Month / School / Recording / Data Transfer / SDS
August / Confirm on SEEMiS young people from senior phase who have left school.
Update the GIRFEC tab on SEEMIS to ensure information from ALL senior phase leavers forms have been entered.
Issue Skills Development Scotland (SDS) with copies of ALL senior phase Leavers Forms. / SEEMIS
Pupil Records
Input Actual Destination and related information as appropriate for ALL senior phase leavers. / Monday after 1st Tuesday and 2 weeks later / Will monitor summer school leavers to ensure that the young people have engaged with their 16+ Learning Choices partners.
September / Complete Risk Matrix for S1 pupils and any new S2-S6 pupils.
Begin working on the senior phase transition spreadhseet as individual interviews with senior phase pupils are conducted – gather information on expected leaving date, intended destination and whether or not the young person would be able to access and sustain their chosen destination. / RISK MATRIX
Enter data for S1 and new pupils
Update data for other pupils as appropriate
Complete for individual pupils as appropriate
Update GIRFEC tab for other pupils where appropriate. / Monday after 1st Tuesday and 2 weeks later / Will monitor summer school leavers to ensure that the young people have engaged with their 16+ Learning Choices partners.
October / Identify young people who are eligible to leave for the first time in December using information gathered on Transition Spreadsheet and Risk Matrix.
Discuss with SDS Adviser the plans of those young people who intend leaving school in December.
Support applications to colleges for January start courses, if appropriate. / Update Risk Matrix, Transition Spreadsheet and GIRFEC tab for other pupils where appropriate. / Monday after 1st Tuesday and 2 weeks later / SDS will share information on opportunities available for December school leavers.
Will work withDecember school leavers without a 16+ LC offer.
Joint analysis and planning of demand for learning opportunities matched against existing provision.
Month / School / Recording / Data Transfer / SDS
November / Continue working on the senior phase transition spreadhseet as individual interviews with senior phase pupils are conducted – gather infromation on expected leaving date, intended destination and whether or not the young person would be able to access and sustain their chosen destination. / TRANSITION SPREADSHEET
Complete for individual pupils as appropriate
Update Risk Matrix and GIRFEC tab for other pupils where appropriate. / Monday after 1st Tuesday and 2 weeks later / Partners can identify those young people who are eligible to leave school for the first time in May. The Data will be verified against client records managed by SDS. Discrepancies fed back to schools.
December / School should continue to update GIRFEC tab where young people have a confirmed offer and a start date.
Ensure that leavers complete the 16+ Learning Choices Leavers Form. This form should be countersigned by either a member of the Guidance Team or a Depute Head Teacher. / GIRFEC TAB
Input Actual Destination and related information as appropriate for ALL senior phase December leavers.
LEAVERS FORMS completed and copied to SDS.
Update Risk Matrix, Transition Spreadsheet and GIRFEC tab for other pupils where appropriate. / Monday after 1st Tuesday and 2 weeks later / SDS will engage with young people who are leaving school but who are without an offer until they have a confirmed offer.
January / Ensure that leavers complete the 16+ Learning Choices Leavers Form. This form should be countersigned by either a member of the Guidance Team or a Depute Head Teacher.
16+LC offers made to December leaver pupils should be recorded on the GIRFEC tab.
School identifies ALL young people who are eligible, or have indicated an intention, to leave school in May. / GIRFEC TAB
Input Actual Destination and related information as appropriate for ALL senior phase December leavers.
LEAVERS FORMS completed and copied to SDS.
Update Risk Matrix, Transition Spreadsheet and GIRFEC tab for other pupils where appropriate. / Monday after 1st Tuesday and 2 weeks later / SDS will monitor the young people who have left school and are without a 16+ Learning Choices offer.
Month / School / Recording / Data Transfer / SDS
February / Identify young people who are eligible to leave for the first time in May and all summer leavers using information gathered on Transition Spreadsheet and Risk Matrix.
Discuss with SDS Adviser the plans of those young people who intend leaving school in the summer.
Support applications to colleges for August start courses, if appropriate. / TRANSITION SPREADSHEET
Complete for individual pupils as appropriate.
Update Risk Matrix, Transition Spreadsheet and GIRFEC tab for other pupils where appropriate. / Monday after 1st Tuesday and 2 weeks later / SDS will monitor the young people who have left school and are without a 16+ LC offer.
March / Begin recording16+ LC offerson transition spreadsheet, stating as to whether this is a conditional offer or not and include conditions where appropriate.
Support applications to colleges for August start courses, if appropriate. / TRANSITION SPREADSHEET
Complete information with regards to type of offer and any conditions.
Update Risk Matrix, Transition Spreadsheet and GIRFEC tab for other pupils where appropriate. / Monday after 1st Tuesday and 2 weeks later / SDS will engage with young people who are leaving school but who are without an offer until they have a confirmed offer.
April / School should continue to update 16+ LC offers where young people have a confirmed offer and a start date on transition sheet.
Support applications to colleges for August start courses, if appropriate.
Support applications to employers and training providers, if appropriate. / TRANSITION SPREADSHEET
Complete information with regards to type of offer and any conditions.
Update Risk Matrix, Transition Spreadsheet and GIRFEC tab for other pupils where appropriate. / Monday after 1st Tuesday and 2 weeks later / SDS will engage with young people who are leaving school but who are without an offer until they have a confirmed offer.
Month / School / Recording / Data Transfer / SDS
May / School should continue to update 16+ LC offers where young people have a confirmed offer and a start date on transition spreadsheet.
Support applications to colleges for August start courses, if appropriate.
Support applications to employers and training providers, if appropriate.
Ensure that leavers complete the 16+ Learning Choices Leavers Form. This form should be countersigned by either a member of the Guidance Team or a Depute Head Teacher. / Update Risk Matrix, Transition Spreadsheet and GIRFEC tab for other pupils where appropriate.
LEAVERS FORMS completed and copied to SDS. / Monday after 1st Tuesday and 2 weeks later / SDS will engage with young people who are leaving school but who are without an offer until they have a confirmed offer.
June / School should continue to update 16+ LC offers where young people have a confirmed offer and a start date.
Support applications to colleges for August start courses, if appropriate.
Support applications to employers and training providers, if appropriate.
Ensure that leavers complete the 16+ Learning Choices Leavers Form. This form should be countersigned by either a member of the Guidance Team or a Depute Head Teacher. / GIRFEC TAB
Enter data for summer leaver cohort. Complete:
- Actual Destination field
- Plus 16+ Notes section if relevant
LEAVERS FORMS completed and copied to SDS. / Monday after 1st Tuesday and 2 weeks later / SDS will monitor the young people who have left school and are without a 16+ LC offer.
Risk Matrix / To identify those children and young people at risk of disengaging and consequently being unable to enter and sustain a positive desintaiton post-16.
(All Guidance Staff have been offered the opportunity to participate in CPD on using the Risk Matrix delivered by Aileen Goodall, Angie Watson and Gerry Geoghegan. Training available May/June/September 2012.) / SEEMIS / Pre-5 to S6
Transition Spreadsheet / To identify potential destinations for all senior phase pupils
To identify those young people at risk of not making a positive post-16 transition.
(This spreadsheet has been emailed to all 16+LC DHTs to be shared with Guidance Staff and begin using from April 2012) / Excel Spreadsheet on school system / S4 – S6
16+ Learning Choices Leavers Form / To identify the actual destination of senior phase school leavers.
To identify those with no known destination and ensure that these young people are referred to SDS for information, advice and guidance.
(This form was issued to all 16+LC DHTs to be shared with Guidance Staff and Office Staff and to be used with summer 2012 leavers) / Paper / electronic copy distributed to all schools / S4 – S6
GIRFEC Tab / To electronically record senior phase leaver information which is then uplifted fortnightly by the central 16+LC team and shared with Skills Development Scotland.
(Instructions were issued to all 16+LC DHTs to be shared with Guidance Staff and Office Staff and to be used from January 2012) / SEEMIS / S4 – S6
A:\School Information\School Paperwork\Opportunities for All - 16+LC Timeline - updated September 2012.docx