SPEP Resource Library
Student Advisor Award of Distinction
In order to acknowledge the dedication and commitment of Health Unit employees to student education, we would like to offer the students an opportunity to nominate their preceptor/agency advisor for an award entitled, Student Advisor Award of Distinction. Award nominations will be collected for each academic year through to August 31st.
Nomination and Selection Process
The nomination form is to be completed and signed by a student who has worked with the nominee within the past year. All nominations will be reviewed in confidence and the successful candidate will be selected by representatives from a select confidential volunteer committee. Previous award winners may be included in the nomination review process. Award winners will not be eligible for nomination in the following year, however nominees from previous years are eligible for re-nomination.
To be eligible, nominees must:
- Be an employee of the Health Unit
- Have provided a student placement (i.e. one month or longer placement) within the past year
- Consent to the nomination
Nominees will be evaluated within the categories listed below. Please organize your submission by addressing the following criteria:
Professional Skills:
- Ability to actively engage the student in learning
- Ability to give constructive feedback
- Ability to assist the student to meet their learning needs
- Promotion of independent practice
- Promotion of a positive image of public health
- Communication skills
- Motivational skills
- Teaching skills
Personal Qualities:
- Respectful and non-judgmental
- Supportive
- Flexible
- Inspirational
Nomination Form
Student Advisor Award of Distinction
Nominee (Health Unit Employee)
Name: ______
Position: ______
Program Area: ______
Email: ______
Verbal consent received from nominee
Nominator (Student)
Name: ______
Address: ______
City: ______Province: ______
Postal Code: ______Telephone: ______
Email: ______
Educational Institution: ______
Discipline: ______Course: ______
Nomination Format
Please submit a written description utilizing the criteria provided as well as examples of why this nominee merits recognition as a Student Advisor of Distinction. Please submit your typed submission (minimum 12-point font) along with this completed nomination form to the education coordinator. Nominations will be accepted up to and including August 31.
*Note: In order for all nominated agency advisors/preceptors to be acknowledged, please sign the completed nomination form. This will allow your comments to be shared with your agency advisor/preceptor.
Nominee’s Signature:______
*Nominator’s Signature: ______
(student’s signature)
Judging Criteria
Student Advisor Award of Distinction
The intended goal of this form is to provide the reviewer with some general guidelines to consider when judging the nomination submissions for the Student Advisor Award of Distinction.
The following is a list of common characteristics of mentors/preceptors that have been identified in the literature as critical for an individual to perform in the role of mentor/preceptor. Please consider these characteristics as you review the nominations for the Student Advisor Award of Distinction.
Successful mentors/preceptors display the following personal characteristics:
- Nurturing, supportive, encouraging
- Self-less and caring beyond their own responsibilities
- Connecting, caring and communicative
- Self-confident, mature, able to show confidence in the mentee
- Openness to mutuality
- Generous
- Patient and able to guide the student and the learning experience
- Accessible and approachable
- Enthusiastic about his/her role
- Being a counsellor and also a friend
Successful mentors/preceptors display the following professional characteristics:
- Competent clinician who bases practice on best evidence when available
- Able to teach, provide leadership and guidance
- Consistent in their relationship with the student
- Able to select learning experiences that are appropriate to the level and experience of the student
- Able to build on positive experiences, and the strengths and successes of the student
- Aware of the stresses students face
- Aware of and able to arrange opportunities for the student to demonstrate their ability
- Willingness to work with others
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills
Judging Criteria – References
Caring, connecting, empowering: A resource guide for implementing nursing mentorship in public health units in Ontario. (2005). Ottawa: ANDSOOHA: Association of Public Health Nursing Managers in Ontario (ANDSOOHA) & Public Health Research, Education and Development (PHRED) Program.
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (RNAO). (2004). Preceptorship resource kit.
The Student Placement, Education & Preceptorship (SPEP) Network has agreed to post this resource as part of the SPEP Resource Library. This resource is provided as a sample for reference purposes only. This resource was adapted with the permission of the Middlesex-London Health Unit.
Catalogue Information
Document # / [########]Document Type / [SPEP Network]
Author(s) / [SPEP Network]
Date Created / [November, 2011]
Last Modified / [YYYY/MM/DD]
Student Advisor Award of Distinction1
Catalogue Information
Document # / [########]Document Type / [SPEP Network]
Author(s) / [SPEP Network]
Date Created / [2011/11/1]
Last Modified / [YYYY/MM/DD]
Student Advisor Award of Distinction1