The Meeting of the Bath Village Council was called to order at 6:30 p.m. on May 12, 2014 in the Council Chambers at the Village of Bath.

Present: Mayor Troy Stone, Barb McIntosh, Jodi O’Neill, Charles McNair, Christa Holmes.

Guests: Andy Harvey, Jim Rankine

Delegates: Andy Harvey from Liberal party attended council meeting. Mr. Harvey explained his vision for the area. He would like to work hand in hand with each municipality to ensure the needs will be met. Mr. Harvey would like to see things brought back to the rural areas. Mr. Harvey’s committee is looking at doing a pilot project for the transportation sector. He would like to see the school board offices moved back to the rural areas. In the economic sector he would like to see more manufacturing, industry and agri-forestry. In the tourism sector to sell our area, keep everything local, build infrastructure in our own area. Look at long term goals instead of short term for all of NB. Mayor Stone commented that policing is an issue very little visibility but it seems to be the same problem everywhere. Regional Commission 12 is working well and planning on hiring a building inspector soon.

Jim Rankine of Rankine Developments was present at meeting. He started about 19 months ago on the old hospital project to develop the property into a long term senior care facility. He required 30-40 licenses for a period of 20 years to make the project work. He needed the guarantee from the NB government to do this project. To date the developer has made 12 revisions to original plans, he has submitted a full set of plans to the government, 3 reports and an addendum and still has not heard from the government. Mr. Rankine has done everything that has been required of him, he was told it would take 6 weeks and the 6 weeks is up and still no answer. The 18 3-B licenses that he was approved for a year ago will expire at the end of July and he is requesting that the Village of Bath give him an extension to work with the village to continue to work towards the development of a long term care facility for the old hospital property. Mr. Rankine would like to move to the community and be a part of the community and maybe start other businesses and employ people in the area.

Approval of Agenda: On Motion to approve the agenda as presented.

McIntosh/McNair 01-05-2014

Approval of Minutes: On Motion to approve the minutes as presented.

McNair/O’Neill 02-05-2014

Business from Minutes: Councillor McNair asked the status of the road work on Route 105. Mayor Stone clarified that Route 105 would only be patched this year once the asphalt company opens. Hopefully sometime the middle of May. Mayor Stone plans to get in touch with Dept of Transportation regarding Route 105 to see why its not a priority.


  1. Quote from Media Smart re: new computer On Motion to purchase a new computer from Media Smart.

O’Neill/McIntosh 03-05-2014

  1. Letter from McCain Foods re: donation for beautification
  1. Letter from Ms. Addison re: Giggie property Mayor Stone explained to her that there are certain steps that must be followed and that the RSC is looking to hire a building inspector.
  1. Letter from CampShiktehawk re: requesting donation towards their fundraising project.

Department and Committee Reports:

Legal, Finance and Administration: Clerk had a few dog issues that needed to be dealt with. Our dog control officer spoke with the residents and addressed the issues. Clerk to send a copy of the April financials to Mayor Stone.

Economic Development: There is a person interested in opening a car wash in the old feeney building on Main Street.

Community Development: Councillor McIntosh mentioned that the flower urn by the bank needs repainted. The flowers have been ordered. The perennial beds and the bark needs replaces around the trees. Clerk to call around to get someone to do the work.

On Motion to give $200.00 towards a gift certificate for Ms.O’Donnell.

McNair/O’Neill 04-05-2014

Two shrubs by the village office also need replaced.

Recreation Committee: Councillor O’Neill has spoke with Mr. Sullivan about a new park. Councillor O’Neill plans to attend the Lions Club meeting on Monday evening to discuss the villages plans for a park and what is available for funding. Mayor Stone will set up a meeting with Rory Pickard from Dillon Consulting. Cheryl will send a letter to the Bath Lions Club to see if they are interested in supporting a free swim day at the pool this year.

Public Works: no issues on water and sewer. There are a few water shut off’s scheduled for this week. Marven had a problem with the tank sensor failing. It is working fine now but will keep a watch on it.

Public Safety: no issues

Transportation: Council looking at doing some road work on Church Street this summer. The patching on Route 105 should be done shortly.

Information Technology Committee: no issues

Service Clubs: no issues

New Business: Mr. Rankine has requested an extension to work with the village on the old hospital project. On Motion that Mayor Stone and council of the Village of Bath commit to working with Rankine Developments for a period of 12 months with the end date of April 30, 2015.

McNair/McIntosh 05-05-2014

Maintenance staff has been hired for the summer, start date will be sometime in June as the students are still in school.

Accounts Payable: On Motion to pay the bills as presented.

McNair/O’Neill 06-05-2014

Clerk to check on the policing and fire bills to see if they have been paid for first quarter.

On Motion to pay the previously paid bills as presented in the General and Utility Fund.

McNair/McIntosh 07-05-2014

Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

Next meeting will be June 9, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.


Signed Date


Signed Date