Thursday 23rd February2017

Keavil House Hotel


Welcome and Attendance.

The Chair welcomed everyone to the AGM

1 Present

Alistair Bruce Chair

James Lawson NQ Heritage Trust

Peter Wilson LTA Projects

Linn Williamson Grill 48

Roger Pickering Forth Pilgrim

Frank Connolly Dynamic Dunfermline

Lisa Edwards Dunfermline Delivers

Donald Mackenzie McKenzie Routes

Sarah Kettles Fife Pilgrim Way

Gillian McCracken Fife Tourism Partnership


Joe McGuinness Area Services Manager, Dunfermline

Cllr Helen Law Dunfermline Area Cttee

Cllr Mike Shirkey SW Fife Area Cttee

Manuela Calchini Visit Scotland

Jack Pryde Discover Dunfermline Tours

Karen Davidson Kingsgate Shopping Centre

Sharron McCormick Fife Cultural Trust

Sherrie Weatherspoons

2 Minutes of AGM Meeting 14thJanuary 2016

The Minutes were approved.

3 Chairman’s Report

Alistair Bruce involved members in a discussion on progress during the last year. He noted that as Chair of the Fife Tourism Partnership he observed that this group performed well, with support for strong projects – CruiseForth (awarded Scottish Enterprise Funding), Outlander (future Business Event fully subscribed) and Forth Pilgrim (awaiting news of Lottery funding).

Dunfermline now had a proactive BID (Dunfermline Delivers) organising seasonal events, and successful initiatives such as Comicon. The renewal of the Purple Award for street safety was to be applauded. World Host training continued to be taken up by businesses across the area.

The Chair thanked members for the support they offered to the LTA, and its work thoughout the year.

4 Appointment of Office Bearers and Committee

Chair – Alistair Bruce –

Secretary and Treasurer – Karen Davidson

Both had expressed a willingness to stand again as office bearers and were unanimously endorsed.

It was agreed that Peter Wilson would continue to support LTA projects as appropriate.

It was agreed that the position whereby those individuals who supported the management of the LTA by regular attendance at LTA meetings would form the membership of the LTA committee.

5 Finance Report

Peter Wilson reported that the bank balance currently stood at £823

He noted that the bulk of this sum would be required for the LTA contribution to the reprint of the Dunfermline Visitor Guide.

The meeting reaffirmed the signatories to the account to be Alistair Bruce, Karen Davidson, and Peter Wilson, of whom two were required to approve any payment and sign the cheque.

It was agreed that LTA membership would remain at £50 and Peter was authorised to issue invoices accordingly.

There was no other competent business.


The AGM was followed by the 2017 Showcase which was held in conjunction with Food from Fife.

The Keynote Presentation was provided by Laura Crielly from the Dunfermline Carnegie Library and Galleries, with individual stalls presented by Forth Pilgrim (WWII event 20/21 Aug), Grill 48, the Outlander Project, Discover Dunfermline, Puddledub Pork, Fife Farmers Market, Spider (De Brus) Brewery, Courses for Cooks, Christopher Trotter, and CruiseForth,