Carlby News
Carlby and District WI - the WI celebrated its 40th birthday on 6 December.The evening started with a rendering of the WI anthem ‘Jerusalem’ led by Pat Wright, past President and then drinks and nibbles were enjoyed.
36 sat down to dinner tables beautifully seasonally decorated with candles. This was a bit of a puzzle since there were only 35 on the list! Judie Pope Vice President said Grace and it was off in a very orderly fashion to the groaning buffet provided by Jenny Burnett in her usual lavish way.
The President Jennifer Gralka warmly welcomed and introduced the visitors: past founder members and other long serving officers; South Lincolnshire Federation Chairman Debbie Venn kindly braved the threatened inclement weather, was also in attendance. It was lovely to see all the ‘old’ faces! The President read out good wishes sent by Dorothy Horry founder President unable to attend through ill health, and an email of congratulations from Carlby Member Monica Smithers sent from New Zealand wishing us a merry evening with fun and reminiscences and who was looking forward to attending her WI Christmas Dinner at a restaurant in Nelson, N.I. Other congratulatory cards were read fromn Debbie Venn and Pat Wright.
Jennifer brought Bridget Hempstead to our remembrance whom was unwell in hospital
and the company wished her well and looked forward to seeing her again at a meeting.
A Quiz posed by Judie Pope was an intriguing on-going challenge through dinner.
A wonderfully appropriately decorated birthday cake was on show and made and ceremoniously cut by former member Bar Guttridge of cake fame, and of course eaten with coffee later! Bar had been a member of a total of 3 WIs over 54 years and remembers well the table tennis and scrabble competitions. She hopes to celebrate with us on our 50th Anniversary.
The WI Resolution voting slips were available for signing and an explanation of the issues on offer. (If you did not avail yourself of this opportunity and wish to do so please contact Heather Shead on 01778 590180 before 20th Jan).
The WI Scrapbooks were on display and made interesting and amusing reading.
A group photograph was kindly taken by Ian Dair and Sarah Cardew snapped during the evening providing a record for our scrapbook.
Birthday Cards were given to those with birthdays falling in the period from then till the February meeting: Linda I’anson, Jennifer Gralka, Kath Pollitt and Heather Shead.
South Federation Chairman Debbie Venn was asked to say a few words and gave us an account of the week before when she had received a request from the Duchess of Cornwall to arrange a visit to Hale Magna WI for a craft day. The security procedures were lengthy and thorough and secrecy had to be maintained but what a feather in their caps! Debbie had brought photographs of the occasion for us to see.
Wined and dined we were then treated to entertainment by ‘Nigel & Terry’ a husband and wife duo with guitars and other instruments who played a very good selection of well-known songs by artists such as Doris Day and Judith Durham, Roger Miller (King of the Road) and the Beatles ‘Let it Be’ followed by carols – most enjoyable. Sue Blessett and Angela Hirst got to play the bodrum with great rhythm and expertise.
A Vote of Thanks was given to them by Sue Blessett.
Quiz Competition Competition winners were Margaret Anderson and Angela Hirst.
Raffle winners were: Sue Blessett, Sarah Cardew, Debbie Venn, Betty Grindey and Bridget Hempstead.
The evening was rounded off by singing ‘We wish you a Merry Christmas’ and thanks were expressed to Jenny and her team for delectable food.
A Vote of Thanks was also given by Liz Kentish to the caterers and Committee for a splendid evening.
Two photos attached