Parks Commission Minutes
September 16, 2013
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I. Call to Order: Chair Hauble called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Vice Chair Eder, Commissioner Krieger, and Commissioner Viers; City Administrator Johnson, Public Works Director Kegley, Arborist Widin, Summer Park Programming Coordinator Zeuli, and Commission Liaison McComber. Absent: None.
II. Approval of Agenda: Chair Hauble moved the Parks Commission Vacancy Interviews to after the Department/Commission Liaison Reports on the Agenda.
Vice Chair Eder, seconded by Chair Hauble, moved to approve the Agenda as amended. Carried 4-0.
III. Approval of Parks Commission Minutes – August 19, 2013: Vice Chair Eder, seconded by Chair Hauble, moved to approve the Minutes from August 19, 2013 as printed. Carried 4-0.
IV. Department/Commission Liaison Reports:
A. Arborist: Arborist Widin reported she received an invoice from St. Croix Tree Service for the tree removal and pruning. She stated she would be checking that work to be sure it was completed.
Widin stated that new trees planted within the last five years should be watered at least 10 gallons per week. She also noted she has seen more Dutch elm disease this year compared from previous years. She stated the City does remove diseased elms and oaks from public and private property.
B. Public Works Director: Public Works Director Kegley reported that the park shelters would remain open through the month of September. He stated they planned to close them at the beginning of October. He stated that each park would have a portable toilet placed prior to the shelters being closed.
Kegley reported that the picnic tables had arrived for the Oak Park Crossing Park, and his department would be placing those once the shelter was built.
Kegley reported that he had a discussion with the resident who resided near disc golf hole 8 regarding the fence. He stated the resident did not wish to have the fence removed nor to have it be rebuilt. He stated that since the basket was moved, he did not see any issues with golfers climbing the fence to retrieve their discs.
C. Other / Commission Liaison Reports: Commission Liaison McComber reported that the City Council approved the Parks Commissions recommendation to name the new park Oak Park Crossing. She stated the winner who submitted that name was Shelby Zeuli.
McComber also reported that the City received a grant from Playful City USA for $20,000 for another playground build.
Summer Park Programming Coordinator Zeuli reported that the summer park program had wrapped up. She requested that if any residents have suggestions, they should go to the City’s website to obtain her e-mail.
Commissioner Krieger, seconded by Commissioner Viers, moved to accept the Department / Commission Liaison Reports. Carried 4-0.
V. Adjourn to Parks Commission Vacancy Interviews: Commissioner Krieger, seconded by Vice Chair Eder, moved to recess to Parks Commission vacancy interviews. Carried 4-0.
VI. Reconvene Regular Meeting: Commissioner Krieger, seconded by Vice Chair Eder, moved to continue the third interview to 6:45 p.m. on October 21, 2013. Carried 5-0.
VII. Visitors/Public Comment: None
VIII. Public Hearings: None
IX. New Business: None
X. Old Business:
A. Parks Commission Vacancy: Chair Hauble reported that the item would be continued to the next Parks Commission meeting.
B. Discussion of Ball Field Use at Oak Park Crossing Park: City Administrator Johnson reported that the Parks Commission met with representatives from the Lacrosse Association and the Baseball Association at Oak Park Crossing Park. He stated he felt the representatives got a good understanding of the area, and they were going to meet together to discuss joint use of the site.
C. Park Walkthrough Discussion: Chair Hauble and Commissioner Krieger stated they each did a walkthrough of the parks and did not see anything that needed discussion. Vice Chair Eder stated he did not have an opportunity to walk through all of the parks. Public Works Director Kegley requested the Parks Commission send him an e-mail with any maintenance items they see as they walk through.
XI. Informational:
A. Next Meeting: Monday, October 21, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall
B. Fall Clean-up: Saturday, October 5, 2013 at 7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at Andersen Corporation Parking Lot
C. Council Representative: Tuesday, September 24 – Commissioner Viers
XII. Adjournment:
Vice Chair Eder, seconded by Commissioner Viers, moved to adjourn. Carried 4-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Pinski
Deputy Clerk