PTSA Meeting
February 9, 2017
Attendees: Kevin Bland, Justin White, April Hiemer, Steve Pierson, Tisha Dudley, Erika Martinez, Lori Garza, Kathy Hughs, Valerie Fisher
Meeting called to Order / Mr. Bland called the meeting to order at 3:51 and the group said the Pledge of Allegiance.Review previous Minutes / Tisha Dudley moved to approve the minutes from last meeting.
April Hiemer seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
Ci Ci’s Night / Last time made $147 on Ci Ci’s Night. Have one every month
Next one is Wednesday February 15th, March 8th, April 19th, May 10th.
Treasury Report / Ms. Dudley will send out a completed report for the next meeting.
Items for sale at Parent/Teacher Conferences to raise more money. / Look into purchasing items that we could sell at parent/teacher conference, for example smelly pencils, squeeze animals, etc. You only pay for what you sell and what you don’t sell you send back. Kevin will check into this. This will replace the raffle that we used as a fundraiser. The school could also sell the items during the school day to raise money. Kevin Bland, Tisha Dudley, and Erika Martinez will work on getting this going.
PTSA Pizza / 20 Pizzas donated to feed people when they come in this will take place on March 15th. Ms. Hiemer will try to get cookies donated for that day. Ms. Dudley still has waters to use from last time. Mr. Bland will get pizza and ice. Will see if students would like to get some volunteer hours. (Climate will get items for the 14th).
Family Involvement Ideas / April Hiemer will talk about an attendance party with Ms. Thomason. Another parent involvement activity is a movie and popcorn during school—“Afternoon at the Movies”. Mr. White and Ms. Hiemer will work on setting this up.
Flow Chart / Attached a duties list with previous meeting minutes that details different expectations for members of the PTSA. Discussed that all the membership applications. She will track members and April Hiemer will work on increasing membership.
Parent Membership / Would like to get more parents to join. A few have joined so far. Meetings will most likely need to happen at a later time. Ms. Hiemer mentioned that one school is playing bingo to bring in more parents. May want to prepare these ideas for next school year.
Shoparoo / April Hiemer will send out a reminder about he app and ask if kids can bring in receipts. Ms. Martinez will figure out how to get into the box tops account.
Ms. Garza moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Hiemer seconded. Meeting was adjourned.
Next meeting: March 2nd at 4:45 pm.