donovan). Approved.

Motion to approve May 5, 2013, minutes (Rutford/Tucker). Approved with abstentions from those not on Council last academic year.



·  Eleni will be attending Faculty Senate meetings to ensure clear and efficient communication between UAAC and Senate. Eleni requested that Greg Moore serve as the liaison between UAAC and the General Education Committee as he currently serves on both. Greg graciously agreed.


·  Eleni and Mary met over the summer and are making the following requests for a smoother distribution of meeting agenda items and supporting documents:

o  When submitting agenda items, please limit the supporting documentation to one document whenever possible. This can be done by combining documents and saving as one document.

o  Agenda items will be accepted from either the UAAC representative or the department chair as long as the other is copied on the email so both understand the agenda item(s) being submitted by their department.

o  We have requested an email address to UAAC so that materials can be easily transferred from secretary to secretary. We have not yet received a response from Technology on this.

o  Agenda items are due electronically to Mary C. by Thursday noon preceding the UAAC meeting.


·  Jeff shared two handouts. The first outlined the organizational structure of the Registrar’s Office. He will have this updated with phone numbers and email addresses and distributed electronically. The second provided information regarding the status of the Administrative Drop Policy (currently in progress) and Pre-Registration of Students in Remedial Courses (summer 2014).

General Education:

·  Greg reported that the Gen Ed Committee is working this fall to have its mission and new name approved. Enhancement Day was used for feedback from the campus, and now members are meeting with individual departments for feedback as well. Jeff Schuldt is chairing.

Old Business

No Old Business

New Business

1.  Informational Item: Request was made from WLLC to reactivate JAPA 102 for Spring 2015. Noted.

2.  Action Item: Motion to approve new course proposal from WLLC: French 491 French Senior Captstone Experience (Einerson/Cleary). Motion approved.

  1. Action Item: Motion to approve policy proposal from WLLC: Native Speakers in Lower Level Classes. After much discussion regarding the definition of “native language,” policy enforcement, and potential precedent setting, the motion was tabled (Donovan) and will be taken back to WLLC.

4.  Action Item: Motion to approve proposal from EdL to change the role of TED and TEAC in decision making for curriculum and policies related to Teacher Education at UW-Superior (Einerson/Starratt). Motion approved. This item will move forward to Faculty Senate as file: UAAC_2014_09_09_Motion TEAC to TED 8.25.14

Motion to adjourn (Rutford/Tucker). Approved.

Next meeting is scheduled for September 23.
Minutes submitted by Mary Churchill