
Service Learning Psychology 3151-3351

Service Learning Sociology 3151-3351

Fall 2016

Wednesday 2PM

Marshall Hall 101

NOTE: This syllabus applies to all sections of Service Learning. The number of field hours you need to complete depends on the second digit of the course for which you are registered (e.g., students in Psychology 3351 will complete 90 field/clock hours. This is 30 clock hours for each credit hour). The second digit of a course description signifies how many credit hours the course is.

Dr. Mark Sheldon Miller

Office: Marshall Hall 103C

Student Hours:

MW: 8-9 12-3

TR: 9:30-11, 12:30-3

Phone No.: 903 923-2092


Catalog Description: This is an experiential learning project offered during any regular semester based on agency availability, but arrangements should be made during the semester prior to the desired time for the project. No more than 9 hours may be earned through service learning; only 3 hours may apply to the major or minor. Numbering of courses varies with number of hours (1-3) and classification of student.

Textbooks: None

Course Objectives:

  1. Students will integrate theoretical knowledge and practical skills while learning to work in an applied setting.
  2. Students will gain a better understanding of community helping systems.
  3. Students will clarify calling and vocational interest by learning to differentiate among the many different types of tasks performed by various professional persons providing human services in the community.


As noted in the ETBU Catalog, students are expected to attend 75% of all class meetings. Failure to do so will result in no credit for the course. Class attendance impacts your grade. Attendance counts as much as a test grade. Remember, missing 25% or more of the class results in an F for the class. (In other words, we are scheduled to meet ~16 times this semester, and if you attended 14 classes, your attendance grade would be 14/16 = .875 x 100= 88). Attendance and Class Participation during class will be averaged for the grade.


I find it very distracting when students use their cell phones or laptops for texting/IM’ing. You are distracting to me, and other students as you pound away on your devices. If you are texting in class you will be asked to leave. (I also think texting in class is very rude and disrespectful.) Please do not do it and keep your phone out of sight. Cell phone use will affect your class participation grade and will be averaged with your attendance grade.

Course Requirements:

Completion of 30 clock hours for each college credit hour is required for the internship. Explanation of the distribution of those hours will be provided in the seminar. Your Internship Agreement must be signed prior to beginning work in the agency.

Professional Behavior and Dress is expected at the work site. I may visit your site during the semester. Summary Paper and Evaluations are due the last regular class day of the semester.

Weekly Log: You must turn in a weekly log. Bring these to class each Wednesday, as this will be the basis of our weekly discussion. Late weekly logs will have points deducted at 10% per day. You may stop submitting them when you have completed your service hours.


You will also prepare a resume for this class. You will work on these in class.

Places of Service: Dr. Lisa Seeley (ext. 2175), of the Great Commission Center, is willing to help you find a place of service.


Grades will be based on the following:

Summary paper50 percent

Resume10 percent

Supervisor Evaluation10 percent

Weekly Log20 percent

Class Participation/ Attendance10 percent

Total100 percent


Academic Integrity

Students enrolled at East Texas Baptist University are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity avoiding all forms of cheating, illicit possession of examinations or examination materials, unwarranted access to instructor’s solutions’ manuals, plagiarism, forgery, collusion and submissions of the same assignment to multiple courses. Penalties that may be applied by the faculty member to individual cases of academic dishonesty by a student include one or more of the following:

• Failure of the class in question

• Failure of particular assignments

• Requirement to redo the work in question

• Requirement to submit additional work

All incidents related to violations of academic integrity are required to be reported to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and multiple violations of academic integrity will result in further disciplinary measures which could lead to dismissal from the University.

Sometimes the curriculum in this course concerns controversial issues. These will be discussed in a Christian atmosphere (i.e. we will play nice.) It is intended that each student explore these issues using critical thinking skills, formulating his or her own beliefs about these issues.

Student Disability Accommodations

Students enrolled in an institution of higher education are required to self-identify if they would like to request academic support services on the basis of a disability. East Texas Baptist University encourages a student with a disability to self-identify after admission and provide required documentation along with a completed request for accommodation(s) to the Office of Academic Success. Through self-identification and the utilization of appropriate academic services, it is assumed that academic progress must be made. Students are required to provide documentation of a learning or physical disability prior to the provision of academic support services or facility adjustments if they are requesting accommodations. In order to allow time for reasonable accommodation(s) and adequate coordination of services, the student is requested to provide documentation 60 days prior to the beginning of the initial semester. Documentation may be submitted at any time, but a late submission may delay approval of accommodation(s). In the case of a medical disability of mobility, sensory, health, or physical limitations, a complete medical report and formal diagnosis from a physician is necessary. A student who wishes to identify himself or herself as having a disability must provide documentation of the disability from an appropriate licensed and qualified health professional. The documentation should specify the diagnosis and any recommended accommodations. The documentation should be dated within the past 3 years unless the disability is of a permanent nature. After appropriate documentation has been provided to the Office of Academic Success, the Disabilities Accommodations Committee meets to consider and authorize accommodation(s). Accommodations will be determined on an individual basis dependent upon documented need for services and the university’s assessment of the individual’s need as related to his or her academic program. These services may include liaison with faculty members, promotion of self-advocacy skills, and securing appropriate classroom accommodations. Study skills guidance and tutoring for some courses are also available. At the student’s request and upon receipt of a signed consent form, the appropriate faculty will be notified of specific accommodation(s). The student will then meet with his or her instructors to discuss the accommodation(s). If a student’s request for accommodation(s) should change, it is expected that the student will complete and submit an update form in a timely manner. Reasonable accommodation involves a level of shared responsibility, cooperation, and communication among faculty, staff, and students in order to ensure academic integrity and provide equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities.

If the university determines that a student should receive academic auxiliary aids and services, based on the university’s determination of accommodations related to the academic program, the student will be required to apply for state and/or federal funds for which they may be eligible and to reimburse the University for expenses incurred. Examples of those sources include but are not limited to the Texas Rehabilitation Commission, the Texas Commission for the Blind, or the Veterans Administration.

Schedule of Class Meetings


8/31Place of Service secured

9/7Service Learning Agreement signed and returned

9/14Evaluation of service this week

9/21First Resume Due

9/28Evaluation of service this week

10/5Second Edited Resume due

10/12You should be halfway with your service hours

10/19Evaluation of service this week

10/26Evaluation of service this week

11/2Final Resume Due.

11/9Evaluation of service this week

11/16Evaluation of service this week

11/23Thanksgiving Holiday

11/30Papers are Due

There is no final exam.