6th Grade Language Arts/History and 7th Grade English
Mrs. McNary
Fall Semester -2016
-Lined paper -Pencils-Pens / Colored Pencils -Highlighters
-Pocket folders -Glue Sticks/Glue Bottle-Tape-Mini-Stapler
6th Grade: 2 Three Subject Spiral Notebooks**(MUST be 11”x8.5”)
7th Grade: 1 Three Subject Spiral Notebook** (MUST be 11” x 8.5”)
Course Information:
- English 6 and 7: English classes focuses on reading, analyzing, and writing about a wide range of literature and informational text (exposition, argument, essays, speeches, and other content material for a wide range of audiences. All materials have been selected according to the Common Core Standards for Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking in order to help your student gain important skills necessary for their present and future success.
- History 6: Class will study the geography, religions, achievements, political systems, economic systems, and social systems of ancient civilizations of Early Man, Mesopotamia, Israel, Egypt, Greece, Rome, China and India.
Classroom Expectations:
- Be Respectful to yourself and others around you.
- Be Responsible for your actions
- Be Safe and make wise decisions, even though the wise choice may be difficult.
- Be Ready for Class so you have everything you need to be successful.
- Be Reliable so that others can count on you.
- Be a Role Model because you never know who you might inspire.
- Never Quit, Never Give Up!
Grading Policy:
- Grading is based on a point system. The points you earn determine your grade. Points will be earned from homework, class work, tests/quizzes and projects.
- Work may be graded in multiple ways. Some work is graded simply by number correct out of the total. Other grading based on understanding of concept, quality of information provided, and presentation.
- Work Habit grades are based on several factors including completion, quality, and presentation.
Grading Scale / 100-90% = A / 89 – 80% = B / 79 – 70% = C / 69-55% = D / Below 55% = FExcellent
Quality of Work / Good
Quality of Work / Satisfactory
Quality of Work / Unsatisfactory
Quality of Work
Missing/Late/Incomplete Work:
- Missing assignments will receive no credit.
- Late Assignments will be given 50% credit.Late work is accepted during the Fall Semester only.
- Late assignments will only be accepted during the grading period they are assigned and no later than 5 days prior to the due date for Teacher Verifications of Grades.
- Incomplete assignments will receive 60% credit.
- Three or more missing/late/incomplete assignments can result in a “U” in work habits and cooperation grades.
- If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to obtain missed work.
- Check class webpage
- Email Teacher ()
- Get the phone number/email of a class friend
- Students will have one day plus one additional day for every day absent to complete the work.
- Extra handouts given in class can be found in the file box for each period.
Homework/Classwork/Project Policy:
- All students are responsible for writing down the projects, class work, and homework daily in their Nobel planner.
- Homework may be assigned on any given day and is expected to be turned in on time.
- Homework assignments are listed on the white board in my classroom and on my website.
- Classwork should be completed according to teacher instructions.
Contact Information:
Students and parents are welcome to contact me by email at or leave a message at 818) 773-4700. If you would like to arrange a conference regarding your child, please contact the main office. I make every attempt respond to all messages within 24 hours.
We understand the policies and expectations explain above.
Student Name (print) ______Period ______
Parent Name (print) ______
Parent Signature ______
Date ______
These pages will be glued into the Interactive Notebook.