Fort Macleod Mavericks Bantam Tournament

February 6-8, 2015

A weekend of healthy, competitive, enjoyable hockey

Tier 4 Division Hockey Tournament.

This is 8 team, 2 division tournament with each division being Round Robin format.

Each team is guaranteed 3 games.

There will be prizes for first, second and third.

Tournament Sanction Number is: 14-247331

Cost: $1000.00/ Team – (There are several teams interested so please let us know ASAP if you are not planning to attend)

Make cheques payable to Fort Macleod Minor Hockey

Mail cheques to:

Fort Macleod Minor Hockey

Box 2180

Fort Macleod, AB

T0L 0Z0

Please email confirmation of attendance before Monday, November 10, 2014 and a spot will be held for your team until Nov. 21, 2014. If you email confirmation and payment has not been received by Nov. 21 2014, your spot will be given to the next team on the waiting list.

If you are no longer interested in attending our tournament and do not wish us to hold a spot, please send a quick email indicating this so we can let the teams on the waiting list know that a spot is available. Thank you for assistance in helping our players have a great tournament.

All teams that withdraw after payment has been received will forfeit $250 of their entry fee.

In addition to the hockey, there will be a Raffle table, 50/50 draws, a player’s draw every game, and one coach’s draw, and swag for every player.

For more information, please contact Marci Stockton at ©403-331-7687 or Tara Cryderman at

Thank you very much for your interest in your tournament!

Tournament Registration Form

Hockey Association Represented:

Team Name:

Team Division:

Head Coach Name:

Coach Phone #’s:

Coach Email:

Assistant Coaches:


Manager Name:

Manager Phone #’s:

Manager Email:

Contact Name & # during the Tournament:

Jersey Color (Home): Jersey Color (Away):


Jersey #: Name: Jersey # Name: