Audition Sheet

Director/Producer: Mary A. Iannelli

NAME: Audition #

Street Address: ______

Apt or Box #: ______

City: ______St: ______Zip: ______

Primary eMail: ______@______.______

Ph Home: ______Work: ______

Pager: ______Mobile: ______

Height: ______Weight:______Hair:______Eyes:______Age Range:______Sex:_____ Birthday: ______

List any physical limitations that might affect your movement or vocal capability: ______

Sizes – Use letter size for T Shirts (YL, AS, etc) – for all other sizes – please use ACTUAL size (2, 14, 8P, etc)

T Shirt _____ Shirt/Blouse _____ Pants _____ Dress _____ Shoes _____ Suit/Jacket _____

If you only want to be considered for specific roles, indicate them below:

Are you willing to provide costume pieces for your character either from your own wardrobe or purchased? Y or N

Are you willing to change your hair style, shave or change hair color for a role? Y or N or Yes, but______

Theatre/Dramatic Experience (or attach resume):

Musical Training and Experience Highlights (or attach resume):

Other Relevant Experience (or attach resume):

Review the provided rehearsal schedule below and list ALL dates between now the end of the run when you will not be available to rehearse or perform (use back of page if necessary):

ALL CAST MEMBERS WILL BE CALLED FOR EVERY REHEARSAL but will be allowed to bring QUIET activities or studies for the times they are not rehearsing. Excused absences are allowed but attendance at the FINAL TWO WEEKS is Mandatory

DON’T panic! We’re rooting for you and we want to make it as easy as possible.
DON’T choose a song that is out of your range or completely wrong for your vocal type – or age. Just because you like a song doesn’t make it the right song for you or the right song for an audition. Pop songs are almost never good for an audition – songs should tell a story and be “actable.” Pop songs almost never are. Show tunes almost always are. Spend time choosing material that shows you off, suits your age and type and is appropriate for an audition setting.
DON’T forget to act when you sing.
DON’T beat yourself up for mistakes you make. No audition is perfect. We are smart enough to be able to see past your mistakes and to focus on all the things you did well – you need to do the same.
DO take the time to prepare your audition material – memorize the monologue and lyrics and rehearse your vocals and acting choices out loud at home.
DO breathe. Before you start. During your audition. When it is over. Breathe.
DO smile and say hello to everyone in the audition room when you enter and say goodbye and thank you when you leave the room. Make sure your nervousness doesn’t distract you from being polite and friendly.
DO pick a point on the wall, above your auditioners’ heads, and place your imaginary scene partner there. Play your song and your monologue to your imaginary scene partner. Darting eyes are distracting, so really focus on this partner you’ve created.
DO treat yourself to something nice after your audition – an ice cream cone, a hot bath, a long walk – auditioning is hard work and you deserve some kind of reward for being brave and putting yourself out there!
DON’T expect to come into the audition room with your child. We have very comfortable benches in the lobby for you. (And I’ve been told that you can hear quite a bit through the door!)
DON’T hesitate to ask any questions you may have.
DO bring your family calendar (so that you can fill in our conflicts form) and a photo of your child that we can keep.
DO remind your child that everyone gets nervous before an audition, even if they have done it many times before.


Alice in Wonderland

Why, how impolite of him. I asked him a civil question, and he pretended not to hear me. That’s not at all nice. I say, Mr. White Rabbit, where are you going? He won’t answer me. And I do so want to know what he is late for. I wonder if I might follow him. Why not? There’s no rule that I mayn’t go where I please. I will follow him. Wait for me, Mr. White Rabbit. I’m coming, too! How curious. I never realized that rabbit holes were so dark and so long and so empty. I believe I have been falling for five minutes, and I still can’t see the bottom! Hmph! After such a fall as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling downstairs. How brave they’ll all think me at home. Why, I wouldn’t say anything about it even if I fell off the top of the house! I wonder how many miles I’ve fallen by this time. I must be getting somewhere near the center of the earth. I wonder if I shall fall right through the earth! How funny that would be. Oh, I think I see the bottom. Yes, I’m sure I see the bottom. I shall hit the bottom, hit it very hard, and oh, how it will hurt!


Beauty and The Beast – Narrator

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle. Although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind. But then, one winter’s night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold. Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away. But she warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within. And when he dismissed her again, the old woman’s ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress. The prince tried to apologize, but it was too late, for she had seen that there was no love in his heart. And as punishment, she transformed him into a hideous beast and placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived there. Ashamed of his monstrous form, the beast concealed himself inside his castle, with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world. The rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose, which would bloom until his 21st year. If he could learn to love another, and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time. As the years passed, he fell into despair and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a beast?


DEBBIE: (on the phone)

Ma! Ma! Ma! Ma! Ma! Ma! Ma, He said he'd call today! -- Ma, of course he won't call today. -- Ma! Because they don't call on the day they say they will. They wait a day -- or a week -- or one time, a year and a half.

Ma! Ma! Ma! Look Ma, I gotta go, Ma, I got a pizza coming. -- Because I don't cook, Ma. -- Because it's depressing cooking portions for one, Ma! -- Ma! Ma! Ma! Ma, this call is costing you a fortune. Okay, bye.

(Re-dials) Hello, is this "Two Brothers From Italy" Pizza? I just placed an order for a pie, extra anchovies Sorry, my other line. Could you hang on? --(Presses button)Ma! Ma! -- Oh, Ken. Ken? Ken! -- Right, you said you were gonna call today and it's today and -- no, I'm not surprised, why would I be surprised, nooooo -- You're calling just to say "hi"? -- Well, "hi." Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi! Helloooo, Ken. -- Oh, I've been thinking of you, too -- Okay, we'll talk again soon. And Ken -- thanks for calling.


Spelling Bee

Mom you are ridiculous. You tell me not use bad words, but then you use them yourself! OK ok, well you don’t actually say S -P -E –L- L- them. Like to mom... you taught me how to read.

In fact, I just won the spelling bee at school, and YOU helped me study for it. So why are you s- p -e l- l -i –n- g out bad words when I am around and you are talking to your friends on the phone? Don’t you think I k-n-o-w what you are really saying? ....

Oh and PS if you don’t give me a raise in my allowance... I am going to tell my teacher, Miss Simpson, you called her a b -i- .... $1.00 a week raise? HA! ....Make it $10.00 ...$5.00?.... DEAL nice doing business with you Mom! You are the B-E-S-T !


Strict Parents

My parents? Strict? Naw....I mean once teachers told them I was texting in class... So they took my phone away. Then I got a C on my English paper, so they took TV away. And to top it off I came in past my curfue last Friday so they grounded me for a week. One whole entire week. A long, week without my phone or TV privileges in the house, no one to talk to ...except my mom....I talked to her non stop from the moment I came home until it was time to go to bed. Being grounded only lasted for 3 days, and then she threw the phone at me. Screaming...”I CAN'T take it anymore” to someone who understands what the heck you are talking about!!! So ..yeah...they pretty much let me do what I want since then!!


Mom Stalker!

So, I’m hanging out with my best friend after school, and we log on to all the latest social networks. We check our My-Space pages, we check our Facebook Pages, and we even tweeted that we were hanging out together working on our geography project. Then, I see I have a new contact wanting to follow me on Twitter… So.. I check them out to make sure it’s not some creeper…the name was BeiberFever72… ok so kind of a lame name but I thought ..what the heck.. let me do some more investigation. So I see who this BieberFever72 is following…. The Justin Beiber Fan Club, The Justin Bieber Tour site, the Betty Crocker Recipe Club, Justin Bieber’s I Heart You…. Wait hold up… Betty Crocker?? Something doesn’t sound quite right…. So I click on their profile to see their picture….IT WAS MY MOTHER! Wearing sunglasses, and a Justin Bieber T-Shirt…She was trying to stalk me on twitter!!! Needless to say I deleted my account… Mom…. Act your age and stick to LinkedIn…

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