No. F 092.22/135

Supporting documents for each category of National Visas


A.1 Employment

A.2 Special purpose employees

A.2.1 Board members, shareholders, managers, legal representatives and senior executives (general directors, directors) of companies established in Greece

A.2.2 Employees of domestic companies having a service or project contract concluded with a foreign company, to promote their products and provide technical support to foreign companies and consumers

A.2.3. Persons employed as legal representatives, directors, managers and employees in companies, under special bilateral agreements or upon recommendation from the competent Greek authorities

A.2.4. Directors, business and technical company executives engaged in underwater research, drilling and extraction of hydrocarbons

A.2.5 Employees and legal representatives working in shipping, commercial and industrial, construction and other undertakings

A.2.6 Technical personnel employed in factories or mines under Compulsory Law 448/1968

A.2.7 Athletes - coaches of sports recognized by the Greek sports authorities

A.2.8 Creators (particularly authors, writers, directors, painters, sculptors, actors, musicians, singers, choreographers and stage designers)

A.2.9 Ministers of a known religion

A.2.10 Foreign Press correspondents

A.2.11. Members of foreign schools of archaeology, the scientific activity of which is under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture and Sports

A.2.12 Teachers of minority schools in Thrace and foreign schools operating under permission of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs

A.2.13. Assistants for disabled persons entering the country to develop a strategic investment

A.3 Investment Activity

A.3.1 Investors (investments amounting to at least 250.000 euros)

A.3.2 Managerial staff, financial and legal advisors, experts and middle managers, skilled employees or technical staff engaged at the implementation stage of an investment

A.3.3 Strategic Investors

A.3.4 Staff to be employed in a strategic investment

A.4. Highly qualified employ - «Blue Card» 108

Β) TEMPORARY residence (over three months, less than one year)

B.1 Seasonal Employment (NEW 1.9.2015)

B.2 Fishermen

B.3 Members of artistic groups

B.4 Third - country nationals moving from an undertaking established in a EU Member State or the European Economic Area (EEA) with the purpose of providing services

B.5 Third - country nationals moving from an undertaking established in a third country with the purpose of providing services

B.6 Leaders of organized tourist groups (Tour - leaders)

B.7 Sports preparation

B.8 Third - country nationals, tertiary education students, participating in remunerated traineeship programs


C.2 Public interest

C.2.1 Members of diplomatic and consular authorities and international organizations under appointment, as well as their spouses and children aged up to 20 years


C.3.1 Financially independent persons

C.3.2 Owners and prospect real estate property investors (NEW 30.09.2015)

C.3.3 Adult, aged over 20 years of age, children of members of the diplomatic, administrative and technical staff of a diplomatic mission or consular officers and special consular employees

C.3.4 Dependent family members, lineal ascendants of members of the diplomatic, administrative and technical staff of a diplomatic mission or consular officers and special consular employees

C.3.5 Private servants to members of diplomatic missions

C.3.6 Study or acquaintance with the Mount Athos monastic life

C.3.7 Acquaintance with the monastic life or monasticism.

C.3.8 Attendance at pilot training schools, operating under the approval of the Civil Aviation Authority - Joint Ministerial Decision No. 49122/30.9.2014.

C.3.9 Attendance of musical education institutes recognized by the State, which have concluded a cooperation agreement with foreign higher education institutes (HEI), recognized by our Country (Joint Ministerial Decision no. 261221/15 / 16.09. 2015).


D.1 Studies

D.2 Voluntary services 160

D.3 Research

D.3.1 Researchers

D.4 Vocational training - special programs (Articles 44 - 48)

D.4.1 Vocational training 166

D.4.2 Scholars

D.4.3 Participation in special programs

D.4.4 Military training schools

D.4.5 Acquisition of a medical speciality

D.4.6 Attendance at the Athonias Ecclesiastical Academy of Mount Athos


F.1 Administrative «Family Reunification» process: Establishment of a family relationship and issuance of an visa for reuniting family members of third - country nationals.

F.1.a. Establishment of a family relationship

F.1.b. Visa for family members of third - country nationals

F.2.6 Reunification of family members of returnees, repatriates or expatriates, holders of Expatriate Special Identity Cards

F.2.6 Reunification of family members of returnees, repatriates or expatriates, holders of Expatriate Special Identity Cards

F.2.7. Expatriates from Albania and their family members

F.2.8 Expatriates from Turkey and members of their families


G.1 Humanitarian reasons: Minors, placed under the custody, by means of a Greek or foreign court judgment, recognized by the Greek authorities, of families of non EU/EEA nationals having a permanent residence in the country or under adoption proceedings.

G.2 Humanitarian reasons: Minors accommodated in boarding schools, operating under the supervision of the competent Ministries.


A.1 Employment

Non EU/EEA nationals wishing to work in Greece undercontract, with a specific employer and for a specific reason as provided in articles 11, 12 και 15 of law Ν. 4251/2014, may be granted, after an interview, a national visawith the indication in the field “REMARKS”of the visa sticker, «A.1 Paid employment» after submitting with their application the following:

  • The relevant Approval of the Coordinator of the Decentralized Administration, for employment withone specific employer. The above approval is based on a Joint Ministerial Decision, issued every second year, in accordance with Article 11 of Law 4251/2014 and sets the maximum number of jobsoffered to third - country nationals, by Region and faculty.
  • A certified copy of a valid labour contract[1]with a duration of at least one year in Greece, ratified by a public authority, providing that his/her salary is at least equal to the monthly remuneration paid to unskilled workers[2], as well as the terms of employment.
  • The general supporting documents (application, valid travel document, criminal record, medical certificate, health insurance).) .

The competent Greek consular authority invites non EU/EEA nationals, for whom alabour approval has been issued. Applicants must appear in person to sign the labour contract and obtain the national visa. If admission conditions are not met by the applicant or the necessary supporting documents are not submitted, the consular authority should reject the application and provide the applicant with a written refusal note of the application.

A.2 Special purpose employees

The category of special purpose employees includes nationals wishing to enter and settle in Greece under a special law, bilateral agreements or to serve the public interest, culture, sports and the national economy.

A.2.1 Board members, shareholders, managers, legal representatives and senior executives (general directors, directors) of companies established in Greece

As providedin par. 1, (a), Article 17 of Law4251/2014, and par.(22), Article 8 of Law4332/2015non EU/EEA nationals, Board members, shareholders, managers, legal representatives and senior executives (general directors, directors) of domestic companies and affiliate companies established in Greece and branches of foreign companies engaged in legitimate commercial activities in Greece,may be granted, after an interview, a national visa with the indication in the field “REMARKS”of the visa sticker «A.2.1 Executives of companies established in Greece»,provided they submit to the competent consular authority the following supporting documents:

  • A copy of the Government Gazette incorporating or establishing an affiliate company or a branch of a foreign company engaged in commercial activities in Greece, from which the their appointment or election shall be evident or
  • A copy of the company’sstatute or
  • A copy of the decision of thecompany, with regard to their position as Board members or managers or legal representatives or senior executives (general directors or directors)or
  • A copy of the statute of the company and a recent certificate on the shareholding structure of the company and a confirmation regarding the registered office of the foreign company, if not apparent from the foregoing, in the case of affiliate companies, pursuant to the provisions of Article 42e, par. 5 of Law 2190/1920.
  • A copy of the Government Gazette on the incorporation or establishment of a domestic company engaged in commercial activity in Greece, proving their appointment or election and
  • A copy of the company’s list of staff, for domestic companies, proving that the company already hasat least 25 employees (par. 22, article 8 of Law 4332/2015).
  • The general supporting documents (application, valid travel document, criminal record, medical certificate, health insurance).).

The applicantsmay be accompanied or followed by their family members[3], provided that their subsistence and health care expenses will not burden the Greek national welfare system and provided they are granted, following an interview, a national visa with the indication in the field “REMARKS”of the visa sticker, the reference «F.1. Family members of third - country nationals».The visa may be granted upon the submission of the following supporting documents:

  • A family status certificate issued by the local competent authorities, proving family relationship.
  • The general supporting documents (application, valid travel document, criminal record, medical certificate, health insurance).).

A.2.2 Employees of domestic companies having a service or project contract concluded with a foreign company, to promote their products and provide technical support to foreign companies and consumers

As providedin par. 1(d), Article 17 of Law4251/2014non EU/EEA nationals, Employees of domestic companies having a service or project contract concluded with a foreign company, to promote their products and provide technical support to foreign companies and consumersmay be granted national visa with the indication in the field “REMARKS” of the visa sticker the reference «A.2.2 Employees of domestic companies established in Greece», provided they submit to the competent consular authority the following supporting documents:

  • Aneducational experience or supporting documents proving a two-year experience, to the subject of the company, as described in the labour contract (except of the case where the companyhas at least fifty (50) local employees). In this case, a copy of the company’s list of staff is required, proving that the company already has at least fifty (50) national employees.
  • A labour contractwith the employment period, the purpose of the employment and his/her monthly remuneration. The contract should clearly mention the date of issue, as well as the position, signatures and names of the employer and the employee.
  • The general supporting documents (application, valid travel document, criminal record, medical certificate, health insurance).).

The applicants may be accompanied or followed by their family members, provided that their subsistence and health care expenses will not burden the Greek national welfare system and provided they are granted, following an interview, a national visa with the indication in the field “REMARKS”of the visa sticker, the reference «F.1. Family members of third - country nationals».The visa may be granted upon the submission of the following supporting documents:

  • A family status certificate issued by the local competent authorities, proving family relationship.
  • The general supporting documents (application, valid travel document, criminal record, medical certificate, health insurance).).

A.2.3. Persons employed as legal representatives, directors, managers and employees in companies, under special bilateral agreementsor upon recommendation from the competent Greek authorities

As providedin par. 1, (b), Article 17 of Law 4251/201476, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Decision No.A.F.3497.3/AP24245/Government Gazette No. 1820, Series B’, 3.7.2014, and the Joint Ministerial DecisionNo. 30825/Government Gazette No. 1528, Series B’, 6.6.2014, non EU/EEA nationals, employees in companies (legal representatives, directors, business managerial staff and employees) who wish to enter the country under special bilateral agreements or uponrecommendation from the competent Greek authorities, may be granted, following an interview, a national visa indicating, in the field “REMARKS” of the visa sticker, the reference «A.2.3 Executives and Employees of Companies Based on Special Agreements», provided they submit to the competent consular authority the following supporting documents:

76 Law 4251/2014 (Government Gazette No. 80, Series A’, 1.4.2014).

  • Government Gazette ratifying the interstate agreement or
  • A copy of the contract of Greek government with the companyor
  • A recommendation from the competent public authority, public law entity, private law entity or organization on the existence, in the face of the person concerned, of reasons justifying the need for his/her entry and residence in Greece
  • A labour contract for a term of more than six months, indicating the skills and employment term of the third - country national
  • The general supporting documents (application, valid travel document, criminal record, medical certificate, health insurance).).

The abovemay be accompanied or followed by their family members, provided that their subsistence and health care expenses will not burden the Greek national welfare system and provided they are granted, following an interview, a national visa indicating, in the field “REMARKS” of the visa sticker, the reference «F.1. Family members of third - country nationals».The national visa is granted upon presentation of the following supporting documents:

  • A family status certificate issued by the local competent authorities, proving family relationship.
  • The general supporting documents (application, valid travel document, criminal record, medical certificate, health insurance).).

A.2.4. Directors, business and technical company executives engaged in underwater research, drilling and extraction of hydrocarbons

As provided in par. 1, (c), Article 17 of Law 4251/2014, non EU/EEA nationals, managers, business and specialized technicians and executives in underwater research, drilling and extraction of hydrocarbons, may be granted a national visa with the indication in the field “REMARKS”of the visa sticker the reference «A.2.4 Companies Executives Mining Hydrocarbons», provided they submit to the competent consular authority the following supporting documents:

  • A proposal from the Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change to grant a residence permit to the person concerned after examining the applications lodged by the concessionaire, the contractors or the subcontractors,
  • A labour contract
  • The general supporting documents (application, valid travel document, criminal record, medical certificate, health insurance).).

The above may be accompanied or followed by their family members, provided that their subsistence and health care expenses will not burden the Greek national welfare system and provided they are granted, following an interview, a national visa indicating, in the field “REMARKS” of the visa sticker, the reference «F.1. Family members of third - country nationals».The national visa is granted upon presentation of the following supporting documents:

  • A family status certificate issued by the local competent authorities, proving family relationship.
  • The general supporting documents (application, valid travel document, criminal record, medical certificate, health insurance).).

A.2.5 Employees and legal representatives working in shipping, commercial and industrial, construction and other undertakings

As provided in par. 1, (d), Article 17 of Law 4251/2014non EU/EEA nationals, employees and legal representatives employed in undertakings under the provisions of Law 3427/2005 (Government Gazette, Series A’, 312), Law 378/1968 (Government Gazette, Series A’, 82) and Article 25 of Law 27/1975 (Government Gazette, Series A’, 77), as replaced by Article 4 of Law 2234/1994 (Government Gazette, Series A’, 142), as well as in undertakings provided by Legislative Decree 2687/1953 (Government Gazette, Series A’, 317) may be granted, following an interview, a national visa with the indication in the field “REMARKS” of the visa sticker, the reference «A.2.5 Executives and employees of undertakings governed by special laws»,provided they submit to the competent consular authority the following supporting documents:

  • A certificate issued by the Ministry of Shipping and Island Policy, as the case may be, confirming the operation of the undertaking, pursuant to the provisions of Law 3427/05, Compulsory Laws 378/68 and 27/75, as amended, Legislative Decree 2687/1953, as well as Law 2347/05
  • A recent certification issued by the Ministry of Finance or Shipping and the Aegean Sea, as the case may be, proving the appointment and the name of the legal representative of the undertaking or
  • A certified copy of the labour contract, proving the employment period, the purpose of employment in the company of the third - country national concerned and his/her monthly earnings. The contract, apart from the text, will clearly bear an issue date, as well as the capacities, signatures and names of the contracting parties.
  • A qualification or documents proving a two-year traineeship, relevant to the purpose of their employment in the company, as described in the labour contract. Employees working exclusively in companies are exempt from the above obligation to present a qualification or documents proving a two-year traineeship, if the company employs at least fifty local workers.
  • The general supporting documents (application, valid travel document, criminal record, medical certificate, health insurance).).

The above may be accompanied or followed by their family members, provided that their subsistence and health care expenses will not burden the Greek national welfare system and provided they are granted, following an interview, a national visa indicating, in the field “REMARKS” of the visa sticker, the reference «F.1. Family members of third - country nationals».The national visa is granted upon presentation of the following supporting documents:

  • A family status certificate issued by the local competent authorities, proving family relationship.
  • The general supporting documents (application, valid travel document, criminal record, medical certificate, health insurance).).

A.2.6 Technical personnel employed in factories or minesunder Compulsory Law 448/1968

As provided in par. 1, ( e), Article 17 of Law 4251/2014, non EU/EEA nationals, technical personnel employed in factories or mines under Compulsory Law 448/1968,may be granted, following an interview, a national visa indicating, in the field “REMARKS”of the visa sticker, the reference «A.2.6 Technical personnel employed in mines or factories under Compulsory Law 448», provided they submit to the competent consular authority the following supporting documents:

  • A certificate issued by the company or its legal representative proving that the employment of the third - country national concerned is urgent and will last for a three - month period, to repair machinery, appliance or installation damages, accompanied by a certificate proving the technical and scientific knowledge of the third - country national concernedunless there is a contract between a domestic factory and a foreign companywhich supplies it with machinery and assumes, at the same time, the obligation to install them and ensure their functionality.
  • The general supporting documents (application, valid travel document, criminal record, medical certificate, health insurance).).

The above may be accompanied or followed by their family members, provided that their subsistence and health care expenses will not burden the Greek national welfare system and provided they are granted, following an interview, a national visa indicating, in the field “REMARKS” of the visa sticker, the reference «F.1. Family members of third - country nationals».The national visa is granted upon presentation of the following supporting documents: