Short Term Maths plan – ‘L3C – L4+ Set’ HA Maths

Week Beginning: 17th June 2013 Symmetry

J / L / J / L
To understand that 'percentage' means the 'number of parts per 100'; find percentages of whole number quantities, using a calculator where appropriate / To know how to identify, create and talk about repeating geometric patterns which show translation, rotational and reflective symmetry.
To understand that tessellation and symmetry is all around us in everyday life.
To understand which shapes tessellate and why, create simple and more complex tessellating patterns and solve a simple problem.
To know how to design and create a tessellation.
TERM: 6 (2nd half) Wk.3
Symmetry Repetition Tessellation Tiling Mirroring
Rotation Translation / TARGET CHD:
Dean, Jimmy, Imogen
MON / Times tables
Counting stick / Brainstorm activity. Using an ordinary whiteboard discover what the children know about symmetry. Ask children to write keywords/draw examples on board.
Recap reflective and rotational symmetry and translation. Demonstrate with sliding model and interactive whiteboard
Show video clip (couple mins) on symmetry.
Video clip of shapes found in architecture.
surface of table. / Collaborative mixed ability paired activity, teams to discover how many patterns can discover around the school. Within School grounds identify and copy designs onto worksheet, with explanation of where found. Few cameras available.
Carpet area for discussion on findings. Introduction to tessellation.
Key Questions
What is it - where found? Why a pattern? What is a tessellating pattern? – (define on board) what is difference between tessellating pattern/ symmetrical pattern? Has anyone found tessellating pattern? Look at shapes/colours.
Slides of Islamic art, Celtic art and artist Escher (to be continued in Art).
Prediction of tessellating shapes, children sort shapes on IWB sorting tree.
Desks group work – (differentiated shapes on desks, for example squares on lower ability). Children have to tile shapes together to see if will tessellate and why. Tessellate / Carpet – feedback from groups to see if predictions on the IWB are the same as what groups discovered.
Discussion to see if children know why particular shapes tessellate or not – (looking at properties of shape). Back up with PowerPoint on tessellation.
Success Criteria
Chd to build own but I have in mind
I will be successful today if:
I can find a tessellating pattern
I can tessellate a shape.
I understand ‘that a tessellating pattern has no gaps.
I can predict what shapes will tessellate.
LV 3 c Demonstrate that a shape has reflection symmetry by folding
LV3b Classify 2D and 3D shapes using mathematical properties E.g. reflective symmetry Recognise shapes with no lines of symmetry
LV4c- Sketch the reflection of a shape in a mirror at any angle to the shape Complete symmetrical patterns with 2 lines of symmetry at right angles
Lv5- · identify all the symmetries of 2-D shapes – find lines of reflection symmetry in shapes and diagrams – recognise order of rotation symmetry · transform shapes – reflect shapes in oblique (45°) mirror lines where the shape either does not touch the mirror line, or where the shape crosses the mirror line – reflect shapes not presented on grids, by measuring perpendicular distances to/from the mirror – reflect shapes in two mirror lines, where the shape is not parallel or perpendicular to either mirror – rotate shapes, through 90° or 180°, when the centre of rotation is a vertex of the shape, and recognise such rotations – translate shapes along an oblique line
TUES / Countdown
Counting stick count in kg, g and ml is steps 0.25 / Challenge game: ‘Tessellating Triangles’
Split class into two mixed ability circles and let children play game, with support if needed. See appendix
Colour triangle group
Number triangle group
Brief recap of yesterday and look at homework. / Look at the shapes that were tessellated yesterday and ask how/why?
Key Understanding
Demonstrate circles on board and ask if tessellate and why/not?
Properties of tessellating shapes – straight edges, fit together
Properties of non-tessellating shapes – circles leave gaps – curved
Introduce angles if able.
Discuss tessellation forms –
Shape: regular/irregular (quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons)
Breaking shapes up/slicing shapes
Multiple shapes and colours
Concepts of shape properties – (polygons)
Task –individually or in pairs (paired for children needing support) cut corners off square, stick on nearest neighbouring corner and tessellate shape. Support children who need it.
Harder challenge- See appendix for instructions. Make animals in squares, draw round template add features, tessellate.
This also aids with concept of irregular shapes – often see regular representations.
Children could use ICT package too. / Look at the tessellations which have been created and discuss whether the square remained a regular shape and what happened when the corners were cut. How has it tessellated?
View children’s designs, ask a couple to show class and discuss what shapes they have used and why it tessellates.
Demonstrate what children have done – how translation is used with the square.
Success Criteria
Chd to build own
But I have in mind …
I will be successful today if:
I can solve a simple tessellation problem.
I understand how a shape can tessellate.
I can create a simple tessellation. / Diff Activities
Individual task: Squared paper template (appendix ) blank tessellating pattern. Children can colour in tessellating pattern or picture using more than 4 colours.
Children can also find lines of symmetry, colour in symmetrical shapes, rotational symmetry.
Squared paper
LV 3 c Demonstrate that a shape has reflection symmetry by folding
LV3b Classify 2D and 3D shapes using mathematical properties E.g. reflective symmetry Recognise shapes with no lines of symmetry
LV4c- Sketch the reflection of a shape in a mirror at any angle to the shape Complete symmetrical patterns with 2 lines of symmetry at right angles
Lv5- · identify all the symmetries of 2-D shapes – find lines of reflection symmetry in shapes and diagrams – recognise order of rotation symmetry · transform shapes – reflect shapes in oblique (45°) mirror lines where the shape either does not touch the mirror line, or where the shape crosses the mirror line – reflect shapes not presented on grids, by measuring perpendicular distances to/from the mirror – reflect shapes in two mirror lines, where the shape is not parallel or perpendicular to either mirror – rotate shapes, through 90° or 180°, when the centre of rotation is a vertex of the shape, and recognise such rotations – translate shapes along an oblique line
WED / Sequences and repeated number sequences- answers on individual whiteboards
– speed. / Discuss problems arisen from task /

To create a roman mosaic for display with a tessellating pattern.

Demonstrate some mosaics. Explain will be doing underwater theme.
Let the children make their own fish and other shapes to tessellate. Allow the children to use different materials. Ensure shapes are cut accurately.
Some children will work on the squares for the blue background and some can do the more difficult shapes (differentiate).
Designs all placed together to tessellate.
( See Appendix for finished mosaic mural idea) / Assessment Game – Who wants to be a tessellation millionaire? Tessellation questions covering past 3 days
Success Criteria
Chd to build own
I will be successful today if:
I can design and create my own tessellating pattern to join with another and create a mural. / Diff Activities
See above
LV 3 c Demonstrate that a shape has reflection symmetry by folding
LV3b Classify 2D and 3D shapes using mathematical properties E.g. reflective symmetry Recognise shapes with no lines of symmetry
LV4c- Sketch the reflection of a shape in a mirror at any angle to the shape Complete symmetrical patterns with 2 lines of symmetry at right angles
Lv5- · identify all the symmetries of 2-D shapes – find lines of reflection symmetry in shapes and diagrams – recognise order of rotation symmetry · transform shapes – reflect shapes in oblique (45°) mirror lines where the shape either does not touch the mirror line, or where the shape crosses the mirror line – reflect shapes not presented on grids, by measuring perpendicular distances to/from the mirror – reflect shapes in two mirror lines, where the shape is not parallel or perpendicular to either mirror – rotate shapes, through 90° or 180°, when the centre of rotation is a vertex of the shape, and recognise such rotations – translate shapes along an oblique line
Success Criteria
Chd to build own
But I have in mind …
LV 3 c Demonstrate that a shape has reflection symmetry by folding
LV3b Classify 2D and 3D shapes using mathematical properties E.g. reflective symmetry Recognise shapes with no lines of symmetry
LV4c- Sketch the reflection of a shape in a mirror at any angle to the shape Complete symmetrical patterns with 2 lines of symmetry at right angles
Lv5- · identify all the symmetries of 2-D shapes – find lines of reflection symmetry in shapes and diagrams – recognise order of rotation symmetry · transform shapes – reflect shapes in oblique (45°) mirror lines where the shape either does not touch the mirror line, or where the shape crosses the mirror line – reflect shapes not presented on grids, by measuring perpendicular distances to/from the mirror – reflect shapes in two mirror lines, where the shape is not parallel or perpendicular to either mirror – rotate shapes, through 90° or 180°, when the centre of rotation is a vertex of the shape, and recognise such rotations – translate shapes along an oblique line
Success Criteria
Diff Activities
LV 3 c Demonstrate that a shape has reflection symmetry by folding
LV3b Classify 2D and 3D shapes using mathematical properties E.g. reflective symmetry Recognise shapes with no lines of symmetry
LV4c- Sketch the reflection of a shape in a mirror at any angle to the shape Complete symmetrical patterns with 2 lines of symmetry at right angles
Lv5- · identify all the symmetries of 2-D shapes – find lines of reflection symmetry in shapes and diagrams – recognise order of rotation symmetry · transform shapes – reflect shapes in oblique (45°) mirror lines where the shape either does not touch the mirror line, or where the shape crosses the mirror line – reflect shapes not presented on grids, by measuring perpendicular distances to/from the mirror – reflect shapes in two mirror lines, where the shape is not parallel or perpendicular to either mirror – rotate shapes, through 90° or 180°, when the centre of rotation is a vertex of the shape, and recognise such rotations – translate shapes along an oblique line