October 18, 2012
Chairman Green called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Supervisor Steve Bowen provided the invocation.
The minutes of the September 20, 2012 regular Board meeting were presented. Vice Chairman Vaughn moved to adopt the September 20, 2012 minutes as presented. The motion carried as follows:
G.L. SimmonsYes
S.W. BowenYes
C.A. SimpsonYes
S.C. VaughnYes
J.J. GreenYes
Chairman Green asks if there were any delegations from the public.
Mr. Sonny Abbott, 2149 Little Creek Rd: Mr. Abbott is present to express concern for the future appointment of a County Attorney; suggesting that the prevailing winner of the November 6th election for Nottoway County Commonwealth Attorney should not be appointed as the County Attorney. Mr. Abbott further suggests that either of the losing candidates would be perfect appointments for County Attorney as they are obviously more than qualified.
Presentation – Timmons Group – GIS Presentation: Mr. Russell Minnich, Project Manager for Timmons Group is presenting the final product of the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) project to digitize the County’s tax map parcels and allow more efficient usage of the County’s Central Dispatch E911 mapping system. Mr. Minnich provides a demonstration on how the System will work.
Highway Department: Mrs. Dianna Bryant Jessie, Assistant Residency Administrator, is present to hear any communications from the Board; October 2012 Monthly maintenance report
School Board – Dexter K. Payne, Clerk: Actions taken at the regular meeting of the Nottoway County School Board held on October 11, 2012, minutes of the regular meeting of the Nottoway County School Board held on September 13, 2012
Economic Development Committee: There is no scheduled meeting for October 2012
Regional Jail Report & Juvenile Detention Center: August 2012 Piedmont Regional Jail Transportation Report, August 2012 Jurisdiction Report, August 2012 Piedmont Regional Jail revenue report, Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice Statewide Detention Facility Population, August 2012 Piedmont Regional Juvenile Detention Center Utilization Report
Administrator Roark informs that the Jail is still suffering from severe financial woes and local funding may soon be required, pending the outcome of a financial audit.
October 18, 2012
Landfill: Administrator Roark gave the Landfill report
A - Letter – Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) – Stephanie Bowman, Water Compliance Inspector Senior: Providing the Technical/Laboratory Inspection Report for the inspection, which took place on August 28, 2012; deficiencies were noted and they are requesting a plan for corrective action. Administrator Roark reports the correction plan has been forwarded to DEQ and those measures have already been handled.
B - Letter – Draper Aden Associates – Leonard Ford, Jr., Environmental Services: Providing a schedule of tasks and associated costs for stormwater monitoring during the periods of July through September and October through December; estimated costs are $2,399.
C – September 2012 Solid Waste Report
Fort Pickett Redevelopment Authority – Administrator Roark reports that the Stormwater Permit for the Switchgrass Facility building, which is approximately 90 percent complete and scheduled to be finished within the next 2 weeks (pending completion of electric hookup), has been approved. Administrator Roark asks the Board for authorization to sign the necessary document to allow Southside Electric Cooperative an easement on the property to locate electric service for the site. Vice Chairman Vaughn moves to authorize Administrator Roark to sign the property easement documents for Southside Electric Cooperative to provide electric service to the Switchgrass site. The motion carried as follows:
G.L. SimmonsYes
S.W. BowenYes
C.A. SimpsonYes
S.C. VaughnYes
J.J. GreenYes
Planning Commission Report: Administrator Roark informs there was no meeting held for October
Letter – Draper Aden Associates – Sheryl S. Stephens, Sr. Community Resource Specialist: Announcing that the Department of Conservation and Recreation has allocated $100,000 for our area under the regional Stormwater Program; a required 30-day public comment is required prior to the transfer of funding and will end at midnight on November 08, 2012.
Litter Control Grant – Department of Environmental Quality: Providing notification that Nottoway County has been awarded $7,216 for litter prevention and recycling program activities. Administrator Roark informs that he budgeted $5,000 in the FY13 Budget; only the additional $2,216 needs to be appropriated. Supervisor Simmons moves to appropriate the additional $2,216 litter control grant funding. The motion carried as follows:
G.L. SimmonsYes
S.W. BowenYes
C.A. SimpsonYes
S.C. VaughnYes
J.J. GreenYes
Commonwealth Attorney Tom Bledsoe informs the Board that his newly hired Assistant Commonwealth Attorney Amelia Guckenberg has proven herself to be a great asset to his Office and the Citizens of Nottoway County.
October 18, 2012
Chairman Green presented the CONSENT CALENDAR:
1 – Budget Adjustment – E911 - $3,865.00
3-100-18990-0050Miscellaneous – Undefined$3,865.00
(VML proceeds from lightening)$3,865.00
4-212-31040-3005Maintenance $3,865.00
Supervisor Bowen moves to approve the CONSENT CALENDAR as presented, to include the two additions. The motion carried as follows:
G.L. SimmonsYes
S.W. BowenYes
C.A. SimpsonYes
S.C. VaughnYes
J.J. GreenYes
Administrator Roark presented the following information items:
1 – Letter – Office of the Governor – Robert F. McDonnell: Providing notification of the launch of the 2012 Stewardship Virginia fall campaign
2 – Press release – National Association of Resource Conservation and Development Councils: Announcing the kickoff of the 50th Anniversary Celebration of service to America with a proclamation by USDA Secretary Thomas Vilsack
3 – Note – Wootton Family: Expressing appreciation for the food and flowers given during the loss of their family member
4 – Note – County citizen: Citizen comments on important issues relating to the County
5 – Press Release – Old Dominion Resource Conservation and Development Council, Inc.: Providing information on the “Heart of Virginia” Buy Fresh/Buy Local Chapter; gathering information for its “1st” Food Guide
6 – Letter – Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services(VDACS) – Keith R. Tignor, Gypsy Moth Suppression Program: Notification of completion of the VDACS 2013 Guidelines for Participation – Aerial Treatments for the Virginia Cooperative Gypsy Moth Suppression Program
7 – Sheriff’s Report: Nottoway Sheriff’s Office partial activity report for September 2012
8 – Minutes:
Minutes of the Piedmont Court Services Piedmont Community Criminal Justice Board meeting held on March 28, 2012
Minutes of the Nottoway County Library Board of Trustees meeting held on September 19, 2012
Minutes of the TransTech Alliance meeting held on August 30, 2012
Minutes of the Piedmont Regional Juvenile Detention Commission meeting held on July 25, 2012
Minutes of the Piedmont Regional Jail Board meeting held on August 22, 2012
October 18, 2012
Minutes of the Nottoway County Community Policy & Management Team meeting held on July 23, 2012
Administrator Roark presented the following correspondence:
1 - Building Inspector’s Report: Report period September 2012
2 – Animal Control Officer’s Report: Report period September 10, 2012 through October 09, 2012
3 – Erosion and Sedimentation Report: Report period September 2012
4 – Letter – United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development – Janice M. Stroud-Bickes, Area Director: Notification of receipt of payment on the Promissory Note for a Sheriff’s car
5 – Property Appraisal RFP: Administrator Roark asks for authorization to advertise a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a Certified Real Estate Appraiser to appraise a parcel of land owned by the County for the purpose of possible sale. Supervisor Simmons moves to authorize the advertisement of the RFP. The motion carried as follows:
G.L. SimmonsYes
S.W. BowenYes
C.A. SimpsonYes
S.C. VaughnYes
J.J. GreenYes
6 – Appropriation – Registrar: Administrator Roark explains that Nottoway County Voter Registrar is requesting a $4,000 appropriation from the Board to purchase required electronic poll books; the current Registrar Budget includes the $4,000 local match for the $8,000 expense but the remaining $4,000 is a required reimbursable expenditure from the State Board of Elections. Vice Chairman Vaughn moves to appropriate the necessary $4,000, to be reimbursed by the State Board of Elections, for the purchase of electronic poll books. The motion carried as follows:
G.L. SimmonsYes
S.W. BowenYes
C.A. SimpsonYes
S.C. VaughnYes
J.J. GreenYes
7 – Proposed Ordinance – Jail processing Fee: Administrator Roark explains that the Code of Virginia allows for the imposition of a $25 processing fee, payable to the Sheriff’s Office, for costs incurred while processing a criminal for incarceration and asks the Board to consider the adoption of an ordinance allowing Nottoway to impose this fee. Supervisor Simpson moves to adopt an Ordinance allowing the assessment, by the respective Court, of a$25 processing fee to aid with expenses related to the processing of criminals for incarceration. The motion carried as follows:
G.L. SimmonsYes
S.W. BowenYes
C.A. SimpsonYes
S.C. VaughnYes
J.J. GreenYes
October 18, 2012
8 - Statement – James W. Elliott, Attorney At Law: Request for reimbursement of costs incurred with the collection of delinquent taxes; $2,583.50 (two statements). Vice Chairman Vaughn moves to approve the payment to Attorney Elliott. The motion carried as follows:
G.L. SimmonsYes
S.W. BowenYes
C.A. SimpsonYes
S.C. VaughnYes
J.J. GreenYes
9 - TransTech Alliance Marketing: Administrator Roark reports that himself and Supervisor Simmons along with Assistant County Administrator Prosise continue to attend routine meetings that seem to prove the Alliance is working smoothly and productively. Administrator Roark reports that the Alliance has already produced a possible industrial venture for the County.
10 – Budget Committee Report: Administrator Roark informs that the Budget Committee met to discuss the request from Social Services Director Mr. Reitmeier to increase the current compensation rate for the local Social Services Board members; the Committee recommends raising the current rate from $50 to $100 monthly. Vice Chairman Vaughn moves to adopt the Budget Committee recommendations to increase the local Social Services Board monthly compensation rate from the current $50 to $100. The motion carried as follows:
G.L. SimmonsYes
S.W. BowenYes
C.A. SimpsonYes
S.C. VaughnYes
J.J. GreenYes
11 – Recycling Action Plan for Nottoway County: County Planner Brandi Newcomb has prepared a Recycling Action Plan for the County for the Board’s review. Supervisor Simmons moves to approve the County’s Recycling Action Plan as prepared. The motion carried as follows:
G.L. SimmonsYes
S.W. BowenYes
C.A. SimpsonYes
S.C. VaughnYes
J.J. GreenYes
Supervisor Simmons asks Administrator Roark to seek the availability of information from Lunenburg County based ABC Recycling, Inc.; the quantity of recycled materials coming from Nottoway County would have been more than enough to avoid having to prepare a Recycling Action Plan.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Green adjourns the meeting at 8:13p.m.
Chairman Clerk