Teacher: ______

Class: ______

Poetry – Poet Study

Unit Outline / Unit duration
This stage 5 unit employs a range of songs or poetry by a single composer to critically focus on the use of language features, form and music to convey meaning and ideas. The context of the composer is carefully considered as are the issues that reflect their times such as war, stereotypes about women, racial prejudice etc. A variety of exercises that are informally assessed invite close and critical analysis of the power of language to raise significant issues that are relevant and current. / 5 Weeks approximately 15 sessions
Big ideas/key concepts / Why does this learning matter?
The key concepts I want students to learn are that:
·  / The learning matters because:
Place in scope & sequence/Building the field / Target outcomes
1 – A student responds to and composes increasingly sophisticated and sustained texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis and pleasure. (1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.7, 1.8, 1.11, 1.12)
9 – A student demonstrates understanding of the ways texts reflect personal and public worlds (9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7, 9.8, 9.10)
10 - A student questions, challenges, and evaluates cultural assumptions in texts and their effects on meaning (10.4, 10.6,10.7, 10.8, 10.9)
Mandatory Texts / Some Suggested Poets / Assessment
“My Mistresses Eyes are Nothing Like the Sun” - Shakespeare / Pink
Les Murray
Jack Davis / Close examination of already seen poem in Half-Yearly Exam – “My Mistress”

Intellectual Quality Quality Learning Environment Significance

IQ1 Deep knowledge IQ4 Higher-order thinking QLE1 Explicit quality criteria QLE4 Social support S1 Background knowledge S4 Inclusivity

IQ2 Deep understanding IQ5 Metalanguage QLE2 Engagement QLE5 Students’ self-regulation S2 Cultural knowledge S5 Connectedness

IQ3 Problematic knowledge IQ6 Substantive communication QLE3 High expectations QLE6 Student direction S3 Knowledge integration S6 Narrative

Students learn to: / Students learn about: / Learning Experiences / Evidence of Learning / Resources / Quality Teaching / Reg/
Date /
Metalanguage / Intellectual Quality Significance
¨  Deep knowledge
¨  Understanding
¨  Problematic knowledge
¨  Higher-order thinking
¨  Metalanguage
¨  Substantive communication
Quality Learning Environment
¨  Explicit quality criteria
¨  Engagement
¨  High expectations
¨  Social support S1 Background knowledge S4 Inclusivity
¨  Students’ self-regulation
¨  Student direction
¨  Background knowledge
¨  Cultural knowledge
¨  Knowledge integration
¨  Inclusivity
¨  Connectedness
¨  Narrative
  Explain to students that they will be identifying poetic techniques in a common poem and that this poem will be in their exam.
  Read through common poem in class and discuss the meaning of it
  Teacher-led investigation into poetic techniques and their effects:
-  Rhyme
-  Rhythm
-  Simile
-  Metaphor
-  Personification
-  Alliteration
-  Imagery
-  Tone / Class set of “My Mistress” poems
  Discussion: Teacher-led brainstorm about chosen poet (Jack Davis, Les Murray, Pink)
  Background on poet
  General Concepts of their poetry / Discussion
  Students should read through the poem, identify the techniques used and how they convey meaning
  Students should read through the poem, identify the techniques used and how they convey meaning
  Students should read through the poem, identify the techniques used and how they convey meaning
  Students should read through the poem, identify the techniques used and how they convey meaning
  Extension: / Intellectual Quality Significance
¨  Deep knowledge
¨  Understanding
¨  Problematic knowledge
¨  Higher-order thinking
¨  Metalanguage
¨  Substantive communication
Quality Learning Environment
¨  Explicit quality criteria
¨  Engagement
¨  High expectations
¨  Social support S1 Background knowledge S4 Inclusivity
¨  Students’ self-regulation
¨  Student direction
¨  Background knowledge
¨  Cultural knowledge
  Students should read through the poem, identify the techniques used and how they convey meaning
  Students should read through the poem, identify the techniques used and how they convey meaning
  Discussion: use of symbolism and imagery in poems
  Students choose on poem and visually represent it
  Extension: Design an album cover/ poem collection cover for the group of poems you have studied
Evaluation of Unit
Teacher Evaluation / Comments/Variations
How did the unit ‘rate’ in these areas? / / /
Time allocated for topic
Student understanding of content
Opportunities for student reflection on learning
uitability of resources
Variety of teaching strategies
Integration of Quality Teaching strategies
Integration of ICTs
Literacy strategies used
Numeracy strategies used
Date Commenced:
Date Completed:
Teacher’s signature:
Head Teacher’s Signature:

Board Notes#1

Poetic Devices

Similes: a comparison using ‘like’ or ‘as’. E.g. “He floats like a butterfly.”

Metaphors: where one thing becomes the other. Eg. “War is a destructive monster.”

Personification: giving human qualities to a non-human object. E.g. “The hydrogen bomb left behind a sinister calling card.”

Oxymoron: two contradictory words placed together to make a dramatic point. E.g. “cruel tears” and “sweet sorrow”

Hyperbole: dramatic exaggeration. E.g. “I am so hungry I could eat a horse.”

Alliteration: repeating the first letter (consonant) at the beginning of a number of words. E.g. “The rifles rapidly fired and reloaded.”

Assonance: repeating the vowel sound in a number of words. E.g. “It is a sin.”

Onomatopoeia: a word that echoes the sound it represents. E.g. “The bullets whistled past his head.”

Structure: a song usually has a repeated chorus and the words may or may not rhyme. Protest poems can be free verse or lyrical with a rhyming scheme.

Language Devices

Irony: saying one thing but meaning another. E.g. “War doesn’t hurt anyone.”

Symbolism: a representation. E.g. The rose for beauty and love.