\Name______Period ______

AP World History, Chapter 7 Reading Guide #2 P. 167-180

Note Cards:


Borrowed from Mr. Walker

·  Umayyad Empire (describe and explain)

·  Cops

·  Nestorians

·  Battle of Siffin

·  Mu’awiya

·  Sunnis

·  Shi’a

·  Karbala

·  Damascus

·  Mawali

·  Jizya

·  Dhimmi

·  Hadiths

·  Abbasid Empire (describe and explain)

·  Battle of the River Zab

·  Baghdad

·  Dhows


Borrowed from Mr. Walker

1.  How did the Muslims defeat the Sasanian Empire of Persia? Pg. 167-168

2.  What success did the Muslims have against the Byzantine Empire and what were some of the reasons for this success? Pg. 168-169

3.  What were the two main camps that battled for control of Islam after the murder of the caliph Uthman? Pg. 169

4.  Describe the Muslim conquests between the mid-600’s and the mid-700’s. Pg. 169-170

5.  Describe the efforts to separate Muslims and their subjects during the Umayyad empire. Pg. 170

6.  What were the Mawali, and what was their life like during the Umayyad empire? Pg. 170

7.  Who were the people of the book? Pg. 170

8.  Describe the tolerance of other religions by the Umayyad empire. Pg. 170

9.  Describe the social structure in the Umayyad empire. Pgs. 170-171

10.  Describe the treatment of women in the Muslim faith. Pgs. 170-171

11.  What were some of the causes for rebellion against the Umayyads? Pgs. 171-173

12.  How did the Abbasids end (for the most part) the rule of the Umayyads? Pgs. 173

(Read Thinking Historically: Civilization and Gender Relationships. Pg. 172-173)

13.  Compare the position of upper-class women in classical Indian, Chinese, Greek, and Roman societies with Islamic society. (Article)






14.  How did the Abbasid organize their newly won empire? Pgs. 174-175

15.  How did the policy change the Abbasids initiated to actively seek converts drastically change Islam? Pg. 175

16.  What were some of the advantages of converting to Islam under new Abbasid policies? Pg. 175

17.  Describe the growth of the power, wealth and corruption of the Abbasid caliphate. Pgs. 175-179

18.  What were some of the causes and effects of the merchant activity under the Abbasid caliphate? Pgs. 175-179

19.  Describe the organization and production of the handicraft industries in the Abbasid empire. Pgs. 175-179

(Read Visualizing the Past: The Mosque as a Symbol of Islamic Civilization. Pg. 176-177)

20.  What do the design and decoration of Muslim mosques tell us about the Islamic view of a supreme being? (Article)

21.  Describe the Christian and Jewish influence found in the mosque design. (Article)

Read Document: The Thousand and One Nights as a Mirror of Elite Society in the Abbasid Era. Pg 178)

22.  What objects are key symbols of wealth in Abbasid society? (Article)

23.  Describe the life of an unskilled laborer. Pgs. 179

24.  Which groups mad up the countryside dwellers? Pg. 179

25.  What were some of the Muslim contributions to art, architecture, science, mathematics and learning? Pg. 179

26.  Why according to Stearns was the rise of the Islamic civilization from the 7th to 9th centuries unprecedented? Do you agree? Why or why not? Pgs. 180


Borrowed from Mr. Walker