Sci 9 Name: ______
Date: ______
Space Exploration Final Assessment
This is an individual project. Only projects that you do BY YOURSELF will be considered for marks. More than one person may choose a topic and method (example, two people could do Timelines of the Big Bang Theory).
Choose a topic
· NASA and CSA
· The Big Bang Theory
· The Milky Way Galaxy
· The Life Cycle of a Star
· Eclipses
· The Planets (overview of each)
· One Planet (detailed description/history)
· An Important Person in Space Exploration
· Constellations from Various Cultures
· Explanations of the Creation of the Universe/World from various perspectives, including current scientific theory (The Big Bang Theory) and at least 2 different cultures
· Explanations of the Aurora Borealis from various perspectives, including both scientific, First Nations, and 1 other culture
· Explanations of the seasons from various perspectives, including both scientific, Greek myth, and 1 other culture
Choose a Method
You may do any of these by hand or digitally:
· Timeline
· Model
· Story Book
· Poster
· Brochure
· Essay
· Any other method (must let me know at least 2 days in advance)
· If you do not come with a plan that I approve of already in place, I will assign you one of the projects. You must do what is assigned to you.
This page has been left intentionally blank.
Using Images from the Internet:
· You may use images from the Internet BUT only if you list the website they are from directly underneath the image on your poster/slideshow/book/etc (like a caption – see example on next page) AND on your references page.
· These images are not allowed to show the whole topic you are covering – that’s your design job.
Example of how to caption an image copied from the Internet:
Figure 1 - Image by Dave Jarvis (2008). Star Sizes. Retrieved from
By right-clicking an image in MS Word, you are given the option to Insert Caption. It’s as simple as selecting that, typing the info into the caption box and pressing “OK”.
Delete the bolded instructions and any examples you do not use after you’ve finished this page:
Here’s our textbook, already done for you:
Hounjet, C., Kvamme, B., Mohr, P., Phillipchuk, K., View, T. (Eds.). (2009). Saskatchewan Science 9. Toronto, Canada: Pearson.
With author and date:
Author, A. A. (Year, Month day). Title of web page/document. Retrieved from http://URL to specific page.
For example,
Rose, C. (2012, November 12). How to write citations and bibliographies in APA style. Retrieved from
With no author but it is on an organization’s website. There is a date:
Name of Organization. (Year, Month day). Title of web page/document. Retrieved from http://URL to specific page.
For example,
Newfoundland and Labrador Environment Network. (2011, October 7). Voting for the environment: Environment Network releasesreview of party policies. Retrieved from
With no author or organization but there is a date:
Title of web page/document. (Year, Month day). Retrieved from http://URL to specific page.
For example,
Newfoundland government rejects environmental impact statement for nickel plant. (2008, November 28). Retrieved from
With no author or date:
Title of web page/document. (Year, Month day). Retrieved from http://URL to specific page.
For example,
Newfoundland government rejects environmental impact statement for nickel plant. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Category / 0Not Even Sure What You Are Doing / 1
Not Meeting Expectations / 2
Progressing / 3
Proficient / 4
Excellent / Weight
Terminology / Did you really call that supernova a “doo-hickey”? / Correct scientific words are used less than half the time. / Correct scientific words are used more than half the time. / All but 1 or 2 words are the correct scientific word. / Terminology is completely correct. / 3x
Accurate / Um… This is really not true. / Does not show any understanding of the topic. / Shows partial understanding of the topic. / Shows general understanding of the topic. / Wow! You really know your stuff! / 3x
Reference Page / No reference page. / Incomplete, much inaccurate info, major formatting errors. / Complete, may have some inaccurate info, with major errors in format. / Complete, accurate, with minor errors in format. / Complete, accurate and correctly formatted. / 1x
Your own words / Copied completely from someone else or the Internet (you must resubmit the projects for any marks if this happens). / Tried to rephrase someone else’s words but didn’t do a very good job. May not have captioned the images you used from the Internet. / Copied images from the Internet without labelling the website under the image and didn’t put it in the reference page. Used your own words. / Copied images from the Internet without labelling the website under the image but did put it in the reference page. Used your own words. / Your own words and you credited the images you used. / 1x
Visual Component
(All projects except essay) / No visual representation submitted. / Uninteresting. / Could have used more effort but is understandable and respectable. / Neat and well-designed. / Oooooo! Sparkly! Imaginative. / 2x
Non-Essay Total = ______/40
Essay Component on reverse à
Essay Component (Essay only) / It is hard to read this piece. Maybe the ideas are confusing or there just isn’t enough writing for the reader to follow. Maybe there are too many mistakes in spelling, capitals and punctuation. / This piece has a pretty simple main idea, without much detail to support it. The details might be out of order. The sentences are either very short and simple, or run on and on. There are quite a few mistakes in spelling, grammar and punctuation. / This piece has a basic main idea with a little bit of supporting detail, but there might be some missing information or some information that is not needed. The words and sentences are ordinary, more like talking than book writing. There are some mistakes in spelling and punctuation. / This piece has a clear main idea with details to support it. The writing follows a plan and there is a lead and a conclusion. The writer’s voice comes through now and then. The words are correct, but they may not be very powerful. The sentences might be pretty much the same in length and structure. There are still a few mistakes in spelling, punctuation and grammar, especially on hard words or long sentences. / This piece has strong ideas with lots of supporting details. The writing follows a solid organizational plan with a good lead and conclusion. Varied sentences make the writing flow smoothly. The words are clear and descriptive in most of the piece. A reader can hear the writer’s voice coming through in the writing. / 2x/8
Essay Total = ______/40