There will be a meeting of the Board of Undergraduate Studies at 09:30 a.m. on Friday 18 November 2016 in room CMR 1.0, University House.

Rachel Sandy-Thomas


Questions on agenda items for this meeting should be directed to the Secretary to the Board, Dr J A Taylor, email or telephone extension 22633.

Apologies for this meeting should be directed to the Assistant Secretary to the Board, Mr D W Brandist, email or telephone extension 74049.


The following items and reports are for consideration at the meeting.

Note: Committee papers are available at

1.  Terms of Reference


That the Terms of Reference for the Board are as follows:

(a)  To consider academic issues relating to undergraduate provision offered by individual departments and across departmental boundaries, including matters that may be raised by academic departments and/or Directors of Undergraduate Studies, and make recommendations or comment to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee and/or its sub-groups, the Boards of the Faculties or other appropriate bodies within the University;

(b)  To receive and consider as may be appropriate proposals and reports relating to undergraduate academic provision from the relevant sub-groups of the Academic Quality and Standards Committee;

(c)  To scrutinise all new undergraduate course proposals and report to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee on the Board’s consideration and approval of such proposals;

(d)  To consider relevant issues relating to undergraduate academic provision noted in the Faculty Summary Reports of the Annual Course Review reports, in Strategic Departmental Reviews or by Student-Staff Liaison Committees and liaise with departments as may be appropriate regarding any issues of interest or concern;

(f)  To advise the Academic Quality and Standards Committee on matters relating to examinations processes and procedures in undergraduate courses;

(g)  To advise the Academic Quality and Standards Committee on the role of internal and external examiners for undergraduate courses;

(h)  To consider external examiners’ reports and departmental responses relating to all undergraduate courses, to discuss particular issues of concern with departments and to report to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee annually on issues raised;

(i)  To consider and approve submissions from departments and the Undergraduate Studies Committees of the Boards of the Faculties for non-standard examination methods (including seen papers, open-book examinations and reading time);

(j)  To consider and approve variations requested on personal grounds in the arrangements for undergraduate examinations for individual students;

(k)  To consider all matters affecting undergraduate admissions practices and policy and make recommendations to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee where appropriate;

(l)  To consider and approve requests for variations to the University's Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) policy for individual students or groups of students;

(m)  To monitor the approval process for interdisciplinary undergraduate modules developed and offered by the Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning;

(n)  To advise on matters relating to the policy and strategy underpinning the production of the student Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR).

2.  Membership 2016/17


That the Senate, at its meeting on 12 October 2015, resolved that the membership of the Board of Undergraduate Studies for the academic year 2016/17 be as follows:

- Chair Professor Roger Leng

- Two full-time members of the academic Staff from each of the Faculties of Arts, Science and Social Sciences appointed by the Senate;

Arts Professor Christopher Mick
Dr Helen Wheatley

Medicine Professor Lesley Roberts
Mr Paul Matthews

Science Dr Andrew Clark
Dr Philip Young

Social Sciences Ms Elizabeth Harrison
Dr Juliet Raynsford

- One member of the Board of Graduate Studies appointed by the Senate;

Dr Jonathan Pearson

- The Chairs of the Undergraduate Studies Committees of the Boards of the Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences and the Chair of the Sub-Faculty of Science;

Arts Dr Joanne Lee

Science Dr David Britnell

Social Sciences Ms Elizabeth Jones

- One member of staff appointed by and from the Centre for Lifelong Learning;

Dr Fergus McKay

- Two members nominated by the Union of Students;

Hope Worsdale


The appointment of a Deputy Chair of the Board.

3.  Freedom of Information


(a)  That the Steering Committee, at its meeting on 29th October 2007, considered a paper outlining how the Freedom of Information Act 2000 applies to the publication of minutes of University bodies together with the University Publication Scheme adopted by the Steering Committee in December 2003 (paper SC 60/07-08), and resolved that a standard item be included on the agenda of the first meeting of each University committee at the start of each academic year to inform new members and to remind continuing members of the University policy on the publication of minutes.

(b)  That all non-reserved minutes and agendas of the Board are published on the University’s Governance website at

4.  Conflicts of Interest


That, should any members or attendees of the Board have any conflicts of interest relating to agenda items for the meeting, they should be declared in accordance with the CUC Guide for Members of Higher Education Governing Bodies in the UK.

(Available online from

5.  Minutes


The minutes of the meeting held on 31 May 2016

6.  Matters Arising on the Minutes

(a)  Working Group on Scaling (minute 30(a)/15-16 refers)


A paper from the Chair (BUGS 1/16-17) on Proposed Guidance on Scaling, as considered by the Working Group and submitted to QAWG on 20 October 2016. (QAWG minutes currently unavailable.)

(b)  SSLC Undergraduate Annual Report (minute 30(b)/15-16 refers)


That as its meeting 13 June 2016, the Academic Standards and Quality resolved that the proposed clarification of Regulation 36.3 (BUGS 17/15-16 refers) be supported in principle but that it be considered at the next meeting of the Board of Graduate Studies. (AQSC minute 91/15-16 refers.)

(c)  Working Group on 17-point Marking Scale (minute 30(c)/15-16 refers)


A paper from the Chair (QAWG 5/16-17) on proposals from the Working Group, submitted to QAWG on 20 October 2016.


That at its meeting on 20 October 2016, QAWG recommended that the proposals as outlined in QAWG 5/16-17 be implemented with effect from the 17-18 academic year. (QAWG minutes currently unavailable.)

(d)  New Courses of Study (minute 31/15-16 refers)

(i) BA Politics and International Studies with Chinese (minute 31(c)/15-16 refers)


That the Chair, acting on behalf of the Board, has approved this proposal following the confirmation and clarification required by the Board.

(ii)  BSc Psychology with Intercalated Year (minute 31(e)/15-16 refers)


That this course proposal has been resubmitted for consideration and is included
at item 10 below.

(e)  Restructured Courses (minute 32/15-16 refers)

Graduate Diploma in History of Art (minute 32(a)/15-16)


That the Chair, acting on behalf of the Board, has approved this proposal following the clarifications required by the Board.

(f)  Feedback on Examinations (minute 34/15-16 refers)


That at its meeting on 13 June 2016, the Academic Quality and Standards Committee (AQSC) discussed the provision of feedback on examinations and recommended to Senate the following:

(i)  That feedback on examinations be provided to all students to apply to examinations taken during 2016/17 and that this could take the form either of feedback to individuals or to cohorts;

(ii)  That academic departments be offered the following options for implementing this requirement:

(iii)  Departments already providing feedback on examinations should continue with current practice;

(iv)  Either the pro-forma template set out in Paper AQSC.44/15-16 or an adapted version could be implemented for feedback to cohorts;

(v)  Departments could propose alternative mechanisms for feedback on examinations, appropriate to their context and discipline;

(vi)  That, where departments proposed using alternative mechanisms for providing feedback on examinations, these be approved by a working group of the Committee;

(vii)  That the method of providing feedback on examinations be clearly communicated to students.

(AQSC minute 88(h-k)/15-16 refers.)


An oral report from the Chair updating the Board on further considerations by AQSC at its meeting on 27 October 2016. (AQSC minutes currently unavailable.)

7.  *Outcomes of the National Student Survey (NSS) 2016


An oral report from the Senior Assistant Registrar (Teaching Quality) on the outcomes of the NSS, as set out in paper BUGS 2/16-17{Restricted}.

8.  Proofreading Policy


An oral report from the Senior Assistant Registrar (Graduate School) identifying the approaches currently adopted across the Sector and a proposing a Proofreading Policy, as set out in paper BGS 5/16-17.

9.  Chair’s Business

(a)  Directors of Undergraduate Studies lunch - Autumn Term


An oral report from the Chair on the Directors of Undergraduate Studies lunch, held on 18 October 2016.

(b)  Receipt and scrutiny of expert reports relating to disability


An oral report from the Chair on a potential working group to consider matters affecting the receipt and scrutiny of expert reports relating to disability.

(c)  Plagiarism Working Group


An oral report from the Chair on the business of the Teaching Quality Working Group on Plagiarism.

(d)  Academic Governance


An oral report from the Chair on the forthcoming review of academic governance.

(e)  Directors of Undergraduate Studies lunch - Spring Term


That the Directors of Undergraduate Studies spring term lunch will take place on Tuesday 14 March 2017, from 12 noon to 13:45 pm, in room CMR 1.0, University House.

10.  New Courses of Study


(a)  Department of Psychology

The recommendation of the undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Science, from its meeting on 26 October 2016, that the proposal to introduce a BSc Psychology with Intercalated Year, as set out in paper SUGS 10/16-17, be approved.

(b)  School of Engineering

The recommendation of the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Science, from its meeting on 26 October 2016, that the proposal to introduce a new degree stream BEng/MEng Electrical and Electronics Engineering, as set out in paper SUGS 12/16-17, be approved.

(c)  Department of Politics and International Studies

The recommendation of the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences, from its meeting on 18 October 2016, that the proposal to introduce a BA in Politics, Philosophy and Law, as set out in papers UFSS 9(a-e)/16-17, be approved.

(d)  School of Modern Languages and Cultures

(i)  The recommendation of the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Arts, from its meeting on 18 October 2016, that the proposal to introduce a BA Honours degree in Hispanic Studies and History, as set out in paper BUGS 3/16-17, be approved.

(ii) The recommendation of the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Arts, from its meeting on 18 October 2016, that the proposal to introduce the below courses, as set out in paper AUSC 6/16-17, be approved.

a.  BA Honours degree in French and Theatre Studies

b.  BA Honours degree in Italian and Theatre Studies,

(f)  Department of Film and Television Studies

The recommendation of the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Arts, from its meeting on 18 October 2016, that the proposal to introduce a BA Honours degree in Film Studies with Year Abroad, as set out in paper AUSC 5/16-17, be approved.

11.  SSLC Undergraduate Annual Report


A report from the Education Officer of Warwick Students’ Union, compiled from the annual reports and minutes of all University SSLCs during the academic year 2015/16. (BUGS 4/16-17 to follow.)

12.  Undergraduate External Examiner Reports 2015-16


(a)  The report of the sub-groups of the Board, at meetings held on 4th and 8th November 2016, summarising key points and matters for further action and enquiry arising from their consideration of Undergraduate External Examiners’ Reports for 2015/16 (paper BUGS 5/16-17 to follow).

(b)  An interim thematic report arising from the Undergraduate External Examiners’ Reports for 2015-16 (paper BUGS 6/16-17 refers).

(c)  External Examiner’s Report for IATL Interdisciplinary Modules for 2015/16 (paper BUGS 7/16-17 to follow).

13.  First Year Board of Examiners


That at its meeting on 25 October 2016, the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences recommended:

(i)  That the Board of Undergraduate Studies consider the introduction of a requirement for University overseas examination venues to scan examination scripts and submit them to the University electronically prior to the hard copy originals being sent by courier;

(ii)  That, should the scanning and electronic submission of scripts be impossible, the Board of Undergraduate Studies reconsider the desirability of operating University overseas examination venues for September examination period, noting the possible impact of delays in the delivery of exam scripts to markers.

(UFSS unconfirmed minute 6/16-17 refers.)

14.  HEAR – Section 6.1 Additional Information


(a)  An application from the School of Law for the inclusion of the Character and Ethics in Legal Practice Certificate in Section 6.1 of the HEAR, as outlined in paper BUGS 8/16-17.

(b)  An oral report from the Chair, on:

(i)  His rejection of an application from Warwick Volunteers to reduce the number of hours volunteering from 20 to 10 to qualify for inclusion in Section 6.1 HEAR

(ii)  The need to review existing activities to ensure parity and consider the need for an extra criteria to be added to the Overarching Principles to address the matter of ‘weighting’.

15.  New Course Approval Process update


(a)  A report from the Assistant Registrar (Learning & Teaching), outlining the current situation with regard to the implementation of the revised course approval process (paper QAWG 7a/16-17 refers).

(b)  A report from the Assistant Registrar (Learning & Teaching), outlining the current situation with regard to the makeup of scrutiny panels within the revised course approval process (paper QAWG 7b/16-17 refers).