Nombre______Fecha ______Bloque_____

Unit 4.3

Parte 1: Please form the following questions in Spanish, and then respond to them in Spanish in complete sentences. You will be creating a question in second person singular and will be answering in first person singular.

1.How often do you forget the homework?

2.How often do you study?

3.How often do you speak Spanish in your house?(your = tu)

4.How often do you travel in the winter?

5.How often do you travel in the spring?

6.How often do you watch television?

7.How often do you help in your house?

8.How often do you clean your room?

9.How often do you swim?

10.How often do you sign a document?

11.How often do you throw out the garbage?

12.How often do you cook?

13.How often do you bake?

14.How often do you wash your clothing?

15.How often do you dry your clothing?

16.How often do you fold your clothing?

17.How often do you buy something new?

18.How often do you yell at your parents?

19.How often do you avoid your problems?

20.How often do you cry?

Parte 2: Like Part 1, you will create the question in Spanish and then write the answer; however, this time you will be answering about one other person. The questions will be similar to part one, but you will be forming the question in third person singular and answering in third person singular.

  1. How often does your mother speak Spanish?
  2. How often does your father watch television?
  3. How often does your father throw out the garbage?
  4. How often does your day wash his clothing?(his = su)
  5. How often does your mother cry?

Parte 3: Like Part 1 and Part 2, you will create the question in Spanish and then write the answer; however, this time you will be answering about two other people. The questions will be similar to part one, but you will be forming the question in third person plural and will be answer in third person plural.

  1. How often do your parents cook?
  2. How often do your parents buy something new?
  3. How often do your parents yell?
  4. How often do your parents fold the clothing?
  5. How often do your parents swim?

Parte 4: Like Parts 1, 2 and 3, you will create a question in Spanish and then write the answer; however, this time you will be answering about you and your best friend. The questions will be similar to part one, but you will be forming the question in second person plural and will be answering in first person plural.

  1. How often do you and your friend (tu amigo) study together (juntos)?
  2. How often do you and your friend swim?
  3. How often do you and your friend forget the homework?
  4. How often do you and your friend avoid problems?
  5. How often do you and your friend chew gum in class?
  6. How often do you and your friend clean?