Non-Compete Agreement

This Agreement is made on ______ between John Doe (“The Employee”) and Some Company Name (“The Company”).

For valuable consideration, the employee and the Company agree as follows:

1.  The Employee agrees that “not to compete” or “non-compete” means that the Employee will not engage in any manner in a business or activity similar in nature or appearance or have any other similarity to that of the Companies.

2.  The Employee agrees not to compete, either directly or indirectly, with the Company for a period of 2 years from the date of this agreement.

3.  This agreement will only extend for a radius of 50 miles from the present location of business of the Company.

4.  If the Employee violates this agreement, the Company will be entitled to an injunction to prevent such competition, without the need for the Company to post any bond. In addition, the Company will be entitled to full reimbursement of fees in association to pursue such injunction.

5.  The Company reserves the right to and is entitled to any other legal relief in association with this non-compete.

6.  Any additional terms can be added here and below: here you may want to consider a clause that relates to company proprietary information that must be kept confidential, etc.

7.  No modification of this Agreement without having been signed by both parties will be in effect. Any agreements verbal or non-verbal prior or after the signing this document is null and void unless attached and signed by both parties. This is a binding agreement and is meant to benefit both the Employee and the Company and any successors. Time is of the essence of this agreement. This document including any signed attachments, is the entire agreement between the Employee and the Company. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of ______.


Signature of the Employee Date


Signature of Company Representative Date