Dear Pilgrims,
On our journey to holiness in this very Holy Season let us ponder the gift of all gifts. The Christ Child whom we receive at every Mass.Whom we carry in our hearts and give to those we pass by. How can we repay a God who has chosen to humble Himself to come to us, to live in us, and work through us? How can we begin to fathom this love, this favor? How must the Father look upon us after we receive the Eucharist (the very Life of His Son)?.How do we make more and more room in our hearts for Christ to dwell?
Last weekend, I was at the Epiphany Gala and a young mom got up to give her witness about having kids attend a Catholic School. She said she had never prayed or stepped foot into a church in her entire life. She didn't grow up that way. She sent her kids to Epiphany for a good education, small class sizes etc... but didn't realize what she was really getting. Her daughter at 6 years old would come home all excited about what she was learning about Jesus. She said "Mom we can even talk to Jesus and He talks back. All we need to do is pray. Come mom, I 'll show you how. Just put your hands together and be silent and listen." So they sat on the bed and the Mother followed her daughter's advice and put her hands together and sat and listened, with one eye open watching her daughter and not sure what to think.
Two years later her son started at Epiphany and the same thing happened. He too came home all excited about Jesus. But one story she will never forget. As she was stirring the chili her son said, "Mom your never gonna believe what I saw at school today. I saw Jesus! You go in this room that Jesus stays in, and He is in something called a ... I don't know, it is like a trophy. And you can really talk to Him and really look at Him. He's right there, it is so cool! Something stirred in the Mother's heart and she felt this was true.
She later was drawn to the Adoration Chapel by the Holy Spirit and went in, and had a powerful, life changing experience. When she got home she called the head of RCIA and said "I need to be Catholic now! She also said what a blessing it has been, as it has transformed her whole family.
Like these children we can only transform the world around us after we have been transformed. In this season of advent, in this year of Mercy, let us, like these children, spend time in silence to listen to Jesus. Only in silence are we able to receive love from Jesus. Only in silence are we able to hear what Jesus wants us to do. Only in silence are we given His true life.
During this year of Mercy, let us make our Sacramental life a priority. Daily Mass whenever possible and visits to the Adoration chapel. Frequent confession to make room for Jesus (at least monthly or every 2-3 weeks like Pope Francis).Daily reading of Scripture and fasting.These are the golden nuggets that our church provides to bring us closer and closer to Jesus. Let us focus on Jesus with the goal of transformation so that Jesus can use us to transform the world.
May the love of the Christ Child reign in your hearts and in your homes this Christmas and always,
Oh Holy Night~!
Fall Retreat – Epiphany Catholic Church, Coon Rapids, MN Saturday, December 12, 2015
St. Alphonsa Fraternity Fall Retreat
December 12, 2015
Hearth Room, Epiphany Church, Coon Rapids, MN
Healing and Forgiveness opens the door to a more Intimate Encounter with God
08:00 – 08:30 Mass in the Main Church
08:30 – 09:30 Breakfast in the Hearth Room
09:30 – 09:40 Break
09:40 – 10:00 Opening Song and Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer), Hail Mary for Brother Rick
10:00 – 10:45 Fr. Jim Livingston, Speaks on Healing and Forgiveness
10:45 – 11:30 Silent Prayer and Reflection in Adoration Chapel
11:30 – 12:30 Lunch in the Hearth Room
God comes to meet us at Grecio – Life as Frances knew it in the 13th Century and the importance of the Crèche at Grecio
12:30 – 01:00 Adoration and silent prayer in preparation for the afternoon talk
(Teach me your ways Lord and lead me as you led Francis through my acts of prayer, penance and humility that I may meet you at Grecio as your true disciple)
01:00 – 01:45 Fr. John Bauer, St Francis joyfully leads us to the Crèche of Grecio through a life of penance, prayer and humility.
01:45 – 02:00 Small group discussions: Each group to appoint a spokesperson for summary report
02:00 – 02:15PM Spokespersons reports from group discussions
02:15 – 03:00PM Close with the Crown Rosary and a Christmas Hymn
Thank you to Teresa and Gordon for their work in providing our amazing Holy Spirit led retreat. It was a beautiful day of prayer, reflection and fellowship. Thank you also to Fr. Jim and Fr. John for their inspiring talks and prayer.
Below are the reflection questions and small group responses from Fr. John’s talk:
1. What keeps us from recognizing our Bethlehem’s (smallness, humility)?
Some of the responses include: Thinking we have to be perfect before we can invite Jesus and Mary into our hearts. We think we need to clean up the messiness of our lives before we invite them in not realizing that they want to clean up the mess and that they are very comfortable living in the messiness of our lives. Our culture filled with materialism (stuff) prevents us from being quiet and acknowledging our littleness.
2. What keeps us from knowing that the Christ Child comes to us there?
Some of the responses include: We don’t always receive Jesus as a child in our Heart. He came as a child in humility, poverty, dependency. If we invite Jesus into our hearts as a child, and speak to Him tenderly, spending time with Him, we will be able to love and speak tenderly to others. Kathy Weismann encouraged us to ask Jesus how he wants us to receive Him in the Eucharist. Kathy receives Jesus in the Eucharist as an infant, Jesu Bambino. She shared her story of receiving Him, loving Him, holding Him as Baby Jesus telling Him how sad she is that so many in the world don’t know Him and love Him.
3. Is the Christ child seeking to be held by us in the form of a person in need right now?
Some of the responses include: Jesus comes to us in the disguise of the poor. Look at others as a wounded child rather than as an adult. By doing so, we will naturally be more loving and tender with others. In our journeys, God allows certain people in our lives to come and go. Christ has a different plan for you now. Be open to that reality.
4. Francis led others into the joy of recognizing the presence of Christ. What are ways we can share this joy with others and help them experience this joy?
Some of the responses include: Living the Gospel and spreading the Good News of Jesus. Let Christ’s presence shine through you to others.
Present: Jean, McGinty, Fr. John Bauer, Mark Urick, Patti Urick, Irene Brandenburg, Jim Malisheski, Gordon and Teresa Walker, Donna Green, Ray and Jeanette Schelonka, Ellen Drasin, Shirlann Biser, Kathy Weissman, Teresa Isenor, Carol Schiebold,Rick Dzurik.
Absent: Stephanie Percic, Jerry Swanson, Laurie Lacina, Jeannie Page
Candidates Present: Fr. John Bauer, Janet Uhlir, Cathy Hills, Gloria Haluptzok
Candidates Absent: None
Visitors: None
Treasurer’s Report:
Effective December 12, 2015 the Fraternity’s balance is $1212.28. The Fraternity paid a $200.00 stipend to Epiphany for the Hearth Room, $255.00 for food for the retreat, $50.00 stipend to each of our retreat speakers, Fr. John and Fr. Jim Livingston, $100.00 gift to our Spiritual Assistant, Fr. John, $100.00 contribution to the Epiphany food shelf, $125.00 contribution to the Franciscan Brothers of Peace, $150.00 contribution to St. John Vianney Seminary.
We plan to pay $1000.00 in January for Fair Share.
We passed the beggar bag.
FORMATION – December 2015Shirlann Biser
Dear brothers & sisters,
It will be 2 mos. before we return to our Omnibus Studies, and we had just gotten started on it! Let us take a look therefore on where we have come, and where we are going in relation to our Franciscan formation, and what is expected of us.
I quote here from the F.U.N. Manual: “Gospel Living is not simply knowledge, but an attitude and a commitment. In essence, ongoing formation is ongoing conversion, and the objective is growing into the image and likeness of God.”
All paths to holiness obviously lead us to the Triune God. I understand it as two-fold: 1). Commitment to the Interior Life; this entails frequenting the Sacraments, and love of the Eucharist; a deepening prayer life, and growth in virtue.
And 2).Faithfulness to our duties and state of life; responding to God in others, and self-less acts of charity and service to neighbor. Of course we do this in the footsteps of St. Francis as we seek daily conversion, penance, and transformation.
I would like to offer this lovely prayer, I recently came across in an old Pilgrim’s Prayer Book. It is entitled:“Lift Me Up, O Lord”
Let us be lifted up to you, O Lord.
Let us not see only ourselves, but help us to see you in others;
Let us not do only for the sake of doing, but help us to unselfishly do for others;
Let our thoughts and actions be for those less fortunate than ourselves;
Let us rise above our own afflictions, and strive instead to ease the hurt and pain of others;
Let us put as much joy as we can into the hearts of others;
Let us strive to lift up this fallen world by lifting up others....lifting them to the good and truth and beauty which is our birthright;
By thus lifting up others in a spirit of love and joy and service, we will more surely be lifted up ourselves.
Upcoming Formation Assignments:
January ‘2016
Fraternity: Omnibus of Sources- Read pgs. 65-87; The Testament of St. Francis &....
Candidates:Fully Mature with the Fullness of Christ - Session 6, “Lay Mission”
Prayer Request for December:
· Prayers for those with cancer and chronic illness
· Prayers for a successful recovery from surgery for Ray
· Prayers for peace, strength and complete healing for Jim and Trish Swanson as they battle cancer
· Prayers for strength and complete healing for Jean after the car accident
· Prayers for conversion of children and grandchildren
· Prayers for a special intention
· Prayers for Jennifer Sanisto, heating of her blood platelets
· Prayers for our candidates in Formation, for God’s blessings upon them
· Prayer for Brandon for peace, stability in his health and good housing
· Prayer for Karen, Trisha, Rick and Brent for healing
· Prayers for continued healing Kathy Weissman’s lip
· Prayers that our children will return to the church
· Prayers for the persecuted Christians around the world
· Prayers for healing for Carol
· Prayers for sisters who are in nursing homes
· Prayers for wisdom and discernment
· Prayers for more knowledge of our faith
· Prayers for safety for Connor Hills, his friend Kat and Mary Drasin as they travel Europe that their journeys will lead them closer to Christ
· Prayers for seminarians struggling in any way
· Prayers for all those with life threatening illnesses
· Prayers for all those who are incarcerated
· Prayers for Ellen’s mom, strength and acceptance, receive the last sacraments
· Prayers that the Roman Rota will grant Ellen’s annulment
· Prayers for all priests and seminarians, especially at St. John Vianney and St. Paul Seminary
· Prayers for Jim’s wife Cheryl (health), daughters Brooke (job) and Alicia (school)
· Special intention for Laurie’s daughter, Dawn
· Healing for special needs adopted granddaughter Maria
· Healing for husband, John
· Prayers for my niece Jacqueline who has recently decided that she wants to become Jack. Please pray for help her family as they are struggling with the new revelation from their daughter and sister
· Prayers for healing for Michael and Jacob
· Prayers for healing for Mark, Delinda and Amber
· Prayers for Donna, skin cancer surgery in areas near her eyes, and for speedy recovery
· Prayers for family’s spiritual health
· Prayers for peace, mercy and mitigation for the world
*2016 Calendar
***All Dates in bold are required attendance by our Rule