Dear colleagues, we invite you to take part in
III Scientific international conference (by correspondence)
“The system analysis in medicine” (SAM 2009)
May 2009, Blagoveshchensk, Russia
The grounds and aim. The prognostication of complex biological system behavior is possible only on the basis of system analysis that provides the maximum information content, the establishment of phenomena correlations in the functioning of the system, the identification of parameters deviations characterizing the activity of the system in comparison with the model description. This approach demands a new level of mathematical methods application and computer processing of physiological data. The prognostication of development, clinical course and outcome of pathological process is one of the most long-range trends in modern medicine. It provides the leading knowledge that allows on the basis of foreseeing the most likable development of events to take certain management decisions about prevention and treatment of diseases and patients adjustment.
The development of effective methods of prophylaxis and treatment of patients with airway diseases is one of the most important problems of public health service; therefore system analysis in this field of medicine generates a keen interest. At present the misbalance between the information content and the possibilities of its analysis by a clinician has drastically increased. In medical researches the methods of intellectual support of system analysis at the cooperation of clinicians, mathematicians and information scientists have not been widely applied.
In the Far-Eastern region a significant research experience has been accumulated with application of the system approach methodology, information technologies and with participation of different institutions such as Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (FEB RAS) and Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (SB
In 2007 the first scientific conference “The system analysis in medicine” (SAM 2007) was successfully held. There the decision about annual holding of the conference (by correspondence and with personal participation) was taken.
The holding of the scientific conference SAM 2008 by correspondence allowed exchanging experience and making intermediate results of system analysis methodology application in scientific-medical researches.
In 2010 the international conference with personal participation is going to be held.
The organizers of the conference:
Far Eastern Scientific Centre of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration SB RAMS,
The Amur State University
The Institute of Automation and Administrative Process FEB RAS,
The Institute of Geology and Nature Management FEB RAS,
Ministry of Health of the Amur region.
Organization committee:
Chair –Victor P. Kolosov, Doctor of Medicine, professor, the director of Far Eastern Scientific Centre of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration SB RAMS;
Deputy chair – Uriy G. Maksimov, Doctor of Medicine, professor, minister of health of the Amur region.
Mikhail A.Guzev – member-correspondent of RAS, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, professor, the head of Applied Mathematics Institute FEB RAS;
Uriy N.Kulchin – member-correspondent of RAS, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, professor, the head of The Institute of Automation and Administrative Process FEB RAS;
Alexander P.Sorokin – member-correspondent of RAS, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, chair of the Amur scientific center FEB RAS presidium;
Evgeniy L.Eremin – Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, the dean of mathematics and information science faculty of the Amur State University;
Pavel F.Kiku – Doctor of Medicine, professor, the head of the scientific laboratory of medical and information technologies of Vladivostok branch FESC PPR SB RAMS;
Juliy M.Perelman – Doctor of Medicine, professor, deputy director of scientific work FESC PPR SB RAMS;
Nikolay V.Ulyanychev – Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, the laboratory head of modeling and information studies of nonspecific pulmonary diseases FESC PPR SB RAMS.
The program of the conferenceincludes scientific reports in the following fields: system analysis in the fundamental and clinical medicine; the systems of computer support of scientific researches; modern methods of system analysis and their application possibilities in medical science; application-specific aspects of system analysis in public health service. The working languages are Russian and English.
Important dates.
To participate in the conference it is necessary to send registration data and report theses (one author can send no more than 3 reports) to the organization committee e-mail address no later than 1-st of March 2009.
The materials of the conference will be published in the scientific magazine “Information science and administration systems”, ISSN 1814-2004, site – . The theses can be sent both in Russian and English.
The rules of theses writing
The theses have to be submitted to the organization committee in e-form. The theses content should not be more than 2 pages.
The theses with schemes should have additional electronic white and black copies of schemes in gif or jpg formats, the size of which has to be the one that gets into the text without ranging (R1:1) and all the titles have to be clear and easily-read.
The rules of article writing: text mode – Microsoft Word, format rtf, type Times New Roman, type size 14, single interval. In the left up corner the number of UDC should be written. In the next line (centered) there should be last name, name and patronymic name; after comma there should be academic degree, below put the name of the organization and the city (in parenthesis). After one gapped line write the title of the article in capital bold type (no more than 3 lines). After one gapped line put the annotation (no more than 5 lines, type size 12). In two lines put the text (wide line adjustment, automatic hyphenation). The formulas are printed only in Microsoft Equations 3.0, with a new paragraph and numbered on the right. The values and simple formulas in the text and tables should be printed as elements of the text, but not as objects of formula mode. Bibliography should be given in square brackets. The bibliography list is printed the same type size 12 with a gapped line after the text and the word BIBLIOGRAPHY.
The address of organization committee: Russia, FESC PPR SB RAMS, 675000, Blagoveshchensk, Kalinina St., 22, telephone/fax: (416-2) 44-12-27, 53-35-45. E-mail: , site –
Scientific degree:
Academic status:
Area of practical work:
Place of work (the full name of the organization is underlined andDivisions):
The address (with the postal index) for correspondence Domestic:
The address (with the postal index) for correspondence the Worker:
Phone (with the code of city) Worker:
Fax (with the code of city):
Phone (with the code of city) domestic:
Mobile phone:
The name ofarticleand section: