Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council

held on 13th July 2015 at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall

207/07-15 Present and Apologies

Cllr Pickering (Chairman), Cllr Audsley(Vice-chairman), Cllr Mrs Baldock, Cllr Mrs Burlton, Cllr Mrs Mitchell, Cllr Mrs Morgan and and Mr Parham (Locum Clerk). Apologies were received from the Parish Clerk. Eleven members of the public were present.

208/07-15 Declarations of Interest

There were no Declarations of Interest.

209/07-15 Minutes of the meeting of 8th June 2015


That the Minutes of the meeting of 8th June 2015 be approved and signed as a true record.

210/07-15 Matters arising

210/07-15/1 Cllr Mrs Baldock reported that the photocopier had been serviced.

210/07-15/2 Cllr Audsley reported the road edge near Cuckolds Corner had received some temporary looking repair work but the hedge opposite had not been cut back. The hole at Cuckolds corner, previously reported, was now even more exposed as the adjacent hedge had been cut back.

211/07-15 Open session

The Chairman suspended the meeting to allow members of the public to raise items with the Council.

211/07-15/01 To comment on agenda items other than planning applications

Mr Buggins queried the financial report as it appeared in the minutes; the payments and receipts did not equate to the balance of the cash book, as shown: there appeared to be a discrepancy of £13,155.19. It was agreed that the Clerk would be asked to look into this and explain this discrepancy to the Chairman so that a full explanation could be given to the public at the next meeting.

211/07-15/02 To raise new issues with the Parish Council

Mr Peters explained that he had proposed Mr Buggins as a Councillor because it was felt that the current Parish Council did not represent all areas of the parish. He felt that it was unfair to associate his calling of an election with the costs of running one, as he could not know that Dr Taylor would also stand for election. Mrs Harrison concurred. The Chairman explained that when ten signatures had been submitted to ABC requesting an election the Parish Council was not able to stop a member of the public from running for office, and it was therefore necessary that a full election be run with the costs falling on the subsequent year’s precept. Mr Peters said that he had spoken to Electoral Services at ABC who had said the PC could have run the election at lower cost. The Chairman said the PC had no control over the manner of or cost of the election. ABC had total control once 10 residents had called for an election.

Mr Austin requested that KCC be asked to look at the sensitivity of the ‘SLOW DOWN’ interactive sign on Ashford Road, as it had begun flashing at cars which were travelling within the speed limit. He felt that this hampered the sign’s effectiveness. The Chairman agreed to pursue this with KCC, but added that he did not hold out much hope of changes being made.

211/07-15/03 To comment on planning applications

No comments were made.

The Chairman reconvened the meeting.

212/07-15 Planning Committee report

The Vice-chairman reported that at the Planning Committee meeting of 13th July the following planning applications were supported;

15/00737/AS Greenfields, Ashford Road, High Halden

15/00800/AS Harbourne House, Harbourne Lane, High Halden

15/00825/AS Moonstone Barn, Redbrook Street, High Halden

15/00904/AS Hales Place, Woodchurch Road, High Halden


15/00615/AS Caravan, Lotland Farm, Biddenden Road, Tenterden

15/00447/AS Tiffenden Manor, Harbourne Lane, High Halden

15/00685/AS 3 Maynard Villas, Ashford Road, High Halden

15/00223/AS Venruth, Redbrook Street, Woodchurch

There have been no refusals or withdrawals and there were no other planning matters to report.

213/07-15 Financial report

213/07-15/1 To Agree Payment to the Locum Clerk


Payment of £50.00 to the Locum Clerk.

213/07-15/2 To Agree Payments in Accordance with the Budget


That the following payments be agreed.


Cheque / Details / £
001068 / Cancelled cheque (to accompany PWLB application)
001069 / S Wood (June salary) / 469.56
001070 / S Wood (June expenses) / 63.72
001071 / Commercial Services (works to goal mouths) / 358.80
001072 / Wicksteed Playgrounds (repairs to roundabout) / 319.34
000003 / NDR Builders Ltd / 14000.00
001073 / NDR Builders Ltd / 14534.53


Details / £
Public Works Loan Board (refund of application fee) / 25.00
Football Foundation / 13506.00
Public Work Loan Board / 19975.00
NatWest interest / 1.53

Balance as per the cash book at 13th July 2015

£ 61266.74 (cheque and deposit accounts)

£454.00 (Sports Pavilion Committee account)

£1257.91 (HHVEC account)

213/07-15/3 To receive and note the report of the Internal Auditor

The Internal Auditor’s report was noted. Councillors expressed their gratitude to the Parish Clerk.

213/07-15/4 To adopt the Statement of Internal Control

Members concurred that they were satisfied with the statement and agreed that it would be signed and adopted at the next meeting.

214/07-15 Reports

214/07-15/1 Community Warden The Community Warden’s report was read in her absence and is attached. Members expressed regret at the loss of the youth bus.

214/07-15/2 PCSO Nothing to report in PCSO Moorey’s absence.

214/07-15/3 Ward member Further to the Community Warden’s report, Cllr Pickering stated that Operation Stack was having a significant impact on the Ashford Borough, particularly because refuse lorries were impeded from accessing the waste & recycling site by the closure of the motorway.

214/07-15/4 Environmental Cllr Mrs Morgan reported the following; Youths had vandalised a dog bin on the Jubilee Field. Cllr Mrs Morgan will make enquiries of Tenterden Basketball Club, which had been found to be marking out the court, she expressed concern that if it was being used by them it would not be available for local children. The roundabout in the play area had been repaired.

214/07-15/5 Safety and Security Cllr Mrs Mitchell reported that she was awaiting a date for the planned Neighbourhood Watch meeting. When a date had been fixed she would arrange a leaflet drop to every house in the parish advertising it.

214/07-15/6 Highways Cllr Audsley reported that Wrens Nest Lane was scheduled to have repair work undertaken from 14th July, however this would constitute patching rather than full repair of the road. Cllr Audsley then invited Mrs Woodcock, a resident of Oak Grove Lane, to share her experience of living there since speed and weight restrictions had been put in place. She explained that very large articulated lorries and coaches continued to use the lane as a through-route. Mrs Woodcock felt that it was only a matter of time before a fatality occurred, and this sentiment was echoed by Mrs Harrison. Councillors agreed that this was a cause for serious concern, and stated that if Mrs Woodcock could make a note of the companies whose lorries were still using the lane the Parish Council would be able to write to them asking them to desist. In the meantime the Clerk would be instructed to write to Kent County Council to make them aware of the dangerous situation in the lane.

214/07-15/7 Marketing/projects Cllr Mrs Baldock reported that next edition of the Halden Herald would be distributed at the end of August and stated that the deadline for submissions was 15th August. The Clerk would email local organisations to ask for submissions.

215/07-15 Information items

215/07-15/1 Sports Pavilion update Following a meeting on 18th June, Cllr Mrs Baldock reported that the Pavilion work was proceeding to schedule. ABC was being approached regarding appropriate solar panels. Concerns had been raised regarding how vehicles would be kept in the parking area; it was anticipated that this would be addressed via wooden posts in the ground, similar to those at the green, with some removable to allow maintenance vehicles etc. to pass. Cllr Mrs Baldock had been in touch with a graphic designer with a view to creating a flag representing High Halden which could be flown from the Sports Pavilion.

215/07-15/2 HHVEC Cllr Mrs Burlton reported that disappointingly few village organisations had shown interest in the opening ceremony for the pavilion; there had been poor attendance at the meeting on 8th July. Cheerleaders, a hog roast, tea & coffee (supplied by the Women’s Institute), a tug-of-war, a bouncy assault course and a cricket display had been secured, as well as the participation of the High Halden Hornets and Brewmasters. The ice cream van “Dolly’s Lollies” would be in attendance, and had offered to donate 20% of its takings to charity. Suggestions of a suitable charity were sought. Cllr Pickering confirmed that he would supply a PA system for the event. The next meeting of the HHVEC was scheduled for 5th August.

216/07-15 To sign the Memorandum of Understanding between the Parish Council and the Brewmasters and Hornets Football Clubs

As the football clubs were not in attendance this was deferred until the next meeting, however members concurred that the memorandum was in order.

217/07-15 To consider fencing the children’s play area at the Jubilee Field

Consideration was given to erecting fencing to prevent dogs fouling in the play area. It was agreed that the Clerk would seek quotations for the work before a decision would be made, as well as contacting ABC to enquire about available grants for this type of project.

218/07-15 To adopt the Parish Council’s Lone Worker and Health and Safety policies


That the Lone Worker and Health and Safety policies be adopted.

219/07-15 Sports Pavilion Caretaker Post

219/07-15/1 To consider the draft job description

Members concurred that the job description was acceptable.

219/07-15/2 To consider recruitment and remuneration

Members concurred that the job should be advertised locally as well as online, possibly using indeed.co.uk, which had been very successful in finding applicants for a similar position at Tenterden Town Council. A preference was expressed for a local applicant. It was agreed that the living wage of £7.85 was acceptable.

220/07-15 Sports Pavilion

220/07-15/1 Hire charges for general use

Following a discussion it was agreed that use of the pavilion would be charged at £40.00 for four hours and £70.00 for eight hours. During summer the building would be available to hire until 8pm, and up to 6pm in the winter.

220/07-15/2 Allocation of keys for the Sports Pavilion

Members concurred that keys should be held only by the Parish Clerk and the Caretaker, as well as one set each for the two football clubs.


That Sports Pavilion keys be issued to the Parish Clerk, the Caretaker, the Hornets Football Club and the Brewmasters Football Club.

220/07-15/3 To consider signage needed

It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would be instructed to look into appropriate designs for signage, in consultation with the sponsors of the building, and report back with quotes from firms to undertake the work.

221/07-15 Safety issues arising from the pedestrian crossing

Cllr Audsley reported that some drivers were failing to give way to the pedestrian crossing. Members concurred that the situation was dangerous, and that improved signage was required, particularly on Church Hill at the approach to the junction. The Clerk will write to KCC Highways expressing the Parish Council’s serious concerns.


To press Kent County Council for improved signage for the crossing.

222/07-15 Items for the next Parish Council meeting

222/07-15/1 Bye-laws for Jubilee Field regarding horses, dog fouling etc.

223/07-15 Any other business

223/07-15/1 Two young men are aiming to achieve the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award, part of which is to carry out thirty hours of voluntary service. They had approached Cllr Mrs Baldock to find out whether they could offer any assistance to the Parish Council. Members concurred that they were happy for them to undertake litter-picking and delivering the High Halden Herald, and would particularly direct them to the parts of the churchyard that required attention.

223/07-15/2 Mr Buggins accepted the Chairman’s apology for his discourtesy during the Open Session.

224/07-15 Date of next meeting

Monday August 10th at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall.

The meeting closed at 8.58 pm.



Dear Mr Chairman

YOUTH BUS – As no youngsters are attending we have decided to withdraw the Youth Bus from High Halden.

I have been very busy this month. I have had to do a share of the Safety in Action Event at Towers School which was on for two weeks and I also have helped out at Operation Stack delivering water and sandwiches. I have worked at a School Intake day and will be working at a fete on Sunday.

Kind regards

Kathy Carter

07813 711940