Document type / Guideline / Prepared by / Anna Predka / Checked by / Grzegorz Kmiec
Revision / 1.0 / Shipment Notification Manual







2.When sending “Shipment Notification” becomes possible?

3.Filtering POs.

4.Selecting PO# the shipment consits of.

5.Entering information about shipment.

6.„Shipment Notification”.


“Shipment Notification” aims at informing the receiving plant about shipments which have been already picked-up by the logistics operator and are about to arrive at destination in the upcoming days. The idea of it is to provide the plants with the complex information concerning the shipment details, such as: ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival), TT (Transit Time), Tracking # of the shipment, weight & volume of the shipment, expected number of logistics units, carrier, contact point from vendor`s side etc. The message carries as well all the documentation concerning the shipment (both logistics and quality).

“Shipment Notification” is one of the VCS modules where vendors enter the above mentioned information and attach the necessary documentation. VCS gathers all the data and automatically generates an e-mail to the receiving plant. All the vendor has to do, is provide the reliable information and attach the required documentation – the system will intuitively guide you through the steps which have to be taken in order to prepare the notification.

2.When sending “Shipment Notification” becomes possible?

“Shipment Notification” can be sent once the vendor obtains a scan of Waybill from logistics operator:

  • Air Waybill in case of air shipments – approx. 2-3 days after pick-up,
  • Sea Waybill in case of sea shipments – approx. 10-12 days after pick-up,
  • CMR – road shipments – available upon pick-up.


Before you start preparing the “SN”, please make sure all the quality documentation pertaining to particular lines from POs subject to the shipment, were previously uploaded into VCS (“Upload Documents” section).

After having received the Waybill from logistics operator, you can now log into VCS and go to “Shipment Notification”.

What you will find there is a list of all your POs, both open and closed, presented in a table. Each line of the table corresponds to the lines from your POs.

The following rows show: Requisition# (which is the RFQ #), (P/N), Descriptionof the part, Quantity ordered (QTY), total cost from PO(Extended), Branch Plant # (BP), date of creating the PO in VCS (Created), as well as the dates:RequiredPromised (the same meaning of the dates as in JDE and OOSR).

3.Filtering POs.

“Shipment Notification” includes information about all the POs the shipment consists of. In order to choose the appropriate ones, you can find them by using the search option. VCS enables two ways of filtering POs: simple and advanced search.

1)Simple search– simple filtering informing, whether “Shipment Notification” has been already sent for particular lines:

a)All – shows all lines,

b)Pending Shipment Notification – shows lines, for which “Shipment Notification” has not been sent yet,

c)Shipment Notification Sent – shows lines, for which “Shipment Notification” has been already sent.


It is possible to send “Shipment Notification” more than one time for the same lines (correction of incorrect message, partial shipment of one line etc.)

2)Advanced search – enables filtering lines by:


b)RFQ #,

c)PO #,

d)BP # (Branch Plant)– you can choose a plant number from a drop-down list,

e)Pick-up date (not all the lines can be filtered by PU date – VCS captures the PU date only for those lines, for which “Shipment Notification” has been already sent and therefore, it will search among these lines only).

In order to start the advanced search, please click on the sign shown below:

As a result, the below search window will appear above the lines. The lines can be filtered by one of the criteria or more of them at a time.

4.Selecting PO# the shipment consits of.

“Shipment Notification” includes all the PO numbers subject to shipment. In many cases tough, a particular shipment may not include all the lines from one PO.To start the creation of “Shipment Notification”, please choose one of the POs the shipment consist of and click on “Send” button – adding more POs and removing particular lines will be possible in the next step.

In case of partial shipment of particular lines it is necessary to make a comment informing about partial delivery – it will be described in point 5 of this manual.

A table in the bottom of the page should inform about all the lines subject to shipment. On the right side there is a possibility to add/remove POs and lines.

5.Entering information about shipment.

The next step is to provide the detailed info on delivery. The mandatory fields to be filled in are marked with a red asterisk. All the fields the vendor fills, will appear in the “Shipment Notification” message sent to a receiving plant.

In order to provide some additional info on the shipment (i.e. partial shipment details) please use the “Shipping Comments” field.

When entering information on partial shipment, please use the below pattern (please write it separately for each line sent partially):


For example:


Please also change the quantity (according to the quantity actually shipped) in the table below (please correct it manually).

It is also necessary to enclose all the logistics documentation, pertaining to the particular shipment.

The vendor should upload below documents in this section:

1)Commercial invoice/s,

2)Packing list/s,

3)Waybill (a document to be obtained from logistics operator: either Air Waybill, B/L or CMR – depending on mode of transport),

4)Other documents, if such are require by a receiving plant (i.e. Certificate of Origin)

Considerations for filling fields:

  1. Fields Marked (*) must be completed.
  2. "Shipment Date" accepts write the date of shipment the day even after shipment was done
  3. “Expected Arrival Date” estimated date provided by carrier considering export clearance time
  4. “Expected Shipment Cost” ask to Carrier the cost and Weatherford Courier Tariffs

When attaching a document, please define its type by choosing it from a drop-down list.

The attached documents will appear right above the red heading “Shipping Documents”.

It is possible to remove them and attached other docs.


Quality documentation pertaining to each PO line should be enclosed in another VCS section (“Upload Documents”). After having chosen the lines subject to shipment, quality documentation and other necessary certificates will be automatically attached to the “Shipment Notification” message generated by VCS.

Please make sure all the information you have entered is correct and save them clicking on “Send” button in the left down corner of the window (it is not yet the last step before the “SN” is sent).

6.Shipment Notification”.

In the next, last step of this section, you will see a draft of the notification e-mail which will be sent to a receiving plant.A vendor does not need to define the recipients of the message manually – VCS will recognize the destination plant and applythe suitable e-mail groups to which the message will be sent.


A vendor can change the e-mail groups defined by VCS (either delete them or add new ones).

Additionally, VCS will automatically create the title of the message, consisting of previously defined by vendor: Tracking#, PO # and Commercial Invoice/s #.

It will also attach to the message logistics docs and a link to view the quality docs.

In order to finalize the “Shipment Notification” creation, please click on a “Send” button – the message will be sent to the defined recipients.

Sample of “Shipment Notification” received by Distribution List already set up in VCS and emails added by supplier.

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