Kitakyushu Initiative Seminar on Public-Private Partnerships for
Urban Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment
(4 November 2002, Beijing, China)
Written Paper Guidelines
The written paper and Powerpoint slides should be sent to IGES[1] in electronic form by Wednesday, 23 October 2002.
Written Paper (English)
(Paper length should be 6-10 pages)
The following outline is provided to you for assistance in writing your paper. The below outline contains suggestions only and can be used as a reference guide. In principle, the length of the paper should be 6-to-10 pages.
Your paper will be distributed to participants at the seminar. Pamphlets, existing studies, and additional information are also welcome (approximately 30 participants are expected.). Photos, maps, tables, and diagrams can also be included in the paper to further illustrate the Municipality’s activities in the area of public-private partnerships (PPP) in the water sector.
Presenters of successful practices in this sector can choose to present experiences in either water supply OR wastewater treatment. If the Municipality wishes to present information on both topics, an increase in pages is acceptable.
The written paper will be included in the meeting proceedings following the conclusion of the Seminar.
The oral presentation (10-15 minutes maximum) in English will be based on your written paper, followed by a question and answer session (10 minutes). Time allocations may change depending on the number of speakers.
Because time is limited for presentations, speakers are requested to present key points that could be addressed during discussions. If presenters will be using Powerpoint slides, it is suggested that only 5-8 slides be prepared, as speakers normally use 2-3 minutes per slide.
The major target of the seminar is to discuss the role of private investment through public-private partnerships to improve urban environmental services, such as water supply and wastewater treatment.
- General Introduction of Municipality (1 to 2 pages)
Information providing a general overview of the Municipality can be presented in this section. Ideas for contents can include the following.
City characteristics (Population, overall economic activity of the city, commercial and industrial structure, demographics, geographic (maps), socioeconomic, per capital water consumption, etc.)
Main features of the Municipality
- Organizational structure of local government, including departmental duties, etc. Details regarding the organizational structure of department responsible for water supply/wastewater treatment could also be included in this section.
- Financial structure (for example):
Overall income (from local government, national government, subsidies, etc.)
Overall expenditures (per sector, i.e. environmental (water supply, wastewater treatment, other), legislative, etc.)
Income for water supply/wastewater treatment (user fees, subsidies, etc.)
Expenditures for water supply/wastewater treatment (subsidies, infrastructure, personnel, equipment, management fees, etc.)
Percentage of tax collected to local and national governments
- Domestic/industrial wastewater (amount/day, amount treated/day), Domestic water supply (percentage of households supplied)
Facilities available for water supply and wastewater treatment (number, other)
- Existing and future goals
What is or will be the role of the public sector and private sector for existing and/or future goals for water supply and/or wastewater treatment?
What financial mechanisms, regulations/policies, and charges, among others, are being considered or are in use?
- Jurisdiction or legislative powers over regulations, especially with regard to environmental issues (i.e. regulation, implementation, and enforcement water supply/wastewater treatment)
- National and local policies for public-private partnerships (PPP) (1-2 pages)
Institutions to support public sector investment, such as Board of Investment at national or local level, etc.
Legal framework for PPP (what regulations/laws are in effect, what obstacles?)
Guidelines for PPP, such as debt equity ratio, domestic to foreign investment ratio, public to private ownership ratio, availability of governmental guarantees, type of contract allowed (Build-Own-Transfer (BOT), Build-Own-Operate (BOO), full asset ownership, other)
Please write other important guidelines or policies, if available.
- Increasing private sector investment in water supply and/or wastewater treatment: Current experiences, future direction, and problems (3-5 pages)
Information provided in this section can provide an overview/description of the current experiences, future directions, and problems faced in increasing the role of the private sector in water supply or wastewater treatment in the Municipality. Ideas on contents may include:
General information regarding the overall management process for water supply and/or wastewater treatment in the Municipality. This can include:
- Roles of local government
- Role of private sector, if applicable. If the private sector is not involved, what are the reasons (legal restrictions, lack of incentives, etc.)
- Financial structure for water supply and/or wastewater treatment (user charges, subsidies, etc.)
Detailed information on one or two projects (past, current or future) in the Municipality using public-private partnerships, i.e. joint venture, Build-Own-Transfer (BOT), Build-Own-Operate (BOO), Transfer-Operate-Transfer (TOT), Build-Lease-Transfer (BLT), concession contracts, management/lease contracts, rehabilitation, other. Information could include:
a. Driving forces (why PPP has been/to be initiated?)
Financial shortages, operating inefficiency, cost recovery, technology improvement, service quality improvement, other
b. Development process of project: How project(s) were carried out (step-by-step)? This can also include difficulties faced, as well as points that worked well.
c. Laws and regulations necessary to carry out project
d. Role of institutions (local government, private businesses, residents)
e. Distribution of risks between the public and private sector (environment, social, capital, management, financial, political, other)
f. Financial structure for project (i.e.: grants, national/local bonds, stocks, foreign direct investment, loans from local/international agencies and banks, user charges, subsidies for lower income groups, other), including construction and operation costs
g. Achievements (quantitatively and/or qualitatively)
4. General Conclusions (1-2 pages)
This section can make a summary of the above points and include more information, such as:
How do you think your activities can be replicated in other parts of your city or other cities in your country?
How will your Municipality overcome existing and/or future problems? (This may also include scenarios where municipalities have to achieve goals by using their own resources.)
What lessons has your Municipality learned from its experiences, both successes and failures?
What do you think could be major areas of cooperation between Kitakyushu Initiative Network cities under this topic (i.e. technical know-how, regulations, other)?
[1]Contact: (E-mail) , (Fax) +81-93-513-3712