Welcome to the scheme3
Introduction to the scheme partners4
Background to HE Endorsement in the Sport/Leisure Management sector 4
Purpose of the scheme4
Aims of the scheme5
Benefits of endorsement7
Home nations6
How to contact us7
Employability in higher education 7
Process overview8
Stage 18
Stage 28
Endorsement decisions8
Endorsement timeline9
Length of endorsement9
Mid term review9
Appeals and complaints 10
Logos 10
Endorsement criteria12
Sport/leisure management – endorsement criteria12
Subject matter13
Specific criteria relating to the endorsement of Foundation Degrees16
Quality assurance of endorsed courses16
Application of endorsement criteria to minor routes in Sport/Leisure Management16
Course and Institution information17
Stage 1 core criteria18
Sports development content mapping 20
Self-check list31
Welcome to the Active Endorsement HE Endorsement Scheme for Sport/Leisure Management
Thank you for your expression of interest to submit your degree course for endorsement within the Endorsement Scheme for Higher Education in the strand of Sport/Leisure Management.
This endorsement scheme was piloted during late 2010 and early 2011 and the lessons learnt have informed the development of the criteria and processes which you will find in this document.
We believe this HE endorsement scheme for the sport/leisure management sector will make a positive impact on both the provision of higher education in sports development and the professionalism within the sport and active leisure sector as a whole. All of the information you require to complete your application is provided in this document.
We look forward to working with you.
Ben Gittus
Steve McQuaid
Sports Coach UK
Gary Evans
On behalf of IMSPA
SECTION 1 – Background information
Introduction to the Scheme Partners
The Active Endorsement Scheme for Higher Education has been developed jointly by the leading national organisations in the sport and active leisure sector. The scheme is being administered by SkillsActive, the Sector Skills Council for Active Leisure, Learning and Wellbeing. SkillsActive is backed by government and tasked to work on behalf of employers to lead the development of the workforce across the sport and active leisure sectors. The SkillsActive vision is More People, Better Skilled, Better Qualified.
The scheme has been developed by SkillsActive in conjunction with the Institute for the Management of Sports and Physical Activity (IMSPA) and sports coach UK. The Scheme is a joint venture between all three organisations.
Background to HE Endorsement in the Sport/Leisure Management Sector
Undergraduate degree provision in leisure management is one of the most established areas of study across the sport and leisure academic subjects. Recently the degree programme title of sport management has become more popular. It was therefore decided to give this endorsement scheme the title of sport/leisure management. Sport/leisure management is a vital part of the sport and physical activity workforce which is essential for the provision of sport and physical activity in the UK. It is important that this subject area also is supported by a range of degree programmes within higher education institutionswhich provide an academic underpinning to sport management, analyse current issues and future trends in sport management, and link to the labour market.
Higher Education has always formed an important area for the professional bodies in sport/leisure management and that is no different with the new professional institute IMSPA who have gained Chartered Status. Many lecturers who teach on Sport/ Leisure Management degrees realise the importance of linking higher education to work related outcomes. It is hoped that this scheme will benefit both students and higher education institutions and will in particular have a positive effect on the Sport/ Leisure Management workforce of the future.
Purpose of the Scheme
The purpose of the scheme is to assess and endorse HE courses of study in sports/leisure management.The scheme will play a part in the development of the workforce and will provide clarity to students, parents and employers on the relevance of HE courses that are most likely to enhance employability and result in employment within the sport and active leisure industry.
Aims of the scheme
- To provide a profession-led endorsement scheme for the sports/leisure managementsector.
- To enable prospective students to make more informed decisions when choosing their courses
of study.
- To help HEIs ensure their courses of study have currency and relevance to industry.
- To produce educated and employable graduates in the sector.
- To help define and promote the concept of graduateness in the sector.
Benefits of Endorsement
Benefits of the HE Endorsement Scheme can be divided into generic benefits to the higher education Institution, employers and students, and a range of more tangible benefits which are being developed by the scheme partners and will be exclusive to HEIs involved in the scheme.
Generic benefits of the scheme include the following:
- Endorsement will demonstrate to employers that students have studied a course that has been recognised by the Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity and the industry’s Sector Skills Council.
- Employers, potential students, and parents will be able to see which courses can demonstrate links to industry standards and employability.
- Endorsement can be linked to the HE employability agenda which is prevalent across the UK.
- The scheme partners will promote the scheme to employers of staff, deployers of volunteers and national governing bodies and work to ensure recognition of the scheme in employment practices.
- Endorsement can be used as evidence of employability within curriculum development and review, validation and revalidation.
- Endorsed HEIs will be part of a network of good practice.
The tangible benefits package for the scheme includes the following:
- Endorsed courses can be advertised as endorsed by the industry and professional agencies and permission will be given to use a logo which will incorporate all the scheme partners.
- A discount to student membership of IMSPA will be available to students on endorsed programmes
- A discount on IMSPA courses will be available to institutions who have endorsed programmes
- Endorsed courses will be showcased on the SkillsActive website.
- HEIs with endorsed courses will be able to request involvement from the scheme partners in validation and course review events.
In addition to this scheme in sport/leisure management, HE Endorsement is also available in sports coach education, sports development and fitness. The scheme is also being expanded to the outdoors and playwork.
Home Nations
This scheme is open to HEIs from across the UK
The web pages for the scheme including a list of endorsed degrees can be found at
How to contact us
SkillsActive is taking responsibility for the administration of the scheme and should be the initial point of contact for all queries and comments as well as the contact point for making payment and making an actual submission.
All correspondence and submissions should be sent to
HE Endorsement
Castlewood House, 77-91 New Oxford Street
0207 632 2000
Employability in Higher Education
Employability relates to a wide range of learning, activities and experience which develops students to be capable of gaining and keeping fulfilling work. This depends on:
a.the graduate worker's employability assets - knowledge (what they know), skills (what they do with what they know) and attitudes (how they do it). Merely being in possession of employer-relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes is not enough for an individual to either ‘move self-sufficiently’ in the modern labour market or ‘realise their potential’. People also need the capability to exploit their assets, to market them and sell them.
b.the ability to deploy the skills - self-awareness, awareness of thelabour market, skills in decision-makingand job searching, and a willingness to be occupationally and locationally mobile.
c. how they present themselves to employers- (CVs, references and testimonies, interview technique and work experience/track record)
d. how they handle the context, both of personal circumstances (eg caring responsibilities, disabilities, and household status) and the labour market (the pattern and level of job openings in their labour market,matters ofregulation, benefit rules, or professional body requirements; and employer recruitment and selection behaviour).
[Based on Hillage, J. and Pollard ,E. (1998) Employability: developing a framework for policy analysis RR85 Dept for Education and Employment, London].
Thus this endorsement process will ask HEIs or franchised colleges to show how they embed these elements in their graduate courses, so that graduates will come to prospective employers fit for their job role, once they have undergone normal job and organisational induction, and learned about that organisation's working culture. Employability also requires students to map their own learning and development.
SECTION 2 – Submission process
Process Overview
The submission process consists of two stages. Stage 1 involves a paper based application against generic and sector specific criteria and the submission of documentary evidence in support of the application. The Stage 1 application is then evaluated with the aim of the application proceeding to Stage 2 which involves a visit to the Institution by the lead evaluator to meet staff, students and employers. Trained evaluators will assess the Stage 1 application and conduct the site visit. Following the visit a recommended endorsement decision by the evaluators will be made to the IMSPA Education, Training and Professional Development Committee.
There are no submission deadlines; submissions can be received by SkillsActive on a rolling basis.
Stage 1
The Stage 1 paper based application involves the submission of four key documents and additional documentary evidence. The four documents are 1) Course and Institution Information, 2) Stage 1 Core Requirements, 3) Sector Specific Mapping for Sport/Leisure Management, and 4) Submission Self-Check List. All of these documents can be found in Section 4 of this paper. The Stage 1 Core Requirements give the Institution the opportunity to demonstrate how the course meets the requirements for endorsement. The Sector Specific Mapping document maps to relevant National Occupational Standards and allows the HEI to demonstrate that the course content is vocationally relevant.
Stage 2
Stage 2 is the site visit which will be carried out by an evaluator. Some general topics will be covered by evaluators at the site visits, but the majority of time will be spent examining issues on a case by case basis. Evaluators will be expecting to meet course tutors, students, and employers. An agreed action plan will be drawn up for the visit and sent to the Institution in advance.
HE endorsement evaluators have been appointed to assist with the HE Endorsement Scheme. Evaluators have mainly been appointed from higher education and will also have current knowledge of employment issues in the sector. Stage 1 applications will be assessed by two evaluators (primary and secondary) who will complete an evaluation report and make recommendations on proceeding to Stage 2. The Stage 2 visit will be carried out by the primary evaluator. Final recommendations on endorsement will then be made to the IMSPA Education, Training and Professional Development Committee.
Endorsement decisions
During Stage 1 submissions will either ‘fail’ or ‘proceed’, with possible ‘minor conditions’ accompanying a ‘proceed’. These minor conditions will allow HEIs the opportunity to make document amendments where necessary, and will form the agenda to be covered by the evaluator carrying out the Stage 2 visit. Evaluators will complete template evaluator forms for both stages and full feedback will be provided to the Institution.
Endorsement Timeline
There is a 12 week endorsement process, plus time for consideration and ratification of decisions at relevant committee meetings involved in the governance process.
- Once a submission is received the course will be evaluated, and the Institution will receive the stage
1 summary within 4 weeks - Stage 2 Institution visits will take place within 6 weeks of the Institution receiving the stage 1 report
- After the stage 2 visit, the Institution will receive provisional recommendations from their evaluators within 2 weeks
- The recommendations will then go to the relevant committees for ratification before confirmation of endorsement (including giving scheme logo)
This timeline guarantees a 12 week period from submission to receiving the endorsement recommendation.
The scheme is open to Foundation Degrees and Honours Degrees in sport/leisure management. A variety of delivery models and course structures (single Honours/Joint) will be considered in the scheme. HEIs should consider carefully whether to submit a Joint Honours programme as the full sport/leisure managementcriteria will need to be met in the credit allocated to the sport/leisure management part of the degree alone. HEIs wishing to submit a Joint Honours Degree should contact SkillsActive first for a discussion.
Courses must have been in existence long enough to see one full cohort of students go through the course to graduation. Wholly new courses can receive provisional endorsement on completion of the Stage 1 documents until one cohort of students has passed through the course to graduation. Where a new course is developed from a previous course at the same Institution and where the content and structure is largely similar this will not count as a ‘new’ course.
Courses which are subject to franchise arrangements are permissible within the endorsement scheme. The process for franchised degrees would involve one Stage 1 submission with visits to each centre delivering the course. Contact SkillsActive for bespoke submission fees for franchised courses.
The submission fee to take part in the endorsement scheme is £3000 which covers the five year endorsement period (£600 per year). A payment plan may be available on request to SkillsActive. £3000 is payable with the Stage 1 submission. VAT is not charged on submissions. Where a submission fails at Stage 1, does not proceed to a visit and is therefore not endorsed a £1500 refund will be available to the HEI. There may be a fee to review course changes which may take place during the length of endorsement. The course fees cover the cost of running the scheme including the evaluator fees and scheme officer salary.
Length of endorsement
Courses will be endorsed for five years. If major alterations are made to a course, for example at revalidation then SkillsActive should be made aware of these changes. If the changes fundamentally alter the course it may be necessary to evaluate any additions or major alterations at a cost to the Institution.
Mid Term Review
All endorsed programmes will receive a mid term review questionnaire that must be completed and returned to SkillsActive in order to be continually endorsed for the remaining period.
Ben Gittus, Senior Programme Manager for National Standards and Higher Education in SkillsActive is the Scheme Manager. A Development Group made up of the scheme partners (SkillsActive, sports coach UK and IMSPA) and academics from the sector has developed this document.
Endorsement recommendations are considered and final endorsement decisions are made by the IMSPA Education, Training and Professional Development Committee. Decisions are also reported to the SkillsActive Board who retain overall responsibility for all areas of work in SkillsActive.
All evaluators will sign a confidentiality agreement
Appeals and Complaints
Appeals: it is our aim to treat each submission fairly and consistently. However, if an Institution disagrees with a decision that has been made regarding their submission, they can appeal against it. All appeals need to be made in writing to Ben Gittus, the scheme manager.
Complaints: whilst we try to ensure that SkillsActive staff and evaluators carry out their duties in a professional and responsible manner, there may be exceptional instances when a submitting Institution is unhappy with the service they receive.
All complaints need to be made in writing to Ben Gittus, the scheme manager. You can expect to receive an acknowledgement within 7 working days. The outlined course of action will be sent to you within 28 days.
Institutions with endorsed degrees will be given an endorsement logo for use in promotional materials related to the course. The logo will incorporate SkillsActive and IMSPA company logos. A logo usage policy will be applied to the use of the endorsement logo.
SECTION 3 –Specific criteria for sport/leisure management
There are principles that underpin and shape the endorsement criteria for sport/leisure management courses delivered in HE and FE. These principles aim to enshrine the values, philosophy and aspirations that determine the specific endorsement criteria. Each principle addresses a particular aspect of the endorsement criteria but taken together they provide the vision and context for the design, development and delivery of sport/leisure management courses across the HE and FE sector.
Principle 1
Named courses in sport/leisure managementat foundation degree level and at single, major and joint honours level should enable students to develop the knowledge and understanding of theories and concepts that are relevant to sport/leisure management.
Principle 2
The endorsement criteria will be aligned to, and complement, existing external reference points such as FHEQ, SkillsActive Foundation Degree Framework fdf endorsement criteria (for Fds only), QAA benchmark statements, QAA precepts (for example the precept on work-based and placement learning) and National Occupational Standards.