Curriculum Vitae


(Updated January 2014)


Birth date & place 14.11.1952, Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Nationality Yugoslav by birth (today Serbian), Italian since 1982

Marital status Married to Carlo Bonomi, two sons (27 and 30 years old)

Home address Borgo Pinti 87, 50121 Florence, Italy

Tel.: +39-055-244895, mobile: +39-348-5860938

Office address Department of Economics, Finance and Statistics, Via Pascoli 20,

University of Perugia, 06123 Perugia, Italy

Tel: +39-075-5855292, 5855279, Fax: +39-075-5855299



1988: Ph.D. in Economics with "special mention", European University Institute, Florence, Italy.

Thesis: "Investment in labour-managed firms - Theoretical problems and empirical evidence

from Yugoslavia" supervised by Mario D. Nuti. Examiners: Wlodzimierz Brus, Benedetto Gui,

Marie Lavigne, Ales Vahcic.

1982: Diploma, Graduate School of International Relations, University of Florence, directed by Prof.

Antonio Cassese. Thesis: "Long-term forecasting of international relations" supervised by

Umberto Gori.

1979: M.A. in Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade. Thesis: "Long-term

forecasts of the world economy and their application to Yugoslavia", supervised by Radmila


1975: B.A. in Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade. Thesis: "Europe in the year

2000: Implications for Yugoslavia" supervised by Radmila Stojanovic.


Serbian (Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin): Native, excellent spoken and written

Italian: Near-native, excellent spoken and written

English: Near-native, excellent spoken and written

French: Good reading and spoken, fair written

Russian, Slovenian, Macedonian: Reading knowledge


1992 - Present: University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy continuously since Nov. 1992 (except for

Jan.-Aug.2001, see below)

Present position: Full Professor in Economics, Department of Economics, Finance and Statistics, University of Perugia, Perugia

Nov. 1992 – Oct. 2002: Associate Professor in Economics, Institute of Economics Studies and Department of Economics, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Perugia

Nov. 1993 - Nov. 1997: Director of the Institute of Economic Studies, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Perugia

Courses taught:

Undergraduate courses in Macroeconomic Policy (1992- 2009)

Undergraduate course in International Economics (1997-2000)

Graduate course in European Economic Integration including EU Enlargement and

Transition Economics (2002 - present)

Graduate course in Economic Development and International Organizations (2009 – present)

Graduate course in Macroeconomics, Master in International Relations (2006)

Graduate course on EU enlargement, Master preparing experts for managing EU

projects (2006)


Jan. - Aug. 2001: Federal Government of FR Yugoslavia, Belgrade, FRY: Vice-Minister, Federal

Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations; Head of two Departments, for the European Union,

and for Multilateral International Organisations; and National coordinator of Stability Pact

for Southeast Europe's Working Table II (for Economic Reconstruction)

March 1984 - Nov. 1992: European University Institute, Florence, Italy

March - July 1984: Research Assistant, Department of Economics

Sept. 1984 - Dec. 1988: Researcher, Department of Economics

Jan. 1989 - July 1990: Research Fellow, Department of Economics (part-time)

Sept. 1989 - Nov. 1992: Department of Economics Library Assistant (part-time)

April 1978 - Aug. 1982: Institute for International Politics and Economics, Belgrade,

SFR Yugoslavia: Research Assistant, Research Fellow


2011- present Member of the Advisory Board of the Research on South Eastern Europe

(LSEE) Network on Social Cohesion, London School of Economics and

Political Science (UK)

2007 - 2012 Member of the United Nations Committee for Development Policy (a subsidiary

of the Economic and Social Council - ECOSOC), New York (USA), invited for

two terms (2007-09, 2010-12)

2009 (Feb. – May) Public Policy Scholar, Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars, Washington DC (USA)

2001- present Member of the Scientific Board, Centro per l'Europa centro-orientale e

balcanica, University of Bologna, Forlì campus (Italy)

1999 - present Member of the Scientific Committee, Osservatorio sui Balcani, Roveretto (Italy)

1992 - present Member of the International Network Europe and the Balkans, University of

Bologna (Italy)

2007 – 2009 Member of the Council for European Integration, Government of Serbia

2002 – 2005 Member of the Economic Council of G17 Plus, Belgrade, Serbia; previously

member of the Council of the NGO G17 Plus

1996 – 2000 Member of the Permanent Group on Transition and Privatisation, European

Centre for Peace and Development, UN University for Peace, Belgrade, FRY


CEFTA Week 2013, EU Support to Trade Policy and Capacity Building in Bosnia and Herzegovina, European Commission (DG Enlargement), Sarajevo, November 2013

Western Balkan Investment Framework, European Commission (DG Enlargement), Economic

Situation in the Western Balkans after the Global Crisis, Dubrovnik, 2012

Fondazione Brodolini (Rome), Quarterly reports on Gender policies in Serbia, 2012

ILO (CEET, Budapest), Trade unions in the period of crisis, paper on Serbia, 2009

WIDER (UN, Helsinki), Twenty Years of Transition, paper on Southeast Europe, 2009

WIDER (UN, Helsinki), Country Role Models of Development Success, Paper on the Czech

Republic, 2007-8

Council of Europe (Strasbourg), Economic consequences of EU enlargement, Political Democracy

Workshops, Strasbourg, 2007

Slovenian Ministry for Higher Education, Science and Technology (Ljubljana), National Systems

of Research and Technological Development in the Western Balkan Countries, Policy paper,


United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (Geneva), Trade Liberalisation in Southeast

Europe – Recent Trends and Some Policy Implications, Paper prepared for the UNECE Spring

Seminar 2005: Financing for Development in the ECE Region: Promoting Growth in Low-income Transition Economies, Geneva, February 2005

UNESCO (Venice), Overview on the state of Science and Technology in Southeast Europe

Policy paper, 2004

Swedish National Labour Market Board and Uppsala University, Privatisation and Enterprise

Restructuring - Evidence from transition economies, Policy paper, 2003-4

ILO (CEET, Budapest), Trade unions in Serbia, Policy paper, 2003-4

UNDP (Belgrade), Serbia - National Human Development Report 2002, Peer Review, 2003

UNDP (Belgrade), Alternative forms of enterprise, Workshop participation and policy paper, 2002

GTZ (Germany) and G17 Institute (Belgrade), EU policies for the Western Balkans, Conference

participation, October 2002

Berenschot International Solutions and EU Policy and Legal Advice Centre (Belgrade), Workshop

Lecture (EU integration and the four freedoms), Excellency Network, October 2002

Bertelsmann Foundation (Munich): Risk Reporting 2001-2002 Southeastern Europe, Policy paper

with recommendations, 2001-03

WIIW (Vienna): Long-Term Development in Southeast Europe, GDN Research Project, 2001-02

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (Geneva): Regional Cooperation in Central,

Eastern and Southeastern Europe, Policy paper, 2000

Bertelsmann Foundation (Munich): Beyond EU Enlargement – The Agenda of Stabilisation for

Southeastern Europe, Policy paper on regional cooperation, 2000

WIDER (UN, Helsinki), Transition from Below, Policy paper on Privatisation and SMEs, 1998-99

National Bank of Yugoslavia, Consultant to Central Bank Governor Dr. Dragoslav Avramovic,

Secretary of Working Group for Privatisation in FRY, April - May 1996

ILO - Central East European Team, Budapest, Insiders’ Privatisation in East and Central Europe,

Research Project Coordinator; policy paper on Privatisation in Southeast Europe, 1995-96

WIDER (UN, Helsinki), Participatory Firms in Western Economies, Policy paper, 1992

Commission of the European Communities (DG V), Brussels; principle author of the PEPPER

Report which served for adopting the European Council Recommendation 92/443/EEC on

PEPPER of 27 July 1992 (1990-91) (see publications)

Commission of the European Communities (DG II), Brussels, Economic Transition in SFR Yugoslavia,

Policy paper, 1990-91

OECD, Paris, Social Safety Net in Former Yugoslavia, Policy paper (with Will Bartlett), 1990-91


International Economic Association, member (2011 – present)

Italian Association for Comparative Economic Systems (AISSEC), President (2009 – 10), member of the Executive Committee (2004-06, 1999 - 2001, 1993-95), Scientific Secretary (1987-89), member (1984 - present)

European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES), member of the Advisory Board

(2006 – present), previously President (2004-6), Vice-President (2002-4), member of

Scientific Committee (2000-2, 1994-96), and member (1991 - present)

Woodrow Wilson Center European Alumni Association, member (2009 – present)

European University Institute Alumni Association, member of the Executive Committee and Treasurer

(Oct. 2003 - 2008), member (1988 - present)

International Association for the Economics of Participation (IAFEP), Member of the Scientific

Committee (1996 - present); previously President (1994-96), member (1994 - present)

International Association for the Economics of Self-Management (IAFEM), Vice-President (1991-94),

member (1987 - present)

Scientific Association of Yugoslav/Serbian Economists, member (1996 - present)


April 2013: Invitation to give a lecture on Lessons from twenty years of transition in Eastern Europe at the GUE/NGL Seminar & Forum Social Europe, European Parliament, Brussels

April 2011: Invitation to give the Lectio Vicarelli on Twenty years of transition in Eastern Europe, University of Macerata

November 2010: Invitation to give a Distinguished Lecture on Serbia’s Transition, Institute of Economic Growth, University of Delhi, India

2009: Research Fellowship, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington D.C.

2000: Remy Schlumberger Award of the International Association for Financial Participation, awarded

for Uvalic’s scientific contribution to the area of Financial Participation in Europe

1989: Fellowship, Joint Committee on Soviet Studies, the Sloan Foundation, and the Ford Foundation,

for the participation in the Fifth Annual Summer Workshop on Soviet and East European Economics, University of Berkeley

Jan.-April 1989: Fellowship, Istituto Studi Politica Internazionale (ISPI, Milano), for research on the

Yugoslav economy

1984-88: Fellowship, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for the Ph.D. programme, European

University Institute, Florence

1980-82: Fellowship, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for attending the post-graduate School in

International Relations, University of Florence

March 1979: Fellow, Salzburg Seminar in American Studies

1975-77: Fellowship, Scientific Community of Serbia, for post-graduate studies at the Faculty of

Economics, University of Belgrade , SFRY

1975: Award of the Institute of Economic Sciences in Belgrade, assigned to the 12 best students

graduated in Economics in 1975


Teaching at Universities in Italy

University of Bologna, Forlì Campus, Master at MIRESS, Course on Economic transition in Southeast


University of Trento, Course on Economic Transition in Southeast Europe, M.A. on Local

Development, 2002, 2003, 2004

Graduate School SEU (Servizio Europa Umbria), Perugia, founded by Prof. P. Cecchini, courses on Transition Economies and EU Enlargement, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2006

Fondazione di Ricerche e Studi Internazionali, Florence, Course for Diplomats from Central and

Eastern Europe on Transition Economies, 1997

European University Institute, Florence, multiple lectures on Transition Economies and their relations with the European Union, 1990, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997

Teaching at Universities abroad

Columbia University, New York, MBA in Economic Policy, Lecture, April 2013

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Science, MA on Balkan Studies, Lecture, March 2013

University of Ljubljana, MBA in Business and Economics, Lecture, 2011

Institute for Economic Growth, University of Delhi, India, Lecture, 2011

London School of Economics and Political Science, Lecture, 2010

London Business School, Lecture, 2007

Coimbra Winter School, Short course on EU policies and South East Europe, University of Split,

February 2004

G17 Institute Summer School, Courses on Economic Transition in Southeast Europe, Belgrade (Serbia

And Montenegro), 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006

University of Bucharest (M.A. course on Public Policy) and the National School of Political Studies

and Public Administration (undergraduate), Romania, Lectures on EU policies towards Eastern Europe, 1998

Belgrade (Serbia): various lectures at the University of Belgrade, including the Faculty of Economics, Summer School of the G17 Plus Institute, Alternative University Network, Belgrade Open School, Diplomatic Academy (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Belgrade) on different topics during the past 15 years

PhD Commissions

2014 (January) Member of PhD Jury, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics.

2013 (December) Member of PhD Jury and Rapporteur, Universuté Paris 1, Panthéon – Sorbone.

2013 (March) Member of PhD Jury, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics.

2012 (April) Member of PhD Commission, University of Trento, Faculty of Economics

2010 (November) Member of PhD Jury and Rapporteur, Université Paris 1, Panthéon – Sorbone

2005 Member of PhD Commission, University of Rome, La Sapienza

1998 Member of PhD Jury and Rapporteur, Université Sorbone, Paris


Member of the Scientific Committee of the Review of Economics and Institutions (REI), University of

Perugia, (2010 – present)

Member of the Scientific Board of the European Journal of Comparative Economics (2004 - present)

Member of the International Board of Economic Annals, University of Belgrade (2007 – present)

Member of the International Editorial Board of the Economic and Business Review for Central &

South-Eastern Europe, University of Ljubljana, (1999 - present)

Member of the International Editorial Board of The South East European Journal of Economics

and Business, University of Sarajevo (2005 - present)

Member of the Editorial Board of the Montenegrin Journal of Economics (2005 – present)

Member of the Editorial Board of Ekonomska misao, Association of Serbian Economists

(1996 - present)

Co-editor (with Will Bartlett), Economic Analysis - Journal of Enterprise and Participation, Carfax

Publishing Company (1998 - 2001)

Member of the Scientific Committee of Europa Europe, Rome, Gramsci Institute, (1998 - present);

previously member of the Editorial Board (1991 - 1997)

Guest co-editor (with Will Bartlett) of Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor

Managed Firms (1998) edited by Jan Svejnar and Derek Jones, JAI Press

Referee work for various journals, including: Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economy, Cambridge Journal of

Economics, Comparative Economic Studies, Economic and Business Review for Central and

South-Eastern Europe, Economic Annals, Economics of Planning, Energy Policy, Emerging

Markets Finance and Trade, Estonian Business Review, Europe-Asia Studies, European

Journal of Comparative Economics, Joice, Most, Slavic Review, South East European Journal

of Economics and Business, The International Spectator.


Structural change in the Western Balkans (2013-14)

Competitiveness in Southeast Europe (2013)

Social consequences of the global economic crisis for Southeast Europe

Serbia’s economic and political transition

Electricity Markets in Southeast Europe (Research Project of National Interest financed by the Italian Ministry for University and Scientific Research, PRIN 2007)