4th October, 2014
on Saturday the 18thOctober,2014
from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PMat Branch Auditorium
We are glad to inform you that we are organizing the QUIZ CONTEST 2014 covering following subjects contained in the curriculum of PCC, IPCC and Final on Monday, the 18th October,2014 from 10.00 AM to 1.30 PM at our Branch Auditorium:
(iii)Corporate Laws (iv)Taxation –Direct and Indirect
(v)Costing/Management Accounting/(vi)Information Technology
Financial Management
(vii)Economics (viii)General Awareness
Medium of Quiz Contest is English. However if any participant wants to speak in Hindi, the option will be given.
Interested students are advised to contact the Vishal Gupta(Phone No. 0141-3044214) for further details and give their names by Saturday11thOct 2014 in writing.
There will be a maximum of 5 teams consisting of two students. If there are more participants the 5 teams have to be selected by a process of elimination.
The best team will be selected to participate in the Regional Level Contest to be held on or before 30thOctober, 2014. They will be re-imbursed the to and fro 2 Tier AC Railway Fare by the shortest route in trains including Rajdhani / Shatabadi Express or by air (which ever is less)and also paid adaily allowance as per actual expenses subject to a maximum of Rs.1500/- per day for a maximum of threedays to meet incidental expenses including boarding, lodging and the local conveyance.A team of two students will be selected from each regional contest to participate in the all India final Contest.
A person who has qualified in the final examination and completed articles / audit training is not eligible to participate. However a contestant who has won the contest at the branch level and later passed the final exam, and also completed articled training shall be eligible to participate in the Regional contest as well as All India Final Contest.
CA. Gautam Sharma CA. Vipin Gangwal CA. Shailendra Agarwal
Chairman CICASA Chairman Secretary-
9829032565 9414079641 9314412945
Saturday, 18th October, 2014 FROM 10.00 AM TO 1.30 PM
1.Participant students will be divided into teams. Each team will consist of equal number of IPCC and FinalStudents.
2 There will be a maximum of 5 teams, each team consisting of two students. If there are more participants, the teams have to be selected by a process of elimination.
3 There will be eight rounds of Quiz Contest covering the following areas :-
(i)Accounting (ii)Auditing
(iii)Corporate Laws (iv)Taxation –Direct and indirect
(v)Costing/ Management Accounting/(vi)Information Technology
Financial Management
(vii)Economics(viii)General Awareness
(a)Three questions will be asked in each round to each team. The students will be given 60 seconds for answering each of the questions.
(b)In each round, the questions will be addressed turn-by-turn to each team. For example, Q. No. 1 will be addressed to team A. If Team A answers the question correctly, then Q. NO. 2 will be addressed to Team B. If Team A does not answer Question No. 1 correctly, the question will pass on to Team B. A question will pass once and there will be no subsequent passing. As usual, the Question No. 2 will be addressed to Team B, the question No. 3 will be addressed to Team C and so on.
(c)At the end, there shall be a Rapid Fire Round in which five questions will be addressed to each team. Each team will be given one minute to answer all the five questions instantaneously. Students may choose not to answer a question. There will be no passing in Rapid Fire Round.
(d)Each question shall carry 5 marks. 2 marks shall be awarded for questions which have been passed.
(e)Appropriate Computer Softwares may be used to manage quiz, record time and performance of each team. Manual systems may also be used wherein the quiz Master may use stop clock for the purpose of recording time.
(f)The Quiz Contest will be conducted by a professional Quiz Master. However, the Quiz Master should not be a person whose articled assistant / relative or the articled assistant / relative of his / her partner is a participant in the contest.
(g)Medium of Quiz Contest is English. However if any participant wants to speak in Hindi, the option will be given.
= : 2 : =
4.The best team shall be selected to participate in the Regional Level Contest. The participants will be paid the to and fro2 Tier AC fare by the shortest route in trains including Rajdhani / Shatabdi Express or by plane (which ever is less) and also be paid adaily as per actual expenses subject to a maximum of Rs. 1500/- per day for a maximum of three days to meet the incidental expenses including boarding, loading and local conveyance. Student have to make their arrangements for their stay at the place of the Contest as well at the place where the final Contest will be held wherever possible, The Regional office at Kanpur will arrange reasonable accommodation for the participants at economical rates.
5. In the case of winners from Regional Contests will participate in the Final All India Competition.
I am interested to participate in the QUIZ CONTEST to be held on 18.10.14 from 10.00 AM to 1.30 PM at Jaipur Branch :
IPCC/ Final:______
Name of Student:______
Registration No:______
Phone No. : (R)______
Mobile No. :______
I shall like to speak______
in English / Hindi
I have noted that a person who has qualified in final examination and completed articles / audit training is not eligible to participate.However a contestant who has won the contest at the branch level and later passed the final exam, and also completed articled training shall be eligible to participate in the Regional Contest as well as All India Final Contest.
Dated : ______
(Full Signature of Student)
No.229/2013 Quiz Contest3.9.2013
Shri Vijay Kapur
A-29, Sector 62
NOIDA (UP) 201309
Sub: Quiz Contest for CA students
Dear Sir,
I am pleased to inform you that Our Branch has organized Quiz Contest for CA students on Monday, the 2nd Sept, 2013 at the Branch Premises.
CA. Gautam Sharma, CICASA Chairman gave welcome remarks and CA. Pramod Kumar Boob, Chairman Jaipur Branch gave the details about the Contest. CA S S Dhaked was the Quiz Master.
For this contest 76 entries were received from IPCC and Final students. Out of them, 54 appeared in Pre-Quiz Contest. 5 teams Viz. A, B, C, D and E were formed. Team No. A consisting of following participants was declared as the Winner Team:-
- Ms. Shipra Kabra (IPCC)
CRO 0377881
M-30, Mahesh Colony
Tonk Road. Jaipur
Mob. 9024717123
- Mr. Yudhisthir Vashisth (Final)
CRO 0347748
19, Hari Nagar, Tara Nagar C
Jhotwara , Jaipur
Mob. 7597782233
All the participants were given certificates and the participants of winning Team were honoured by mementoes also. About 150 students were present in the audience.
CA. Shailendra Agarwal, Secretary Jaipur Branch gave vote of thanks to the participants.
Yours sincerely,
CA. Pramod Kumar BoobCA. Shailendra Agarwal CA. Gautam Sharma
Chairman Secretary CICASA Chairman