Mr. Tran’s Classroom Rules

  1. Raise your hand for permission to speakand wait to be called on.
  2. Sit only in your assigned seat. Do not get out of your seat without permission.
  3. Begin writing down the homework assignment from the homework board as soon as you arrive for class. Any pencils that need to be sharpened or other business not related to class will be taken care of before the bell.
  4. Come prepared to class every daywith all required materials. Yes you have to bring your textbooks every day unless told otherwise.
  5. Students who are not working or refuse to work on the given assignment will be sent to the disciplinarian.
  6. Arrive to class on time. Once the bell has rung you should be seated in your assigned seat with your materials out and ready to go. Failure to do so will result in a write up. If you are late, please have a pass from the adult you are coming from.
  7. Passing papers, pencils, books, etc. after the bell has rung is NOT allowed unless you have been given permission.
  8. Do not rest head on the desks or tables. Be attentive!
  9. Electronic devices deemed inappropriate for class will be confiscated. See student handbook for procedures.
  10. Any student(s) caught cheating in class will receive in a zero for the grade. Please read the academic honesty policy in your handbook.
  11. Do not groom yourself in class.
  12. All papers turned in will be neat and not wrinkled. Only use 8½ x 11 inch paper. Wrinkled, torn, or papers with uneven edges will be discarded and not be graded.
  13. All papers turned in must be marked the proper heading: Name on the top right;date on the top left with the period on the line under it. Appropriate title should be centered on the third line.
  14. When working with your peers, you will cooperate and share in performing the assignment.
  15. When it is time to leave, you will be dismissed by the teacher, not the bell.
  16. Check your surroundings for trash as you leave the room. Failure to do so will require you to clean the room during an after school detention.
  17. Always knock and wait to be given permission before entering the room if the door is closed.
  18. No eating or drinking allowed unless permission has been given by the teacher.
  19. All rules and the guidelines of your handbook apply.


Please go over these rules with your child and write down my contact information should you ever need to get in touch with me. Finally sign the bottom of this paper signifying that you and your child have read and understand the rules and expectations. Please have this signed paper returned to me tomorrow. Thank you in advance for consideration, interest, and concern.


Mr. Peter Tran

Contact Information:

Room: 301


Phone: (484) 469-0714



I have read and understand the rules set forth by Mr. Tran. I agree to abide by these rules and will comply accordingly. Failure to comply will result in correction see fit by the teacher and in accordance to the school’s handbook.

Parent / Guardian Signature:

Student Signature: