MyMCPS Scheduling Instructions

1.  Log into the computer

2.  Click on chrome

3.  Go to

4.  Enter your username (your 6-digit ID number) and computer password.

5.  Click on ‘Class Registration which is on the left hand side’.

6.  Starting with English, click on the pencil and select your course (both A and B).

***Please note: some courses may have 2 or more pages of offerings.

7.  When finished, click ‘Okay’.

8.  Go through until you have finished selecting all 7 of your courses. Then click submit. You should have 14 total course selections.

9.  Print out a copy of your completed schedule and attach it to your Registration Card.

10.  Return your registration card, signed by you and your parents to the counseling department, by the date assigned to you by your counselor.

This completes your registration for the 2017-2018 school year!

If you have any questions, please see your counselor.


·  For current 9th-11th graders: Between January 17th and February 17th, your counselor will meet with you to schedule your courses for the 2017-18 school year. Prior to completing the registration process, together with your counselor, you will check your transcript to determine what courses you need. However, transcripts can also be accessed on your own, through Edline. Once you have logged into Edline, click on the report on the right side of the screen labeled, “Student Grades and Graduation Credit Report”.

·  For current 8th graders: If you receive a C or a D in high school credit bearing course, we strongly recommend, retaking that course in 9th grade.

·  We encourage all students to challenge themselves with Honors, Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate classes. Please talk with teachers and counselors about the possibility of striving for higher level classes.

·  All 10th graders will take Honors Health, unless you complete the course online prior to your 10th grade year.

·  11th graders are encouraged to register for College Test Prep.

·  When deciding on which classes to register for, please reference both the MCPS High School Course Bulletin and Einstein’s Programming Information booklet. The MCPS bulletin can be found at:

The Einstein Programming Information booklet, as well all other important registration documents, can be found on the Einstein Counseling Services website:

·  When registering for classes, please be mindful of pre- and co-requisites.

·  Students should register for both A and B sections of courses, unless the MCPS course bulletin, Einstein Programming Information booklet or registration card specifically indicates that the course is only one semester.

·  Students who are considering attending Edison next school year, should discuss course options with their counselor.

·  If you do not complete the online registration process and turn in your signed registration card, counselors will choose your courses for you.