SPH 4UHow Far Can You Go?
Major Independent Study
A great deal of effort has been directed towards mechanics including projectile motion, forces, moments, energies, momentum and general kinematics. We would like to apply all of those principles in the construction of a fancy tennis ball launcher.
You and another one (1) or two (2) people will design and construct a working launching device that will lay waste to a fortified structure – well, okay throw a bunch of tennis balls downrange.
Part of your evaluation will be dependent on launching the projectile (a standard tennis ball) a minimum distance of 30 m but with no maximum! Furthermore, the aim of the device will be to land a ball in a designated target area, or as nearly as possible, in a fixed number of launches.
- remote triggering device (ie. a lanyard or lever) SAFETY FIRST!
- totally mechanical in nature including energy source (no chemical, electrical, pneumatic)
- maximum height 2.5 m (extended), maximum base footprint 1 m2
- as much recycled material as possible; purchase less, purloin more
- fit through standard classroom door (in parts or in whole)
- be transported easily by two (2) people
- re-load in less than two (2) minutes
- adjustable for variable launch angles and/or distances
- evaluated on distance and precision; bonus for extraordinary distance and precision
- functional and well-designed; durable construction; any clever design features
- aesthetics will count; include a name (Big Bertha, Castle Killer…)
- 1st draft scaled sketch due:Tuesday, May10, 2011
- 2nd draft scaled design drawing:Thursday, May 19, 2011
- launch competition & presentation (due date):Wednesday, June 8, 2011
In-class days to develop design:
- Friday, May 6
- Thursday, May 12
- Thursday, May 26
- Friday, June 3
Your device must be at school for safety inspection by Tuesday, June 7, 2011!