1. This is the:

2. This is the:

3. -OH is the:

4. In ______the carbonyl group is at the end of the chain.

5. ______aldehydes have sharp, irritating odors.

6. ______aldehydes have flowery odors and are diluted for perfumes.

7. What is produced in the human body when ethanol is oxidized?

8. Aromatics are:

9. The general formula for an alcohol is:

10. Benzene is a member of the ______homologous group.

11. Alcohols must have this group attached.

12. Longer-chained alcohol like octanol are: ______in water and are ______

13 This compound is produced from benzene and is used in making a type of nylon:


14. The radical formed from a benzene ring is the______radical.

15. When alcohol is attached to a benzene ring, you have a sore throat spray called: ______

16. Benzene is considered stable because it has: ______

17. Of the following compounds which one is not an aromatic compound: (a) ASA (aspirin), (b) Benzocaine (a local anesthetic), (c) Cyclohexane (used in making nylon), (d) Amphetamines (stimulates the nervous system), (e) Adrenaline ( a hormone that stimulates the nervous system).

18. This German chemist proposed a cyclic structure for benzene:

19. The common name for methylbenzene is:

20. When benzene is not the parent chain it is called a ______group.

21. The OH group is called a______group.

22. When a halide such as chlorine is attached to hydrocarbon it is called:


23. Rubbing alcohol is:

24. Wood alcohol is:

25. Acetylene (used for welding) is:

26. The treatment for methanol poisoning is to drink lots of:

27. What is used to detect the presence of an alkene?

28. Tetrahydrourushiol (Poison Ivy) and Thymol (Hookworms) are examples of:

29. Many organic molecules demonstrate that the what governs their biological properties?

30. Antifreeze is:

31. Alcohol tends to boil at______temperatures than hydrocarbons of similar molecular mass.

32. [1-butene à ethyne + ethane] is an example of: (a) Cracking,

(b) Reforming, (c) combustion, (d) hydrogenation, (e) substitution.

33. Two benzene rings fused together is:

34. Ethers are important as:

35. What is used as a “non-surgical” procedure to remove gallstones.

(a) dibenzene, (b) diphenylene, (c) phenylbenzene, (d) phenol,

(e) methyl tertiary-Butyl ether

36. In ______the carbonyl group is at the end of the chain.

37. ______is used to produce acetic acid.

38. What is produced in the human body when ethanol is oxidized?

39. What does the drug disulfiram do?______

40. Which one of the following is not an isomer of dimethylbenzene, which is a xylene. (a) acetone, (b) varsol, (c) paint thinner, (d) polyclens.

41. The modern method of preparing methanol is:

42. Glycerin is:

43. Methoxyethane is an example of a(n):

44. Ethanal is an example of a(n):

45. Methanal is commonly known as:

46. Propanone is commonly known as:

47. Fehling’s diagnostic test is a test for the presence of:

(1) List four properties of benzene.

(2) List and describe 3 examples of common organic halides.

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