3.1 Operating Systems

By the end of this course, students will:

A3.1 describe operating system functions that

meet various user needs (e.g., running applications,

organizing files, managing users, configuring


A3.2 use file management techniques to organize

and manage files (e.g., copy, move, delete,

rename files; create shortcut);

A3.3 use general keyboard shortcuts to perform

common tasks (e.g., cut, copy, paste, print, print

window, print screen);

A3.4 describe the features and limitations of various

operating systems.

Answer the following questions

Name three different operating systems used nowadays in computers

What are the functions of the operating system ?

Describe the keyboard shortcuts to perform common tasks

Describe the features and some limitations of 2 different operating systems.

The ministry’s expectation


By the end of this course, students will:

A1.1 use correct terminology to describe computer

hardware (e.g., USB, FSB, IEEE 1394 interface),

speed measurements (e.g., megahertz), and size

measurements (e.g., megabytes, gigabytes);

A1.2 describe the functions of the internal components

of a computer (e.g., CPU, RAM, ROM,

cache, hard drive, motherboard, power supply,

video card, sound card);

A1.3 describe the functions of common computer

peripheral devices (e.g., printer, monitor, scanner,

keyboard, mouse, speakers, USB flash drive);

A1.4 assess user computing needs and select

appropriate hardware components for different

situations (e.g., a student on a fixed budget,

a home business user, a gaming enthusiast,

a photographer, a home video enthusiast, a

distance education user, a human

Central processing unit

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Answer the following questions

CPU is composed of millions of tiny pieces. What is it called?

.Name some of the CPU components

State the three ways of measuring the speed of a CPU

What is giga ?

Name 3 manufacturers of CPU

What are the differences between Storage, RAM, ROM?


2 examples of audio input devices

3 examples of visual output

3 examples of storage types

2 examples of video card

Speaker is an example of ……..

Printer is an example of

Two methods computers communicate with other computers

A 3. Operating Systems

By the end of this course, students will:

A3.1 describe operating system functions that

meet various user needs (e.g., running applications,

organizing files, managing users, configuring


A3.2 use file management techniques to organize

and manage files (e.g., copy, move, delete,

rename files; create shortcut);

A3.3 use general keyboard shortcuts to perform

common tasks (e.g., cut, copy, paste, print, print

window, print screen);

A3.4 describe the features and limitations of various

operating systems.

Answer the following questions

Name three different operating systems used nowadays in computers

Linux, Mac , Windows

What are the functions of the operating system ?

Acts as an interface between a computer and outside world.

Interact with devices such as printer, monitor etc.

Sytem tools to monitor computer performance

Has a set of libraries that may be used by other programs.

Describe the keyboard shortcuts to perform common tasks

Example Control V means

Control c means copy

Describe the features and some limitations of 2 different operating systems.

The home edition of windows 7 does not have the ability to switch between users without having to log off

Mac can not access many windows based programs


Journal 3

Transcript of P1: Explain the function of computer hardware components
P1: Explain the function of computer hardware components
Power Supply
Fan and heat sink
A hard drive
Internal Memory RAM
Specialized Cards (give examples)

The ministry’s document

By the end of this course, students will:

A4.1 identify various networking applications

and protocols (e.g., VoIP, streaming media, FTP,

email, instant messaging);

A4.2 describe the features and functions of wired

and wireless networking hardware (e.g., NICs,

routers, hubs, cables, modems);

What is VoIP?

When did streaming media technology started? How is it beneficial to us?

What is FTP stand for? List a few names of file transfer protocols?

Describe the functions of the following







C1.2 explain the impact on privacy of techniques

for collecting and processing data (e.g., camera

phones, reward programs, targeted advertising,

digital rights management, monitoring software);

C1.3 describe how portable computing devices

(e.g., PDA, cell phone, GPS, laptop) affect our

everyday lives;

Central processing unit

Visit this site or any other sites:

Answer the following questions

CPU is composed of millions of tiny pieces. What is it called?

.Name some of the CPU components

State the three ways of measuring the speed of a CPU

What is giga ?

Name 3 manufacturers of CPU

What are the differences between Storage, RAM, ROM?


2 examples of audio input devices

3 examples of visual output

3 examples of storage types

2 examples of video card

Speaker is an example of ……..

Printer is an example of

Two methods computers communicate with other computers

Write a paper about :

The effect of PDA, cell phone, GPS, laptopon everyday lives

Write a paper on the impact on privacy using Camera and reward programs