Step 3: Capstone Portfolio

The Capstone Portfolio is the final step in completing the Professional Plan of Study for the MA program. The document isa self-reflective assessment of a student’s entire plan of study. The project describes how the student’s program of study and applied experiencehave addressed specific career and education goals.The Capstone Portfolio becomes a permanent record of the student’s work accomplished throughout the program and is digitally archived in the department.

Section A: Steps for completing the Capstone Portfolio

The following steps are required for final completion of the document:

  1. Set an appointment with your advisor upon completing Step 2 (project or internship) to discuss the steps for completing the Capstone Portfolio.
  2. Review the list of required components for the Capstone Portfolio before meeting with your advisor(Section B).
  3. Compile, organize, and prepare document for submission.
  4. Submit completed document to Blackboard by March 24, 2017 for your advisor’s review.
  5. Make any required editsrecommended by the advisor. If no edits are required, skip to Step 7.
  6. Contact your advisor for review once required edits are completed.
  7. Upload the final document to the department’s digital repository by April 10,2017.
  8. Completethe Master's Exam Form for the Professional Option (from the Handbook Page of the website), have your advisor sign the form, scan and email form to Department Chair.

Section B: Components of Capstone Portfolio

  1. Introduction

The introduction section is an overview of your professionalbackground and career goals as it applies to your plan of study (3 - 5 pages).Your discussion should include the following:

a)An overview of your academic and professional background

b)Your intent for applying to the program

c)What you hoped to gain upon entering this program

d)New goalsor insights since entering the program

In the Appendix Section of the portfolio, include:1) Resume 2) Original Statement of Purpose for entrance into the MA program and 3) Professional Option Plan of Study.

  1. Program Course Assessment

In this section, you will provide an assessment for each coursetaken in your program of study.Each assessment should describe what you learned in the course that was relevant to your education and professional goals (1 - 2 pages). Include specific theories, concepts, methods and sources to support your analysis.

Your assessments should not evaluate whether you liked or disliked a course.Refrain from using descriptions such as, “I enjoyed the class,” “the course had a lot of themes and topics” or that “it was informative and interesting.” Your focus is to describe how the courses completed in your plan of study addressed your academic and career goals.

Identify program courses completed under the following sub-headings:

a)Core Courses

b)Elective Courses

c)Professional Experience

In the Appendix Section of the portfolio include: 1) one major course assignment or project which best supports your assessment and 2) your final report submitted for COM 590 or COM 598.

  1. Conclusion

The conclusion section provides an overview of what you learned through assessing your course, professional goals and how this experience shapes your future professional development and goals.(3 - 5 pages). Address the following questions as a part of your concluding summary:

a)Did a specific theme or professional interests emerge from your portfolio?

b)What surprised you the most about this program?

c)What did you learn about yourself through completing this program?

d)Professionally, where do you go from here?

  1. Bibliography

i.e., APA or MLA.

  1. Appendix

The Appendix section of your Capstone Portfolio must include the following documents:

a)Professional Resume

b)Original Statement of Purpose for entrance into the MA program

c)Professional Plan of Study.

d)Course Assignments or Projects (which best illustrate course assessments)

e)Final Report for COM 590 or COM 598.

Section C: General Format Guidelines:

  • Table of Contents (identify each main component, along with sub-sections and page numbers)
  • Start each main component on a new page.
  • Number all pages in the document.
  • Use standard style format (i.e., APA, MLA, Chicago Press and Turabian??)
  • Use consistent formatting throughout document.

In addition, you are required to present a formal colloquium presentation (required of all students), ideally based on the professional experience.

Capstone Portfolio Checklist

M.A. in Communication Studies

Please check the following before submitting your MA Capstone Portfolio by the deadline (two weeks before the Graduate School Deadline for Non-Thesis).

1 April for Spring graduation / 10 November for Fall graduation.

Name: ______

I have included a title page.

I have included a table of contents.

I have reflected on my entire program, not just the project or internship I completed.

I have described my project or internship in past tense, as it was actually done (not conceptualized).

I have used one consistent style in citations and references (either APA or MLA).

I have proofread my Portfolio (and/or gotten someone to review it for me) and it is free of grammatical errors and typos.

My advisor has reviewed and approved my portfolio. (Please make sure that your advisor has plenty of time to do this before the deadline).

I have included a copy of the Master’s Exam Formfor the Professional Option (from the Handbook Page of the website) with my name and CWID filled in, approved by my advisor.

Signature: ______Date: ______
