August 16, 2006 FEMA Emergency Management Higher Education Project Activity Report
Bakier, Abdul Hameed. "Liquid Explosive Training Manuals Easily Attainable on Jihadi Forums." Terrorism Focus, Vol. 3, Issue 32, August 15, 2006. Accessed at:
Received for review from lead course developer, Dr. William Waugh Jr., Georgia State University:
* 3rd draft of Session 4, "Planning/Preparedness/Readiness," by Dr. Frances Edwards
* 2nd draft of Session 6, "Recovery," by Dr. Waugh
* 1st draft of Session 7, "Conclusions," by Dr. Waugh
Chavez, Linda. "We Are Losing The War." Jewish World Review, August 16, 2006. Accessed at:
Scheuer, Michael. "The London Plot: A Tactical Victory in an Eroding Strategic Environment." Terrorism Focus, Vol. 3, Issue 32, August 15, 2006. Accessed at:
[Excerpt: "'s top priority has long been to incite Muslims to join the jihad and attack the interests of the United States and its closest allies without much in the way of guidance, funding or close involvement from al-Qaeda. Bin Laden's goal in this regard is to augment, not replace, al-Qaeda's terrorist and military capabilities; he also anticipates that tracking and combating these home-grown cells will reduce the amount of manpower and technical resources that Western governments can devote to al-Qaeda's own operatives. Last week's events in London, in tandem with the other cells taken down in the last 10 months, suggest that al-Qaeda's campaign to incite Muslims to jihad is increasingly successful and producing a geographically dispersed set of threats that already-stretched U.S. and Western security and intelligence services will have difficulty protecting against.... While some of those arrested in London clearly believed that Muslims were not treated as equals in British society, these beliefs do not appear to have been the major motivation for their planned attacks. Rather, the central motivation appears to have been their belief that British, U.S. and Western foreign policy generally-especially vis-à-vis Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel-amounted to a war against Islam and Muslims."]
B. Wayne Blanchard, Ph.D., CEM
Higher Education Project Manager
Emergency Management Institute
National Emergency Training Center
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Department of Homeland Security
16825 S. Seton, N-430
Emmitsburg, MD 21727
(301) 447-1262, voice
(301) 447-1598, fax
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