Telegraph Hill Assembly - Action Plan 2011 Onwards

(Version 5 August 2011)

This action plan reflects the Telegraph Hill Assembly’s priority areas identified through Assembly meetings and via outreach to local groups and individuals. The 5 areas identified are:

1.  Youth activities and support projects

2.  Community activities

3.  Safety, crime and anti-social behaviour

4.  Cleaning up dirty streets

5.  Traffic calming and transport

1. Youth Activities and Support Projects

The Assembly ranked the objectives for this priority in order of importance at the meeting on 17 May 2011.

Objective 1 - Healthy children and young people

Ideas / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with?
Healthy Cooking Classes for young people and growing food / Asked Ade and BHC 28/4 re Somerville/Kender
Accredited cooking already in place at Honor Oak Youth Club)
Ask LBL Youth Office to maintain /offer further funds.
Get local residents to offer displays/skills training e.g. chefs, vegetable carvers / High 5 programme &
Building Healthier Communities (BHC)
Honor Oak Youth Club
LBL Youth Office
Local residents as mentors/skills exchange
Football and boxing mobile unit that travels to different community centres running same course / Youth teams in place on Honor Oak (run by Errol Sessional youth worker /Mad about Footbball)
Taster sessions elsewhere in ward led by ‘Mad about Football’(Errol’s group with links to Crystal Palace FC)
Aim at ward-wide league team
Develop links to related training & jobs e.g. coaching
Taster sessions in boxing & sparing & kick boxing in dedicated space / Football cages =Edmund Waller, Crossways, Kender school, Somerville Cage
Boxing = Double Jab – New Cross
Charlie Eve – Ask Dana youth worker
Paul Rose Kickboxing
Young persons gym and outdoor gym / Progress of outdoor gym equipment (Oliver)? / Youth Club and Residents Group Community Centre HO PMC
Outdoor Gym – Oliver
Coaching - Table tennis,
Tennis, Badminton / Youth workers to check interest of young people &
Assembly to fund taster sessions across ward if interest exists
Check dedicated clubs available to refer on yp / Neighbourhood Youth providers
Specialist providers (dedicated clubs)
Build a Bike Course / Check what bike project exist in Lewisham / Bike projects
Cycle clubs
Young people help and teach each other at skate area / TH Skate events / SPAG – skate area to be built in TH Park from Sept 2011
Roller Skating / Roller discos popular with yp; aim at regular cross-ward events / Honor Oak Youth Centre
All local youth providers
Day trips and residential health trips / Always popular but costly; local fund-raising within clubs & shared trips / Local youth providers

Objective 2 - Increase young people’s confidence and life skills

Ideas / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with?
Improve young people’s practical skills / Check YP interest in practical workshops (see above) e.g. woodwork metalwork, DJ skills, cookery, car projects,
decorating apprenticeship scheme
Research existing provision /facilities to share/widen use / Honor Oak Adventure PG Community Members Faith Groups Leaders
Youth Service
Somerville Adventure PG
Ilderton car project has a new project – Gerry Devine
Use older people in the community and their skills as tutors
Young people as mentor s e.g, DJ skills exchange
Young people to support or share skills with each other / Older Young people as mentors to young people
Share skills e.g. DJ skills (see above) / SLAM
Local Youth Projects
Youth Service
Improve young peoples financial literacy (budgeting/money management) / Hold money advice sessions within clubs / Credit Unions
New Money Advice scheme
Presentation skills (how to talk to people) / Part of job skills training / Job Clubs
Youth employment schemes
Support Cared For and Young People living alone in ward / Need strategy to contact & involve / Thames Reach
Housing Providers
Youth work providers

Objective 3 - Increase young people’s educational and employment opportunities

Idea / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with?
Support 16-22 yr olds into further /higher education/
training and work / Find out about support available on business, education, jobs & work experience, future aspirations and mentoring. CV’s & job applications.
Interview Techniques
Someone to help write a life plan.
Apprenticeships / 170 to work
Hyde / Lewisham Homes
Youth service /providers
Hatfield training
Education Business Partnership (EBP)
Sommerville Adventure
Job Centre Plus
We Care
SLAM make a buck course
Malachi mentoring
Haberdashers 6th Form
Julian Sanchez recommended to support CV and Job Application
Complimentary support for 5-16 yrs / Find out about Homework clubs & local Saturday Schools / Honor Oak after school club closing
Telegraph Hill Centre Saturday School
Youth volunteers / Link to SPICE – see below / SPICE

Objective 4 – Creative Young People

Ideas / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with?
Drama / singing projects / Find out what exists & signpost yp with particular interests / skills / Local Sing Out Choir – Christine Bisatt
Lewisham Youth Theatre
Dance project / Always popular – local initiatives and signpost to more advanced support / Darren Shaw – on contact sheet
Street Dance (at All Saints)
Digital photography classes & film projects / Facilities at Honor Oak Youth Centre could be shared / Local youth providers incl. Honor Oak & MOY
Link to football initiative (see above)
MC Battles against other youth clubs (rapping) / Youth providers say ‘take care’ – can be dangerous (gangs / hostility to other young people) / Youth providers
Science Competitions / ? not feasible
Design / fashion / Possible shared development project leading to ward talent show / Local youth work providers

Objective 5 - Improve opportunities for social and informal education opportunities

Ideas / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with?
Set up a community charity shop around New Cross / Kender Triangle / Project group meeting - need a shop front / Local businesses
170 to work; Hyde Housing
Somerville A; Ministry of Youth
Lewisham Council (voids)
More Friday evening activities / In place at Honor Oak
In place at Somerville AP but £ ends August 2011 / Local youth groups
Children in Need application?
Support Ministry of Youth to keep going / Check needs / Dan MOY
170 Centre
Support provision of a youth club in the Telegraph Hill Centre / Use of local volunteers to pass on skills – cooking web design etc / Current volunteers setting up youth club at the Telegraph Hill Centre
Joan M to chase Alvan LBL Youth Office re session youth workers (2 offered for July 15th)
Café for local 11+ teenagers to meet;
Cooking and eating together / Each club to consider within own provision
Joint youth clubs activities / Clubs in joint discussion – see above / Local youth providers
Half term activities
Summer Activities for school age children &
day trips / 2011 provision in place at Honor Oak (3 weeks) & Somerville AP.
Ongoing discussion
To widen provision / Local youth providers.
Fun Day with sports fashion hair and beauty / See above – potential joint activity / Local youth providers
Better access to Askes Greenhouse projects / Jacqui to find out what Askes Greenhouse project is and if available to public
Expand Library project

Objective 6 - Breaking down inter-generational barriers

Ideas / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with?
A volunteering project where young people help older people in their area and are rewarded by vouchers for cinema, food etc. gardening and walking dogs
Young people volunteering to help repair and painting / Link to SPICE Timebank initiative – a future discussion at youth providers meeting / Youth Service/ providers
Sector J Pensioners
We Care
Ageing Well Fun Club
Volunteer Centre Lewisham
Day or evening ‘training’ where older people share their skills and experience organised with youth groups. / Older people to come to Crossways to learn IT skills;
Younger people to go to lunch clubs / Youth Service/ providers
Sector J Pensioners
We Care
Ageing Well Fun Club
All age educational activities to different ages together e.g. Black History Lessons; other local history talks and projects / Identity project already taking place at Honor Oak Club / SLAM
Older peoples groups
Youth providers
Ageing Well Fun Club
Drama projects; dance projects; video projects – confront issues via film/video with all generations / Signpost interested young people to specialist provision; have info available in club settings / Lewisham Youth Theatre
Laban Trinity

Objective 7 – Support Young people away from gangs

Ideas / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with?
Work with young people to divert from gangs
Educate and support about rights and life aspirations / Emailed Karl Parish & Liz Fowler (NCSS) 28/4
Share learning acquired by Second Wave / Youth providers
JAG board on Honor Oak
Second Wave Youth Project – Joan M to contact
Older youths to visit prisons / Not feasible
Workshops on gang violence with ex gang members with focus on how to change way of life and choices / Only feasible as part of specialist provision / Specialist providers?

Objective 8 – Help parents

Ideas / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with?
Support parents to help wellbeing of their children / Parenting skills courses
Parents made more aware how they can support young people / Emailed Sonia Gayle 28/4 / Area 1 Children’s Centres
Volunteers – Doula to help parents
Parent support Groups

Objective 9 - Facilities for young children - under 8s

Ideas / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with?
Sandpit for small children in ward. / Advertise facility in Hatcham Park. Kender St / Emailed Lewisham Homes 26/4 / Lewisham Homes, Hyde, Residents
Greenspace (parks)

2. Community Activities

The Assembly ranked the objectives for this priority in order of importance at the meeting on 17 May 2011.

Objective 1 - New ideas to meet community need

Ideas / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with?
Support a community greengrocers on New Cross one way / Community meeting held (Cllr Paul Bell to attend) / NX Fruit Stall (Bridget Kombe)
Transition New Cross
Bold Vision
Café in Park
Support the internet café for residents of Honor Oak Estate. / David (We Care) to provide details / We Care, Honor Oak PMC
Housing bodies (Family Mosiac& Lewisham Homes)
Encourage volunteering in the area e.g. Time Banking Project / Telegraph Hill is pilot area for SPICE initiative – need info at ward assembly / Lewisham Volunteer Centre
Community groups
Support community allotment projects / Temporary use of Besson Street site? / Sandbourne Road scheme /Bold Vision
Bold Vision as an example of ‘incubator group’ i.e.shelter local projects until independent
More adventure playgrounds / Have 2 in ward – need to support; unrealsitic to set up more in current financial climate / Honor Oak & Somerville AP

Objective 2 - Bring local communities together

Ideas / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with?
Community –wide events / July 2nd Come and See Day / Local community centres and groups
Fashion show in National costume / See youth section
More activities run from local community centres / Honor Oak Community Centre PMC, Barnes Wallis
Lancester Way TRA
Telegraph Hill Centre
Film nights e.g. park in the Summer
Encourage volunteering / SPICE
Presentation by VCL at July 2011 ward assembly / SPICE
Volunteer Centre Lewisham
Link adventure playgrounds to play tournament, have competitions and socialise / See youth section
Film making projects to make the community feel positive about their area / MOY film
July 2nd film
BBQ Street Party / Organised by street residents on Big Lunch day / Big Lunch
LBL Events team
Broader, more inclusive activities engaging everyone young and old
Fundraisers / Promote / help advertise local fund-raising events done by local groups
Increase bee keeping / Hives at Besson Street Gardens; courses available

Objective 3 - People better informed about activities in the ward

Ideas / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with?
Open days / July 2nd Come and LOOK event / Community groups; Youth service
Children’s Centres
Community Centres
Schools; Kender TRA; HOTRA
Street / tree notice boards / Increase community notice boards on estates & in streets / Lewisham Homes
LBL Planning
Central point for information in each area
- local directory of activities - handbook for area / July 2nd directory
Explore Streetlife (Jacqui) / Community groups; Youth service
Children’s Centres, Community Centres
Schools; Kender TRA; HOTRA
Get Hilly Telegraph and Gatepost to circulate ward-wide
Use Facebook and Twitter

Objective 4 - Maximise local opportunities for older residents

Ideas / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with?
More activities for older people at the community centres e.g. Afternoon teas, soup kitchen, bingo / Help spread JOY (Just Older Youth) self-organised activities across ward / Somerville – Aunty Waverleys soup kitchen
Honor Oak
Tel Hill
Support older people to find employment / Sign post
Encourage volunteering / 170 to work
Hyde / Lewisham Homes
Hatfield training
Job Centre Plus

Objective 5 - Promote healthy communities

Ideas / Actions / Time frame and progress / How will we measure success? / Who will we work with?
Tai Chi / Provided by JOY / JOY
Honor Oak?
Community Walks / Provided by JOY / JOY
Community Groups
Seated exercise classes / Provided by JOY / JOY
Honor Oak medical centre
Line Dancing / Provided by JOY / JOY
Honor Oak
Sporting Activities for young and old provide instructors / See youth section / Community Centres
Youth Centres
Parks and pitches
Outdoor Gym / Progress? – check with Oliver
Honor Oak – Simon Smith
Athletics training – running / Sign post to athletics clubs

3. Safety, Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour