January 22, 2008

In Attendance:

Tom Anderson LaRenda Gronkjaer

Jo Ann Daszuta Dan Painter

Linda Brosche Joan Buckler

Matt Reschke Greg Costich

Fair/Way Management

  1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Tom Anderson, President of the Board. A quorum was established by the presence of 8 out of 9 Board members in attendance.
  2. Minutes: The minutes from the October 23rd and November 13th, 2007 meetings were presented to the Board for review. Greg Costich made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 23rd, 2007 meeting as presented. The motion was seconded by Dan Painter and passed unanimously. Dan Painter made a motion to approve the minutes from the November 13th, 2007 meeting as presented. The motion was seconded by Jo Ann Daszuta and passed unanimously.
  3. Vice President / Legal Liaison
  4. Jo Ann Daszuta presented an update from the Attorney to the Board for review. Ms. Daszuta stated that two of the three properties in collections have paid, however the Board now has to decide whether to move forward with foreclosure on the third. Tom Anderson gave some background on prior incidents with regard to foreclosure and stated that there is definitely a risk. Ms. Daszuta also noted that the Association was noticed on a property being foreclosed on by the bank in the subdivision; however they are currently not delinquent for 2008. It was explained that the Attorney could respond to the foreclosure, however since the bank is involved the chances of the Association recouping any money is slim. After further discussion, Tom Anderson made a motion to not move forward with any action on either of the above mentioned properties. The motion was seconded by Matt Reschke and passed unanimously.
  5. Treasurers Report
  6. Financials – LaRenda Gronkjaer stated that a CD was purchased for $10,000 @ 4.75%. Mrs. Gronkjaer also noted that the money market account has a balance of approximately $18,000 and the operating account has approximately $16,745.00. Tom Anderson added that another CD will be purchased in March.
  7. Request for funding approval for required cash receipts and expenditure report / 2007 Federal Tax Return (total cost $500) – LaRenda Gronkjaer made a motion to approve the expenditure for Shein & Wente to produce the cash receipts and expenditure report as well as prepare the 2007 federal tax return. The motion was seconded by Tom Anderson and passed unanimously. Tom Anderson noted that the report should be in the same format as last year with the Cash Receivables, Cash Expenditures and Reconciliation for the beginning and end of the year on a cash basis.
  8. ARC Report
  9. Greg Costich stated that the ARC is looking into establishing standards for paint and hurricane shutters. With regard to holding open meetings, Mr. Costich noted that the ARC would be meeting prior to the Board meetings on the same nights. Mr. Costich also suggested that the Attorney be allowed to review the standards once they are completed. After some discussion, Tom Anderson made a motion to approve the funding for the attorney to review the standards once they are completed. The motion was seconded by Jo Ann Daszuta and passed unanimously.
  10. Fair/Way Management
  11. LeTisha Labbate stated that the uniformity of the mailboxes will need to be addressed in the near future. Mrs. Labbate also noted that there are currently 20 homes that are scheduled to go before the Due Process Committee.
  12. President Report
  13. Contracts for 2008
  14. Six Mile Creek - Tom Anderson stated that he has requested a contract for the shared use of the park from Six Mile Creek but has yet to receive it.
  15. Landscaping – The contract was discussed and it was decided not to go out for bid this year.
  16. Lake Maintenance – Tom Anderson stated that the Association may not be able to fund the expenses from the general appropriations fund as previously thought for routine maintenance and therefore, the contract would come out higher than budgeted for. Mr. Anderson suggested going back out for bid for the lake maintenance. After further discussion, LaRenda Gronkjaer made a motion to go out for bid for the lake maintenance. The motion was seconded by Jo Ann Daszuta and passed unanimously. Tom Anderson noted that he would work with Management on setting up the Request for Proposal and he also noted that the twin creeks lake would be included as optional for treatment at the Boards discretion.
  17. Reserves
  18. Combining line items – Greg Costich made a motion to combing the line items in the reserves to “Board Reserves”. The motion was seconded by Matt Reschke and passed unanimously.
  19. Vote to transfer budgeted funds to reserve account – LaRenda Gronkjaer made a motion to move $3,500 from the checking account to the money market account. The motion was seconded by Tom Anderson and passed unanimously.
  20. Soundwall letter to residents – Tom Anderson stated that he had drafted a letter of intent for the homeowners along the wall as well as a background letter and presented them to the Board for review.

VIII. Old Business

a. Due Process Appointments – Greg Costich made a motion to appoint Ruth Hall and Trudy Sellars to the Due Process committee. The motion was seconded by Dan Painter and passed unanimously.

b. Committee Appointments – Greg Costich made a motion that the committees remain the same for 2008 as they were in 2007. The motion was seconded by Matt Reschke and passed unanimously.

IX. New Business

a. Miscellaneous – Dan Painter stated that they are having a problem with the distribution of the newsletters in the community. It was suggested that a request for volunteers be put in the next newsletter and if not, then possibly the Association could look into emailing the newsletters in the future or place them up at the entrance for pick up.

X. Next Meeting Date - The next meeting date was set for Tuesday, February 26th at 7:00 PM at Perkins Restaraunt.

XI. Adjournment: A motion was made by Matt Reschke and seconded by Greg Costich to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM.

Prepared By:

LeTisha Labbate, LCAM