St. John’s Episcopal Church, Sharon, PA
Vestry Minutes
February 8, 2016
Present: Madge Tamber, Bob Verholek, Barb Lipinski, Keith Rowlands, Adam Trambley, Al Seladi, Gary Funderlich.
Absent: Curt Myers, Tracy Schliep, Drew Mitch
Vestry met in the All Saint’s Chapel at 7:00 pm, Monday, February 8, 2016 for evening prayer.
Vestry reconvened in the upstairs dining room at 7:20 pm.
Adam nominated Madge Tamber to be Senior Warden. She was elected by the vestry. Nominations were opened for Junior Warden. Bob Verholek was nominated by Madge Tamber. No one else was nominated. Bob Verholek was elected. Nominations were opened for treasurer. Keith Rowlands was nominated by Barb Lipinski. No other nominations were made. Keith Rowlands was elected. Nominations for clerk were opened. Barb Lipinski nominated herself. No one else was nominated Barb Lipinski was elected.
A motion was made by Madge Tamber to accept the January 11, 2016 vestry minutes, as corrected. Second by Bob Verholek. Motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s report was reviewed and discussed. Sources of income were explained. The finance committee is working on improving the clarity of the report. A motion to accept the report was made by Gary Funderlich, seconded by Al Seladi. Motion passed unanimously.
The junior warden reported that the sexton’s closet has been cleaned and the AED installed in the lounge. A meeting was held with HHSDR and Hudson Construction concerning was leakage problems in Allen Hall and the elevator. There is to be an additional inspection and follow up meeting.
Father Adam presented a list of Capital Campaign work to be completed by Jesse Fiske. Items to be completed this spring and summer totals $142,619. A motion was made by Madge Tamber to begin the work, second by Al Seladi. Motion passed unanimously.
Church Insurance inspection was completed. They reportedly were very impressed but made the following suggestions. 1) A video recording of all inventory and the video kept off-site,.
2) Developing a crisis emergency plan. 3) certificate of insurance for users of the building holding the church harmless. This is currently in progress. 4) Screening for money handlers. 5) Having a Diocesan audit. This has already been scheduled for this year.
Two building requests were received. One to have the AED installed in the lounge; this is completed. Another request to a railing installed in the downstairs women’s restroom and on the ramp.
Events for our 150th Anniversary Event were discussed. Fr. Adam explained that the funding for the 150th celebration is not part of the operating budget. ECW has donated $500 and is covering the cost of the February 14 reception. Other costs will be paid from the Rector’s Discretionary Fund which is a private trust in the amount of approximately $6000 annually.
The Diocese is holding a Congregational Growth Workshop and Process on Friday April 23 and Saturday April 24 in New Castle and invited St. John’s to participate. The cost is $1500. A motion to participate was made by Gary Funderlich and seconded by Keith Rowlands to participate and take the money from Adult Education.
The Lent schedule was presented. There was discussion concerning the time of Stations of the Cross and suggestions about holding them at a different time when more people would be able to participate. It was decided to keep them at 12:05 on Friday for this year with a possibility of changing next year.
Due to changes internationally, our payments from the St. Pauly Shed has been reduced to $.02/lb from $.04/lb. This is believed to be a temporary reduction.
There was discussion on a letter received from Christian Associates. A motion was made by Gary Funderlich directing the rector to respond, second by Madge Tamber. Motion passed unanimously.
Fr. Adam will be on Diocesan Clergy Retreat from Sunday afternoon 2/21 through Tuesday afternoon 2/23; and at the Acts 8 Movement Conference from 4-28-5/1. Fr. Denny will be the visiting priest on May 1.
Motion to adjourn at 9:20 made by Madge Tamber, second by Gary Funderlich. Motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Barb Lipinski, Clerk