Software Version Description


for the

Client Server Version

of the

Standard Labor Data Collection


Distribution Application


SLDCADA-ClSrv-SVD-21.0 Version 21.0

Supported by:

Naval Sea Logistics Center Detachment Atlantic

Corporate System Support Division

Record of Revisions and/or Changes
Document Revision No. / Revision Date / Detailed Description of Change
[page no., paragraph no., & subparagraph no., (if necessary) + detailed description]
21.0.0 / 27 Jun 2000 / Baseline document


SLDCADA-ClSrv-SVD-21.0 27 Jun 2000

Rev. 21.0.0 27 Jun 2000

Table of Contents

Title Page

Record of Revisions and/or Changes i

Table of Contents iii

List of Appendices iv

List of Tables v

1. Scope. 1

1.1 Identification. 1

1.2 System overview. 1

1.3 Document overview. 1

2. Referenced documents. 2

3. Version description. 2

3.1 Inventory of materials released. 2

3.2 Inventory of software contents. 2

3.3 Changes installed. 3

3.4 Adaptation data. 6

3.5 Related documents. 6

3.6 Installation instructions. 6

3.6.1 Installing 21.0-00. 6

3.7 Possible problems and known errors. 10

4. Notes. 10

4.1 Acronyms. 10

Document Improvement Proposal

List of Appendices

Title Page

Inventory of SLDCADA Contents – Version 21.0-00 A-1

Changes Installed – Version sld21.0-00 B-1

List of Tables

Title Page

Table 1, File Type Descriptions 3

Files located in $SLD_BASE/database/dataload – Version 21.0-00 A-1

Files located in $SLD_BASE/database/procs – Version 21.0-00 A-9

Files located in $SLD_BASE/database/tables – Version 21.0-00 A-17

Files located in $SLD_BASE/database/triggers – Version 21.0-00 A-17

Files located in $SLD_BASE/help – Version 20.1-00 A-18

Files located in $SLD_BASE/help/image – Version 21.0-00 A-46

Files located in $SLD_BASE/html – Version 21.0-00 A-46

Files located in $SLD_BASE/images – Version 21.0-00 A-47

Files located in $SLD_BASE/js – Version 21.0-00 A-49

Files located in $SLD_BASE/pbexe – Version 21.0-00 A-50

Files located in $SLD_BASE/pbexe/runtime – Version 21.0-00 A-52

Files located in /$SLD_BASE/servlet – Version 21.0-00 A-52

Files located in $SLD_BASE/util – Version 21.0-00 A-54


SLDCADA-ClSrv-SVD-21.0 27 Jun 2000

Rev. 21.0.0 27 Jun 2000

1.  Scope.

1.1  Identification.

This Software Version Description (SVD) covers the Client/Server Standard Labor Data Collection and Distribution Application (SLDCADA) Version 21.0.

1.2  System overview.

The Standard Labor Data Collection and Distribution Application (SLDCADA) is a Naval Sea System Command (NAVSEA) developed Time and Attendance System that has recently been chosen as the Department of Navy standard.

The SLDCADA is a timekeeping system that allows for centralized or distributed input, provides the capability to track civilian, military, as well as contractor labor hours against job order numbers for financial purposes, and hours against type hour codes for pay purposes.

Other notable features include a leave availability check, prior pay adjustments, exception reporting, ability to query Defense Civilian Payroll System (DCPS) files (MER & BiMER), for easy access to employee information by authorized users.

The SLDCADA provides a single Time & Attendance screen for input, correction, certification, prior pays, and review, which ultimately reduces the training effort and makes user input easy. All reports are on-line, resulting in a reduction of hard-copy reports.

Interfaces are in place with the DCPS, the Department of Defense standard financial systems (DIFMS, STARS-FL, STARS-HQ) as well as other various local financial systems.

The SLDCADA is parameter driven so it can be tailored to meet individual site requirements. By being able to customize the SLDCADA application, the site is provided with maximum flexibility thus making it possible to satisfy a site’s particular needs.

All of these attributes are what makes the SLDCADA a robust, flexible and quality system.

The Corporate Systems Support Division (CSSD), Naval Sea Logistics Center Detachment Atlantic, Yorktown, Virginia, holds responsibility for the functionality and software maintenance.

1.3  Document overview.

This document contains an inventory of files included in SLDCADA Version 21.0-00 and related documentation. It covers significant changes from previous versions and references instructions for installing the new version.

2.  Referenced documents.

SLDCADA-ClSrv-SCOM-21.0 Software Center Operator Manual (SCOM) for the Client Server Version of the Standard Labor Data Collection and Distribution Application (SLDCADA)

SLDCADA-ClSrv-SIOM-21.0 Software Input/Output Manual (SIOM) for the Client Server Version of the Standard Labor Data Collection and Distribution Application (SLDCADA)

SLDCADA-ClSrv-SIP-21.0 Software Installation Plan (SIP) for the Client Server (Accell) Version of the Standard Labor Data Collection and Distribution Application (SLDCADA)

SLDCADA-ClSPB-SUM-21.0 Software User Manual (SUM) for the Client Server (PowerBuilder) Version of the Standard Labor Data Collection and Distribution Application (SLDCADA)

SLDCADA-ClSWB-SUM-21.0 Software User Manual (SUM) for the Client Server (Web) Version of the Standard Labor Data Collection and Distribution Application (SLDCADA)

3.  Version description.

3.1  Inventory of materials released.

SLDCADA-ClSPB-SUM-21.0 Software User Manual (SUM) for the Client Server (PowerBuilder) Version of the Standard Labor Data Collection and Distribution Application (SLDCADA)

SLDCADA-ClSrv-SCOM-21.0 Software Center Operator Manual (SCOM) for the Client Server Version of the Standard Labor Data Collection and Distribution Application (SLDCADA)

SLDCADA-ClSrv-SIOM-21.0 Software Input/Output Manual (SIOM) for the Client Server Version of the Standard Labor Data Collection and Distribution Application (SLDCADA)

SLDCADA-ClSrv-SIP-21.0 Software Installation Plan (SIP) for the Client Server (Accell) Version of the Standard Labor Data Collection and Distribution Application (SLDCADA)

SLDCADA-ClSWB-SUM-21.0 Software User Manual (SUM) for the Client Server (Web) Version of the Standard Labor Data Collection and Distribution Application (SLDCADA)

3.2  Inventory of software contents.

See Appendix A -- Inventory of SLDCADA Contents – Version 21.0-00.

Table 1, File Type Descriptions, describes the various file types used in this application.

File Type / Description
.dll / PowerBuilder dynamic link library file.
.pbd / PowerBuilder Foundation Class Service Library file.
.sql / Oracle isql code. The code for creating Oracle stored procedures or executing database selects and updates.

Table 1, File Type Descriptions

3.3  Changes installed.

The major changes incorporated in the release of Version 21.0-00:

a.  Introduction of the version of SLDCADA that will run against an Oracle database.

See Appendix B -- Changes Installed – Version sld21.0-00 for a detailed list of all changes incorporated into Version sld21.0-00.

These client/server System Improvement Requests (SIR) are canceled with the release of Version sld21.0-00:

SIR / Description /
2000086 / Excessive spaces in job_log
2000118 / Script setperms is setting majority of .bat files to write permissions for group.
2000125 / cdmerl gives the same missing employing activity message for each MER processed.
2000136 / Error message”I cannot determine youe terminal name. No reply possible.” displays during TNA process.
2000143 / Temp tables are not being cleaned up after the fact.
2000153 / Modify process to not grant execute on particular stored procedures to sld_user group.
2000173 / In OT Authorization, after OT hours are input, the OT authorization record is decremented twice for one input.
2000180 / Shift override is not working for second week at biweekly sites.
2000187 / The cbclean process is removing Type Hour Codes that are inactive.
2000188 / If cbneww is run for a site with multiple UICs, the rror log for the first UIC processed gets overlayed.
2000189 / Change cbt_emp.sql to use current_week instead of gr_calendar when retrieving week ending date.
2000191 / The ms228d02 process is putting default leave JON in place of all blank JONs.
2000218 / Blank JON replacement for Grosspay is not attempting to replace JON with JON from leave table.
2000221 / References to DIFMS in the descriptions on the gr_batch_jobs should be removed.
2000225 / Retain new employees on civilian table for 4 weeks instead of 2 weeks.
2000232 / Modify the TNA and Prior Pay programs to allow DIFMS formatting in 30-position JON.
2000245 / The job log should contain entries to verify operators scheduled jobs.
2000249 / Modify Grosspay/Labor processing to format MS228 JON from positions 1-12 of the DCPS JON.

These client/server SIRs are closed with the release of Version 21.0-00:

SIR / Description /
2000002 / Broadcast either needs to be dropped or means found to be able to use.
2000024 / Do not display certifier's SSN on screen. Display the certifier's name instead.
2000026 / The window should be redesigned to display one record per line.
2000027 / If you create a new employee with more than one type, you get a DB error box when you try to save.
2000028 / Request search by name in addition to SSN.
2000041 / On Generated Leave allow user to enter the number of hours to be generated per employee.
2000054 / Create non-employee TNA records to feed RIMS.
2000060 / New process to allow correction of labor rejects from DIFMS.
2000071 / Labor audit records using incorrect date.
2000084 / Data is left justified. Modify the PowerBuilder window to left justify instead of center.
2000093 / In Prior Pay screen with ssn 888-88-8888 for the week of 1/23/99 and added labor for three records. While the records were written to the gr_hours_pp table, the field sent-to-dcps was null - NOT "N". Because of this, when cbppay ran, it did not write my record to gr_tna_type5 and was not downloaded in cdppay.
2000122 / The default for gf_funds_avail in gr_pdf.sql should be 99999999999.99 instead of 0.0.
2000128 / Change all datawindows to use "Courier New" font and "8 point" pitch for data fields.
2000137 / Standardize the 30-position JON format and eliminate site specific coding for non-STARS FL sites.
2000138 / Provide a new mechanism to update multiple Supervisor Assignments without having to pull up each individual's employee record.
2000148 / Allow entry of hours in hundredths.
2000155 / Export Foreign Nationals and Indirect Hires.
2000156 / Employee initials time.
2000157 / Provide the capability of generating ad hoc reports.
2000158 / Provide the capability of storing scanned supporting documents.
2000159 / Route T&A data for approval. Generate email to specified supervisor when Time Keeper or individual indicates that he is done.
2000160 / Add help capability (down to the window level).
2000161 / Allow updating of Non-Employee table via a "Contractor MER."
2000162 / Add password expiration notification.
2000164 / Limit the number of labor records for an individual to 50 per day.
2000171 / In Validation (Leave JONs), user needs to enter new leave JON records for a new shop. Search returns 'no records found' when searching by the new shop.
2000174 / If a prior injury date (begin date) exists in DCPS and we have loaded employees in SLDCADA for new site, there is no way to get the LU record out there.
2000177 / The edit for predetermined expiration date being later than or equal to today should be done only if the expiration date has been changed.
2000178 / The word administrator is misspelled within the error message.
2000181 / Convert SLDCADA from Sybase to Oracle.
2000183 / Convert SLDCADA from PowerBuilder 6.5 to 7.0.
2000186 / Port Hueneme has requested that their new military employees be put back to T&L 3.
2000190 / Do not put env. hazard on holiday records and put "ND" only on graded employees for Crane.
2000207 / Function f_get_site_preferences contains an error that was discovered when converting to PowerBuilder version 7.0.
2000213 / When deleting a userid, the Lid Key should be saved as a NULL instead of an empty string.
2000226 / If you do not click the check boxes for the individual days of the week or the daily check box, then you get a database error.
2000228 / Create three new reports.
2000235 / The DCPS overlay start, stop, and zero fill fields should be updateable even if the corresponding field is not selected to be overlayed.
2000242 / Modify SLDCADA WEB application to work with Oracle Backend.
2000250 / T&A employee list--DARTH VADER graded/ungraded shows as "E". I think that had to be converted to either G or U (warrant officers and officers to O and enlisted to E).
2000251 / Add Help application (robohelp executable) to 21.0

3.4  Adaptation data.

The Prior Pay Corrections portion of the Labor Menu is for CSR and Payroll only.

3.5  Related documents.


3.6  Installation instructions.

3.6.1  Installing 21.0-00.

The following steps cover loading of the SLDCADA 21.0.

Step 1  Ensure the site is aware of the changes that will be made and the users have been informed. Email all site representatives including the Head of Payroll Customer Support, SLDCADA and Oraclee Administrators, and Data Processing Operations Head. Also, send a copy of this email to the SLDCADA/NOMIS developers, .

Step 2  Log onto remote machine using the sldpb/sldnf login.

Step 3  Prevent new users from entering the SLDCADA.

cd $PBENV/exe


Step 4  Kill any current users in the SLDCADA server.


Note: Verify all users have been removed by going into isql and doing a ‘sp_who’ command. The only loginame displayed should be yours and it should appear only once.

Step 5  Edit the backup script dbdump and change the name of the output file to dbdump.pre.

cd $PBENV/backup

vi dbdump

Note: Ensure space is available for an additional database backup. If not, have systems personnel remove an old dump file if any are available.

Step 6  Back up database in the event a recovery is needed.



Step 7  Review dump status file to ensure dump was successful.

more backup/dbdump.status

Note: If the dump was not successful, do not continue until a valid dump can be obtained.

Step 8  Edit the backup script dbdump changing the name of the output file back to dbdump.out.

Step 9  FTP to CSSD Software Repository to retrieve the 21.0 tar and extract.tar file.

Note: You will need a login and password to CSSD Software Repository to complete the ftp.



cd /disk4/deliv/sldora/tools


get extract.tar

get sld21.0-00.tar.Z

Step 10  Change permissions on the tar extract script to allow execution.

chmod 700 extract.tar

Step 11  Extract the tar file for SLDCADA 21.0.

extract.tar sld21.0-00.tar

Step 12  Review results of extract and move results to ssg backup directory.

more sld21.0-00.tar.out

mv sld21.0-00.tar.out ssg

Step 13  Set permissions on the files.