*These items are also required for graduation and must be logged!

STUDENT: ______ROTATION: _____

INSTRUCTIONS: When you feel competent in the skill or have accomplished the assignment, have the observing faculty or resident initial and date it. This form is given to you to carry with you. Failure to complete all attainable activities may result in a lower evaluation for procedural and professionalism competencies. The information MUST also be recorded online.

Initial Date

1. Be able to gown and scrub for surgery (Comp)
2. Be able to suture tissue (Comp)
3. Be able to tie knots (Comp)
4. Be able to perform a complete, gentle pelvic examination (Comp)
5. Be able to interpret a vaginal wet smear (Comp)
6. Observe a laparoscopy (All)
7. Observe a hysterectomy ( any type) (All)
8. Assist on a Cesarean delivery (All)
9. Assist on a tubal interruption (All)
10. Be able to diagnose rupture of membranes (Comp)
11. Be able to determine cervical dilation (Comp)
12. Be able to diagnose labor (Comp)
13. Be able to follow the course of labor using a labor curve (Comp)
14. Be able to interpret basic patterns in a fetal monitoring strip (Comp)
15. Perform a spontaneous vaginal delivery (All)
16. Observe a gynecologic ultrasound exam (Once)
17. Observe an obstetric ultrasound exam (Once)
18. Be able to perform a breast examination(Comp)
19. Be able to counsel a patient on pregnancy prevention (Comp)
20. Be able to workup & present a gynecologic patient (Once)
  • Comp = when you have achieved competency get certified. This needs to be entered online only once.
  • All = record online EVERY TIME you do this,but get certified once.
  • Once = see it once and get certified. Enter online only once.
  • In addition to the above listed Skills and Achievements topics, the following clinical presentations or skills are REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION and therefore you absolutely must log them while on our clerkship. Otherwise, you might have to make arrangements to make up the experience during your 4th year. Remember you may log CBCs and simulations. Each one of these topics is covered in a CBC or during orientation; therefore, if you do not see them during your time on our service, you should have completed and attended a CBC on the topic and therefore can log it in your patient log: abnormal cervical cytology, breast abnormalities, HIV, pelvic pain, pregnancy, vaginal discharge, Pap smear, domestic violence, osteoporosis screening and prevention, preconception counseling, prenatal history and risk assessment, safe sexual practices.

I understand that topics listed above are covered during this clerkship and are required for graduation. I attest that I have logged each topic listed above into my patient log. I understand that failure to do so may result in a lower procedural and professional competency evaluation, and may have to be made up in the fourth year.
