Nixon–Ford–Carter Years


1. Nixon & Race

2. Watergate

3. Carter & the New New South

4. Republicans & the Religious Right

America’s “Crisis of Confidence”

Nixon & Race, 1


Green & Alexander decisions, ’68 & ’69


Swann decision, 1971

white resistance (Charlotte; Boston)

Busing opposed by RN;

Initially supported by S. Crt, ‘69-’73.

Undermined by more

conservative court, ’73-4

Millikan vs Bradley, 1974

Nixon & Race, 2

Urban Crisis

Kerner Commission Report, 1967 – 2 Americas

2 Black Americas?

black Republicanism

black Capitalism

New Black Politics

Jesse Jackson & PUSH

“Benign Neglect”

Affirmative Action

Philadelphia Plan

American Mosaic, 1980


1972 Elections - RN wins easily vs George McGovern

CREEP: June 1972, botched break-in Democratic Party HQ

RN resigns August 9 1974, facing impeachment


Impeach the President

Replaced & Pardoned

by Gerald Ford

The South & National Politics, 1

Jimmy Carter

Governor, Ga, ‘70-74;

President, ’76-80

racial liberal

fiscal conservative

Born Again Christian

Morality in (some) Foreign Policy

Camp David Accords, ’78

Moscow Olympic Boycott, ‘80

Iranian Hostage Crisis,

Nov ’79-Jan ‘81

The South & National Politics, 2

Southern Conservatives

Strom Thurmond [r from ’64]

Jesse Helms [r from ‘70]


David Duke, La.

1970s KKK revival

Greensboro Massacre, ’79

economic depression

white status anxieties

Conservatives link to Reagan & religious right…

Religious Right

Roots in early 20th C

Links to Wallace/Thurmond

Jimmy Carter

TV & Radio evangelists:

Pat Robertson

Jim & Tammy Bakker’s PTL

Jerry Falwell, Old Time Gospel Hour

Moral Majority, Inc. 1979

Search for Community; stability…

Waiting for Reagan…1

Anxious America’s “Crisis of Confidence,” ’74-’80

Carter’s “Malaise Speech,’ 1979

Economic trends

recession; stagflation; depression


Sunbelt and new technologies partly immune

Psychological blows

disaffection with “failed” social crusading of ‘60s

defeat in Vietnam


perceived “threat” of affirmative action policies on whites

Bakke decision, 1978, restricts affirmative action

Waiting for Reagan…2


“The Me Decade,” Tom Wolfe

rabid pursuit of personal satisfaction & individual wealth

partial rejection of commitment to shared social causes

The Search for Community

quest for shared moral certainties (Moral Majority)

intolerance of difference; hunt for scapegoats (blacks, hispanics, illegal immigrants, gays, single mothers, welfare recipients, tv, movies, gangsta rap, communism…)

quick fixes to revive economy (tax cuts – esp. for “entrepreneurial” rich)

Reagonomics (supply-side; trickle-down theories)

Trickling down….?

Changes in Real Family Income, 1980-1990


1. In the ‘70s, African Americans & other minorities continued to build upon the legal and political gains of the ’60s, but felt the first major attacks on affirmative action.

2. From Watergate to the election of Reagan, the US underwent a “Crisis of Confidence” at home & abroad: Post-Vietnam syndrome…

3. This crisis produced 2 main responses: fierce individualism & a desperate search for community. The New Right appealed to both types of response.

4. With ‘60s style liberalism in retreat, the New Right appeared to have the clearest, most compelling vision of the future for many Americans, heralding one of the most conservative eras in American history.