Grade 8 U.S. History (C3) Quiz Answer Key

Causes and Events of the American Revolution - (1.2.A.B.C) Causes Of The Revolution

Student Name:______/ Date:______
Teacher Name: Bart Jones / Score:______

1)The British policy of enforcing thewrits of assitanceon colonial citizens resulted in the passage of which amendment in the Bill of Rights?

A) / First
B) / Second
C) / Third
D) / Fourth

2)Colonial protests and boycotts against the Stamp Act eventually led to

A) / the Boston Massacre.
B) / the Boston Tea Party.
C) / Parliament's decision to repeal the Act.
D) / the first shots of the war in Massachusetts.

3)Which goods did Great Britain pass a direct tax on that led to boycotts and a group of delegates to meet to determine how to protest it?

A) / tea and syrup
B) / weapons and bullets
C) / sugar, rum, and molasses
D) / newspapers, wills, and licenses

4)How did the French and Indian War play a role in causing the American Revolution?

A) / The French and Indian War had no effect on the American Revolution.
B) / It led to disputes and conflict between the American colonists and the British crown over the war's expense and British policies.
C) / The British government adopted a variety of policies to punish the American colonies for siding with the French and the Indians during the conflict.
D) / The fighting between the French settlers and the Indians created an opportunity for the American colonists to seize French settlements on the frontier.

5)Why were the colonists upset with the new taxes that Great Britain passed prior to the American Revolution?

A) / They felt that the British were trying to take over their businesses.
B) / They felt that they were entitled to representation to vote on taxes.
C) / They felt the taxes were so high that many could not afford to pay them.
D) / They felt that they should not have to pay any taxes since they did not live in Great Britain.


 The French and Indian war ends
 Colonists protest against British taxes
 Five American colonists killed in the "Boston Massacre"
 The Boston Tea Party

Which event happened NEXT?

A) / The Treaty of Paris of 1783
B) / The winter camp at Valley Froge
C) / The Battle of Lexington and Concord
D) / The signing of the Declaration of Independence

7)Which event leading to the American Revolution resulted in five Americans dying, including an African-American sailor named Crispus Attucks?

A) / Pontiac's War
B) / Boston Massacre
C) / Boston Tea Party
D) / 1st shots fired at Lexington


"... (T)hat America would have flourished as much, and probably much more, had no European power taken any notice of her. The commerce by which she hath enriched herself are the necessaries of life, and will always have a market while eating is the custom of Europe.
Europe is too thickly planted with Kingdoms to be long at peace, and whenever a war breaks out between England and any foreign power, the trade of America goes to ruin, because of her connection with Britain. . . . There is something absurd, in supposing a Continent to be perpetually governed by an island." . . .
- excerpt from "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine

Based on this passage, which statement BEST describes two arguments that Thomas Paine uses to persuade colonists that they should declare their independence from Great Britain?

A) / America can produce it's own food and products and is too large for Great Britain to rule.
B) / America can produce all the goods they need and have other allies in Europe besides Great Britain.
C) / America will pay less taxes then under Great Britain's rule and will be able to become peaceful trading partners with more countries.
D) / America has a thriving trade market that will do better without Great Britain's help and becoming independent will free them from Europe's wars.


"For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us...."
-fromThe Declaration of Independence

This line ofThe Declaration of Independencerefers to the Quartering Act of 1774, which was enacted by Parliament in response to

A) / the Boston Massacre.
B) / the Intolerable Acts.
C) / the Boston Tea Party.
D) / the Committees of Correspondence.

10)What did the French and Indian War and the Stamp Act have in common?

A) / They were both causes of the American Revolution.
B) / They were both effects of the American Revolution.
C) / They both angered southern colonists and led to secession.
D) / They both helped establish the authority of the Federal government.


“The riotous behavior of the people in Boston is remarkable. I would have been less surprised by their behavior if we had taxed their beer. But the Stamp Act is a tax on none of the necessities of life. It does not affect the poor, and even a poor person can afford this little amount of money.”
—British Loyalist, 1766

The quotation was published in a Boston newspaper. Based on the quotation, which of these is MOST LIKELY true about the Stamp Act?

A) / It taxed food and drink items.
B) / It was supported by the colonists.
C) / It was passed to help poor colonists.
D) / It made the colonists angry with Britain.


"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, Give me Liberty, or give me Death!"
- Said in Virginia House of Burgesses, March 23, 1775.

Who spoke these words that rallied the Virginia House of Burgesses to join the Revolution?

A) / Thomas Paine
B) / Sam Adams
C) / George Washington
D) / Patrick Henry

13)The American colonists were upset with new taxes levied on them by the British for several reasons. One was the fact that they considered these to be "taxation without representation." What else did they resent about these taxes?

A) / Paying taxes was against the religion of many colonists.
B) / The tax money went to support a king they couldn't stand.
C) / The taxes were on everyday items which would make these ordinary items more expensive.
D) / The taxes were on large landowners only which made the average colonist feel neglected.

14)The significance of Thomas Paine’sCommon Sensewas that it

A) / suggested economic reforms for the colonies.
B) / suggested a plan of reconciliation with Britain.
C) / outlined a logical approach to protesting against Parliament.
D) / pointed out the absurdity of continued loyalty to King George III.


Captain Thomas Preston’s Account of the Boston Massacre
On this a general attack was made on the men [the British soldiers] by a great number of heavy clubs and snowballs being thrown at them, by which all our lives were in imminent danger, some persons at the same time from behind calling out, damn your bloods-why don't you fire. Instantly three or four of the soldiers fired, one after another, and directly after three more in the same confusion and hurry. The mob then ran away . . . On my asking the soldiers why they fired without orders, they said they heard the word fire and supposed it came from me. This might be the case as many of the mob called out fire, fire, but I assured the men that I gave no such order; that my words were, don't fire, stop your firing.
Captain Thomas Preston, 1770

Each of these statements is supported by Preston’s account of the Boston Massacre EXCEPT

A) / Preston and his soldiers were in danger.
B) / Preston never ordered his soldiers to fire on the colonists.
C) / The colonists were attacking the British with clubs and snowballs.
D) / The British soldiers intended to shoot the colonists even though they were not provoked.

16)Thomas Paine'sCommon Senseencouraged support for the American independence movement by

A) / appealing to the colonists' sense of inalienable rights and liberty.
B) / blaming the British for starting the "peculiar institution" of slavery.
C) / listing specific grievances against King George III and the British government.
D) / reminding Americans that colonies fighting for independence rarely resulted in success.


The Coercive Acts was a series of laws passed by the British Parliament in 1774 to punish the colony of Massachusetts after the Boston Tea party. The acts stripped Massachusetts of self-government and rights.

What was the nickname the colonists called the Coercive Acts?

A) / "Mean Acts"
B) / "Stamp Act"
C) / "Punitive Acts"
D) / "Intolerable Acts"

18)How was the Stamp Act different from earlier taxes imposed on the British colonies?

A) / The Stamp Act was only enforced in the southern colonies; northern colonies were not affected by the taxes.
B) / Revenue collected under the Stamp Act was given to the colonial governments instead of the British government.
C) / The Stamp Act directly affected the colonists; taxes prior to the Stamp Act were indirect taxes, paid only by merchants.
D) / Representatives from the colonies were elected to Parliament so that colonial interests could be addressed in the debate over passage of the Stamp Act.

19)In the years leading up to the American Revolution, the Committees of Correspondence were MOST important because they

A) / kept Parliament informed as to what colonists were planning.
B) / provided a record of the negotiations in the Continental Congress.
C) / show that the group that would become the Federalists were already very powerful.
D) / were the first attempt to maintain close political cooperation among all colonists.

20)If your teacher assigned you a research project on the causes of the American Revolution, which vocabulary terms would you need to look up?

A) / The Alamo, Davey Crockett, and James Bowie
B) / The Indian Removal Act, the Trail of Tears, and the Dawes Plan
C) / The Missouri Compromise, Slavery and Abolition, and the Election of 1861
D) / The Stamp Act, the Intolerable Acts, the Boston Massacre, and the Boston Tea Party


"They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a... guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us."
Patrick Henry
March 23, 1775

Who/what is the adversary Patrick Henry speaks of?

A) / British
B) / Congress
C) / liberty


 Stamp Act
 Intolerable Acts
 Boston Massacre
 Boston Tea Party

Which would make the BEST title for a research paper covering these topics?

A) / The Treaty of Paris, 1783
B) / The American Victory at Yorktown
C) / Causes of the American Revolution
D) / Effects of the French and Indian War

23)Which statement BEST describes one outcome of the First Continental Congress?

A) / The colonists declared independence from Great Britain.
B) / King George III sent a letter to apologize for British actions.
C) / The colonists expressed their dissatisfaction with British rule.
D) / The Intolerable Acts were repealed and colonial demands were met.


"By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood,
And fired the shot heard round the world."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1837

Which event of the American Revolution is known as "the shot heard 'round the world"?

A) / the Boston Massacre
B) / the Battle of Yorktown
C) / the Battle of Bunker Hill
D) / the Battle of Lexington and Concord


Which is the BEST explanation for how American troops used the physical geography of the area to gain an advantage in the Battle of Lexington and Concord?

A) / They were able to push the British back to the coast near Boston where they could be shelled by our Navy.
B) / They hid behind trees and stone walls and were able to fire on the British from a relatively safe position.
C) / They only fought at locations that were close to rivers in order to have a quick means of escape, if necessary.
D) / They used the open fields of the nearby farms to make it more difficult for the British to surround their positions.

26)Colonial radicals formed these groups in towns through the colonies to keep the public informed about abuse of colonial rights by the British government. They were

A) / Minutemen.
B) / The Redcoats.
C) / Committees of Correspondence.
D) / The Daughters of the American Revolution.

27)When this was published in early 1776, many American colonists became convinced that they should act to form a new kind of nation independent from the rule of Britain’s "cruel" courts.

A) / Common Sense
B) / The Wealth of Nations
C) / The Declaration of Independence
D) / Declaration of the Rights of Man
28)Which character trait did Patrick Henry BEST show when he gave his famous "Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death" speech?
A) / charity
B) / honesty
C) / patriotism
D) / trustworthiness


"In England a king hath little more to do than to make war and give away places; which in plain terms, is to impoverish the nation and set it together by the ears. A pretty business indeed for a man to be allowed eight hundred thousand sterling a year for, and worshipped into the bargain! Of more worth is one honest man to society and in the sight of God, than all the crowned ruffians that ever lived."
—Thomas Paine

This quote can be found in which document from the American Revolutionary period?

A) / Common Sense
B) / The Constitution
C) / Articles of Confederation
D) / Declaration of Independence

30)How did the Stamp Act affect prices in the American colonies?

A) / It raised the price of many items.
B) / It lowered the price of most items.
C) / It made the price of some items less and some items more.
D) / Prices were not affected because the Stamp Act was a penalty fee.