At: BSNL HOUSE, 128 East Lane, North Wembley, Middlesex, HA0 3NL.
on: Tuesday – 12th September2017, 8:30pm start / Minutes taken by:
Trupti Joshi
Gunvantbhai Dave (GD), Ramnik Joshi (RJ), HiteshPurohit(HMP),Anjana Thaker (AT),Harshaben Bhatt(HB), Amar Trivedi (AMT), Vandanaben Joshi (VJ)
Came late:Vinod Mehta (VM)@ 9:30pm / Apologies:
Parul Jani (PJ),Harendra Raval (HR), Bharti Vyas (BV), Mukeshbhai Rawal (MR), Amar Trivedi (AT), Bhavesh Yagnik (BY)
Appendix A:Agenda for this meeting
Appendix B: Matters arising from last meeting together with action points as discussed during this meeting.
Appendix C: Finance Report by RJ
Appendix D: Draft Equal Opps Policy by VM
Appendix E: Membership report by HMP
Item / Minutes and Actions / Action:
1 & 2) / Meeting started at 8:45pm by Reciting of five Gayatri Mantras.
Registration and Apologies
As above. / All
3) / Approval of minutes of BOT meeting held on 22nd August 2017
HMP – Hitesh said that his name had been put down as having to buy the chairs, in Matters Arising (point 23), but he did not actually put his hands up for this task. HMP to do only if PJ cannot take this task on.
AT pointed out that the minutes say that the current term for Bollyaerobics has finished, actually, this term finishes on 25/Sept (Abhilasha point 11). After this term, lessons will resume in 2018.
The minutes were approved. Proposed by HMPand seconded by HB.
4) / Matters arising from last meeting
See Appendix B
5) / Correspondence by HK/GD
- Yogi Divine Society invite for dinner and discussion evening on 19 Sept 2017, from 6:30 – 7:30.
- HR has circulated all email correspondence received to all BOT.
- HMP said that he responded to an invitation from Science Museum for ‘Illuminating India’ event on 3/Oct/2017, but was told by museum that BSNL were not actually on the list.
- BSNL have been invited to Gandhi Jayanti on 3/Oct/2017, at KP hall, at 7pm onwards.
6) / Finance Report by RJ
Report sent by RJ via email prior to the meeting (see appendix C).
This is the draft that needs approving. If BOT approve today, RJ will send to auditors.
Discussion about grant for musical instruments took place and it was agreed that more instruments at a cheaper price is better than buying one really expensive instruments. VJ to spend money in ten days.
Draft Accounts approved by all BOT present. GD thanked Ninaben and Ramnikbhai for their hard work. TJ suggested that Ninaben be recognised at next big BSNL event, such as Havan.
7) / Report onProgrammes
7a) / Bhajan Sandhya10th September 2017
KT sent report via email today. There was a good attendance, however GD stated that all such events should have enough lead time so that all members are aware in good time. RJ also stated that if he hasn’t had enough notice re events, he has power to refuse an event regardless of whether any other BOT approve or not.
7b) / Buckingham Palace Trip August 2017
Following sent by HB via email prior to the meeting:
Dear all,
The visit to the Palace was a stupendous success.
The typical British weather departed to bless the day with sunshine.
All ticket holders arrived on time with the only exception being Kiranben Unjia who could not come due to some medical reasons.
The day of our visit coincided with Princess Diana's 20th death anniversary and in commemoration the Palace had put up a special display.
One of our members, Harshadbhai Shukla was accorded wheelchair access and came for the trip with one of his relative.
The entire visit went smoothly and the group which was of all ages enjoyed thoroughly.
Messages on WhatsApp were sent to me and I forwarded them to the BOT group.
Vinodbhai Mehta already has a few names for the next trip whilst some members have also contacted me for the same.
A special thanks to Haruuncle for arranging the tickets and for being there personally as well.
A big thank you to BOT for the approval and to Ramnikbhai Joshi for being there personally and for his moral support.
Lastly a sincere thank you to the members for their support in making the Palace visit a success.
8) / Porta Cabin Redevelopment
GD stated that at last meeting, all BOT were made aware of VM having resigned as chair of PC re-development. It was suggested that people who are against PC re-development should take this forward. PJ suggests that we wait til someone suitable takes the project on.
GD suggested that at the next BOT, a full discussion will take place, after which all BOT will make a decision, yes or no to continue – majority will to prevail. / GD
9) / Building Upkeep
RJ comments:
RJ is really disappointed as PJ approved £4000 for work to take place, and under contract, work was to finish before nursery restarted. This has not happened.
RJ was shown photo’s, taken by Nursery, of the very poor state that the main contractor has left the site in. RJ wants to know why.
RJ was approached by Anilaben and was grilled about why work has not been completed. RJ told anilaben that PJ is in charge and will give answers.
RJ saw the nursery staff cleaning up.
RJ has asked BOT if we can compensate nursery. It was agreed that we do need to compensate the nursery, how much and when, and who is liable, needs to be decided later. GD to contact PJ and then needs to takes discussions to PJ.
HMP is upset that whole works happened at extremely short notice. There was no proper tendering done, and costs are too high. This issue needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency.
It was agreed that BSNL will get cleaners in, RJ to organise.
Once again, BOT present raised issue of lack of knowledge on cost of hall hire, and also availability. TRANSPARENCY needs to be at fore!
At next meeting, TRANSPARENCY needs to be discussed regarding all aspects, including hall hire dates/times, hall hire costs, etc.
10) / Any Other Business
- VM emailed draft equal opps policy for all BOT to review (appendix D)
- HP emailed membership report prior to the meeting (appendix E)
- AT, Navratri on 29/Sept, egroup to provide music.
- VJ – VJ will give £480 from students, £420 to give in cash to RJ.
- VJ is working on another grant, for self-defence classes, and we can get £10 000 from Harrow council. VJ has up to 9/10 to get these forms done. HMP suggests getting Amar T involved in this.
- VM – egroup holiday has been cancelled.
- VM asked is equal ops policy is ok. This will be deferred to next time.
- VM asked if Mission statement is ok. Again, GD feels that this should be worked on.
- BOT discussed that members need to be distinguished (associate/ full/ etc).
- HMP reminded everyone that memberships will not be renewed during Navratri as HMP will not be there on first two day. GD and RJ will collect forms but people filling in forms on the day will not be made members and will need to pay non-members fee.
- HMP advised that 30/60 currently suspended.
- TJ advised that CC will be suspended until more than 20 children are signed up.
Meeting finished at 11pm.
Dates for Meetings
12th September 2017,17th October.2017 and 14th November 2017
Agenda for meeting held on 12 September 2017
2.Registration and Apologies
3.Approval of minutes of BOT meeting held on 22 August 2017
4.Matters arising from BOT meeting of 22 August 2017
5.Correspondence by HK/GD
6.Finance Report- approval of draft annual accounts as at 31st August 2017 RJ
7.Report onProgrammes-
Bhajan Sandhya10th September 2017
8.Porta Cabin Redevelopment.
9.Building Upkeep
10.Any other Business.
11.Date of next BOT meeting 17 October 2017
AppendixB: Matters arising from last meeting
1 / BSNL Boardfor the Front of the Building
Company coming to check for size this Friday
14/3/17: BY shared the design. BY advised that we need to know exact size and exact wording, colours, etc.
11/04/17: PJ has asked for 4 different layouts. PJ wants to see about the colours and the orientation. PJ has asked BY to chase suppliers up. PJ hopes to have something by the next meeting.
9/5/2017 -will be done within a week
13/6/2017 – ordered. As soon as installation date set, someone will need to organise fitting. PJ and BY to sort out.
18/7/2017 – this has been done, also some new signage has also been ordered and will arrive soon
22/8/2017 Ready to be installed wc 4th September.
12/09/2017 – This is still pending as the board has still not arrived. PJ and BY to chase. / PJ/BY
PJ/BY / Outstanding
2 / Policy and Procedure and Health and Safety documents to Courses planned for end of March BOT members should respond to availability on Doodle Dairy to be set up
H&S course confirmed for Tue 25/4/17 at 6 pm, Only GD, BY and TJ can’t make it but will try. PJ to send out timings.
9/05/2017 PJ waiting for Documents.
13/6/2017: PJ has sent doc to BOT. Doc was 56 pages long and produced by Martin from Shield Systems. BY to condense and tailor.
18/7/2017 – PJ has sent this out. Everyone needs to read and approve or question contents.
22/8/2017 Health and Safety documents to be sent to BY by HMP.
12/09/2017 – to be carried forward, for PJ. / PP, PJ, GD
BY / Outstanding
3 / Draw upFire procedures.
Will be completed after H & S Training
9/05/2017 PJ waiting for Documents.
13/6/2017 – as above.
18/7/2017 – regarding Risk Assessment, PJ has advised that Anilbhai of Eagle security (our is our gas/electrical safety man) said we are ok regarding this.
22/8/2017- Document needs to be polished up
12/09/2017 – to be carried forward, for PJ. / PJ/GD / Outstanding
4 / Risk assessment to be done and Food safety officers etc. appointed.
13/06/2017: Food safety officer is HMP. PJ needs to sort out how the rest of the BOT can complete the training. 19 licenses still exist.
E-mail training arranged.
18/7/2017 – PJ has had a refund from company used last time, she is rearranging with another service provider. PJ to complete this by end of this week.
12/09/2017 – to be carried forward, for PJ. / All Trustees who have e mails from PJ
PJ to chase. / Outstanding
5 / Plastic Cards –details to be circulated to Trustees
At this stage, HMP suggests we carry forward to next year as there is not enough time left to complete this in time for membership renewal this year.
HMP TO obtain revised costs and circulate to BOT. Hope to have it up and running by April 2017
9/05/2017 deferred to January 2018 for new committee / HMP / Outstanding
Review Jan 2018
6 / Disability and Equalities policy
Initial Draft sent to GD.
Brief may be a single simplified page document is required.
14/3/17: GD asked BY if there is a condensed version. BY to ask CC.
11/04/17: VM has offered to summarise this as he is concerned this has gone on too long.
9/05/2017- BV to send full version to VMwho will adopt
and circulate shorter version to BOT.
13/6/2017 – Still outstanding for BY.
18/7/2017 – Still outstanding. PJ to remind PJ.
228/8/2017 with VM
12/09/2017 – VM has sent this for Bot to review. Carry forward. / BY
VM / In progress
8 / To meet to finalise the requirements for crowdfunding.
11/04/17: VJ is working on it, she is still unwell so as soon as she is well, she will complete. VJ to try and complete in two weeks.
9/05/2017- VJ has been busy hope to arrange by next meeting.
13/6/2017 – VM advised VJ to put this on hold until after we know what we are doing with the hall renovations. – carry forward.
18/7/2017 – this will be deffered til date unknown. / VJ/GD/VM / Deferred til 01/2018
9 / New on-line membership system to BOT
Deferred tillJan 2018. / HMP / Outstanding
10 / To provide VM with finance details for CAF Bank
9/5/2017 needs CV from 4 trustees in total at present.HK and GD to provide
13/6/2017 – RJ has given his CV to VM. GD still needs to provide a CV. 1 more trustee needs to provide their CV.
18/07/2017 – deferred til Jan 2018 / RJ/GD / Defer till 01/2018
11 / Arrange for outstanding maintenance work to be completed
09/05/2017- Having meeting on Thursday
22/8/2017 in progress
12/9/2017 – In progress still. / PJ / Outstanding
12 / Parichay and Saathi Samelan VM to speak with Mayaben Acharya and Bhavini Bhatt
9/05/2017- VM needs phone numbers of Mayaben and Bhavini.
13/6/2017 - VM has sent email regarding this Parichay. Email has not said who is doing this? VM’s message does not contain this info.
13/6/2017 – Sathi-samelan still outstanding.
18/7/2017 –
Jyotiben Pandya doing Paichay.
VM is suggesting BSNL do this at our hall.
12/09/2017 – GD advises that the federation had a small meeting attended by 5 members. Parichay is still being reviewed by Jyotikaben. / VM / Outstanding
13 / To email BOT members of items included in Grant application
9/05/2017- email sent need to purchase. There is a deadline to submit report.
13/6/2017 – VJ said she is working with HMP re what is to be purchased. HMP wants 2 laptops. HMP asked VJ how we are to get training for egroup people. VJ will work with VM to arrange this. HMP still unsure on what we have. VJ confirmed that we have 1 harmonium (used by egroup and sangeet classes), 1 tabla (used by egroup). We will be buying 1 harmonium and 1 table and 2 laptops and a printer, and to arrange training.
18/1/2017 – HMP advised that we have purchased 1 laptop and 1 printer. We need to have further information from Vandanaben.
22/8/2017 will circulate within a week
12/09/2017 – Still outstanding with VJ. To be addressed. VJ advises that equipment will be purchased. / VJ / Outstanding
14 / Mataji Mudh-Fix lights.
13/6/2017 – Outstanding with Pramath Pandya.18/7/2017 – PJ to send email to PP to get this ready for Navratri.
22/8/2017 Pramath Pandya (PP) has agreed to deal with this
12/09/2017 – PP still looking into this. / GD/PP / In progress.
15 / Arrange Van Hire for Navratri Equipment.
13/6/2017 –Still with PJ – outstanding. PJ to set reminder til end of August.
18/7/2017 – PJ has not had a response to this yet. Defer till 09/17
12/09/2017 – Done. JSC coming to BSNL on 17/9 to collect items and drop off at JFS. / PJ / Completed.
16 / Arrange for further First Aid courses
13/6/2017 - PJ to arrange for September. BY has firstaider. RJ is a first aider. No first aider will be in attendance at antakshari. AT to ask Sharad Mehta (retired doctor) if he is happy to be first aider at this function.
18/7/2017 – outstanding. PJ to complete before Navratri.
12/09/2017 – Outstanding. / PJ / outstanding
17 / Circulate Names of Fire Wardens and First Aiders to BOT.
13/6/2017 – outstanding.
18/7/17 – PJ to complete.
12/09/2017 – Still outstanding, AT to take this forward. / PJ / outstanding
18 / Circulate details of Tesco Bags Project.
13/6/2017 – completed by VJ.
18/7/17 – VJ to find out what has happened.
22/8/2017- Breakdown to be sent to RJ.
12/09/2017 – Breakdown has been sent to RJ by VJ. / VJ / outstanding
19 / Prepare and circulate Mission Statement to BOT
13/6/2017 – This is now with BV to send to BOT.
18/7/17 – This is been written and it has been circulated to everyone. HMP is happy with what is written, but it should apply to the BOT and their work.
TJ asked what previous MS was, BV stated that there is no existing MS. It was agreed that everyone should think about this and make a suggestion.
12/09/2017 – deferred as we need to not rush and get this right. / HK/BV / outstanding
20 / Details of Dance teaching at Navratri to be obtained and Availability of BOT to be obtained for duty list.
12/09/2017 –BY has sent email to all BOT for volunteers and BY to create duty list. / BY
21 / To advise communication Team about the incorrect Navratri Dates at BSNL
12/09/2017 – completed. / HR
22 / E mail BOT for joining Portacabin Redevelopment Project and for Chairperson.
12/09/2017 – Email has been sent out and this will be discussed in main meeting. / GD/HR
23 / Purchase extra 40 chairs similar to the ones we have
12/09/2017 – PJ is running with this, she will get this done once refurb finished. RJ to check on website and circulate info to HMP and PJ, so it can be ordered in next 10 days. / PJ/HMP
AppendixC:Finance Report sent by RJ
Treasurer’s report (Profit and loss accounts) - BoT meeting 12/9/2017
This was circulated to BOT members. A copy can be obtained from RJ.
AppendixD:Draft Equal Opps policy by VM
Equal Opportunities – Policy & Procedures
BSNL accepts that in society certain groups or individuals are denied equality on the grounds of race, gender, marital status, caring responsibilities, disability, gender re-assignment, age, social class, sexual orientation and religion/belief or any other factor.
BSNL is a registered charity bound by its constitution and available facilities and resources. It recognises that it has moral and social responsibilities that go beyond the provisions of the UK Equal Opportunities Acts and Regulations, and that it should support and contribute to the wider process of change through all aspects of its work and practices in order to eliminate discrimination and promote equality and diversity.
BSNL is committed to taking positive steps to ensure that:
- all people are treated with dignity and respect, valuing the diversity of all;
- equality of opportunity and diversity is promoted;
- services are accessible, appropriate and delivered fairly to all;
- the mix of its members, volunteers and management committees reflects, as far as possible, the broad mix of the population of its local community;
- traditionally disadvantaged sections of the community are encouraged to participate in policy decisions about, and the management of the services provided.
This policy applies to all Trustees, volunteers, management committee members, members, users and the general public.
- Equality and diversity are central to the work of BSNL.
- BSNL will eliminate all forms of discrimination on grounds of race, gender, marital status, caring responsibilities, disability, gender re-assignment, age, social class, sexual orientation, religion/ belief, irrelevant offending background or any other factor irrelevant to the aims and objects of BSNL.
- It will tackle social exclusion, inequality, discrimination and disadvantage.
For this policy to be successful, it is essential that everyone is committed to and involved in its delivery. BSNL’s goal is to work towards a just society free from discrimination, harassment and prejudice. BSNL aims to embed this in all its policies, procedures, day-to-day practices and external relationships.
BSNL aims to:
- Provide services that are accessible according to need (including endeavoring to ensure, as far as is practicable, that all the premises it uses have disabled access);
- Promote equality of opportunity and diversity in volunteering, membership and development;
- Create effective partnerships with all parts of our community.
BSNL’s objective is to realise its standards by:
- Sustaining, regularly evaluating and continually improving its services to ensure equality and diversity principles and best practice are embedded in our performance to meet the needs of individuals and groups;
- Working together with the community to provide accessible and relevant service provision that responds to service users’ needs;
- Ensuring management, volunteers and trustees are representative of the community served and the membership policies are fair and robust;
- Responding to volunteer’s & members’ needs and encouraging their development to increase their contribution to effective service delivery;
- Recognising and valuing the differences and individual contribution that all people make to BSNL;
- Challenging discrimination;
- Providing fair resource allocation;
- Being accountable.
Why have this policy?