ESS 360 Teaching Laboratory 4

(Based on Teacher Education Formative Assessment Document)


Performance Indicators / Levels of Performance
Proficient (P) / Basic (B) / Unsatisfactory (U)
Creates short- and long-term plans that are linked to learners needs and performance, and adjusts plans to ensure learners progress, motivation, and safety. / Planning and instruction has a clearly defined structure around which the activities are organized. Pacing of the lesson is appropriate for most students. Earned average of 85% or above on assessment activity. / Planning and instruction has a recognizable structure, although it is not uniformly maintained throughout the lesson. Pacing of the lesson is inconsistent and needs refinement. Earned average of 70 to 84% on assessment activity. / Planning and instruction has no clearly defined structure, or the pacing of the lesson is too slow or rushed, or both. Earned average of 69% or below on assessment activity.
Uses classroom managerial techniques and instructional methods which create smoothly functioning learning experiences. / Standards of conduct are clear to all students. Equipment and materials are organized effectively in advance. Assessment activity evaluated at 85% or above. / Standards of conduct appear to have been established for most situations, and most students seem to understand them. Equipment and materials are not consistently organized and ready. Assessment activity evaluated at 70 to 84%. / No standards of conduct appear to have been established, or students are confused as to what the standards are. Lack
of effective organization
of equipment and materials in advance of lesson. Assessment activity evaluated at 69% or below.
Creates a learning environment, which respects and incorporates the learners’ personal, family, cultural, and community experiences. / Preservice teacher displays knowledge of the interests or cultural heritage of groups of students and recognizes the value of this knowledge. Assessment activity evaluated at 85% or above. / Preservice teacher recognizes the value of understanding students= interests or cultural heritage but displays this knowledge for the class only as a whole. Assessment activity evaluated at 70 to 84%. / Preservice teacher displays little knowledge of students= interests or cultural heritage and does not indicate that such knowledge is valuable. Assessment activity evaluated at 69% or below.

Complete a Teacher Reflection for each class you teach.

▪ Seriously consider all aspects of your lesson, both strengths and weaknesses.

▪ Thoughtfully answer the questions in detail.

▪ Turn in on the day following the lesson with peer reviews including the “Peer Feedback Assessment” and the “PEP Instructional Analysis

H:\Gymn & Rhythms\Teacher Reflection Assignment_08.doc

What did your students really learn today? / My students learned how to perform different parachute activities. I specifically focused on different movement concepts. I made sure that they understood what a high level and a low level was. We also made big and little waves with the parachute. I applied this with different games that we played with the parachute and also with the routine I taught them at the end of the lesson.
How do you know?
Provide anecdotal comments. / Throughout the lesson, the students were very receptive to the commands that I gave them. They followed the directions very well. At the end of the lesson I gave each child a quiz to take. It was fairly simple and they had the help of their teacher. There were four out of 13 students who did not get all the answers correct. So I think that shows that the majority of the students learned what they were supposed to from this lesson
*Copy of a completed quiz attached.
Attach formal documentation to prove student learning. / One or two examples of completed assessment forms.
Pick out one critical incident that happened in class and describe it. / One student, Jason, continually shook the parachute and couldn’t stand still. He wasn’t necessarily following directions, although he wasn’t really disrupting the class either. I think he just made it harder for the other students to stand still and wait for my command to do the specific activity I wanted them to.
What was the impact of this incident? / Jason wasn’t particularly disrupting the class because he didn’t stop the lesson in anyway, but he wasn’t doing exactly what he was supposed to be doing. The other students saw him acting silly with the parachute and it they had either two types of reactions to it. They were either angry that he wasn’t following directions because they wanted to move on and do the activity, but they couldn’t do it because he wasn’t standing correctly or they saw him do it and they decided that they couldn’t wait any longer so they started shaking the parachute or they played with it when they weren’t supposed to.
What did you do when it happened? / I only continually asked him to stop and follow directions. I never asked him to sit out, because again he never did anything that really merited a time out, because he was doing everything I asked him to do. He was also just doing extra things that I never asked him to do and it made it hard to continue while, for example, he was on his knees under the parachute.
Now that you’ve thought about it, what would you change? / I think I probably should have stood by him more and he would have stopped. If that didn’t work then I would let him know that he’s going to have to sit out. And just make sure he understands that we as a class can’t move on or do anything while he is not following directions. If I would have done that, then the rest of the students would have understood that the parachute takes everyone following directions and doing the same thing to work. And that if they’re not doing the same thing as everyone else then they too would have to sit out.
How did this experience help you grow as a teacher? / I felt really confident about this lesson because they really loved it. I kept their attention and they all wanted to participate and have fun. It was a lot of fun to participate in the activities with them. By the end of the lesson they were asking if we could do more and that really helped me see that there will always be good and bad lessons. It’s a growing experience to see what works and doesn’t I was also very surprised when I looked at my peer evaluations. For the timing I lasted much longer than I had expected to. My time went by fast and I spend so much time on the first part of the lesson that the second part of the lesson just felt like a breeze. I was also surprised at how much corrective feedback I actually gave. However, I really lacked in the positive feedback. Looking at how many times I used positive specific feedback, it doesn’t even come close to how many times I used corrective feedback. That needs to change for this age group, because young children like this really need positive reinforcement to continue to want to strive to do their best for their teacher.

H:\Gymn & Rhythms\Teacher Reflection Assignment_08.doc