Teacher: Karen Anderson Week of: November 6 Subject: Spanish 2 Period: 1st & 2nd periods subject to change as needed

MON / College Experience/College Tour / #1-Interpersonal Mode – communicate and share on familiar topics with a variety of words, phrases, and simple sentences. / Students that are present may play scattegories or use it as a study hall or complete make-up work.
Seniors are on a field trip to Faulkner University today. Leaving at 8:00 / Review notes / ·  Teacher observation
·  Classroom participation
TUE / Movie and art vocabulary and ER & IR Preterite verbs / #1-Interpersonal Mode – communicate and share on familiar topics with a variety of words, phrases, and simple sentences. / Go over p. 23 er/ir preterite verbs
Workbooks pages 117-119 – practice the new vocabulary the and new verbs / Review notes / ·  Teacher observation
·  Classroom participation
·  worksheets
WED / Movie and art vocabulary and ER & IR Preterite verbs / #1-Interpersonal Mode – communicate and share on familiar topics with a variety of words, phrases, and simple sentences. / Complete p. 123 as practice of er & ir verbs
Quiz er & ir preterite verbs / Review notes / ·  Teacher observation
·  Classroom participation
·  quiz
THUR / Movie and art vocabulary and ER & IR Preterite verbs
Cultural day / #1-Interpersonal Mode – communicate and share on familiar topics with a variety of words, phrases, and simple sentences. / Create a postcard of the things you did last night and the places you went while on vacation – students will use the preterite verbs to create their postcard / Review notes / ·  Teacher observation
·  Classroom participation
·  postcard
I / No School
Veteran’s Day / / Review notes