Lesson VIII – “The Word of God Effectually Works”

I Thessalonians 2:9-16 (V13-16)

Introduction: There is that about the gospel ministry that is pure delight. To be fair and honest, there are aspects of the Lord’s work and gospel ministry that are not delightful. This should be no surprise in a fallen world where fallen men attempt to minister to fallen people.

Personally, there are two things that have been vitally important and played a major role in keeping me in the ministry in difficult times.

·  The clear and definite call of God. A reading of the story of Jonah helps me see the folly of trying to run from God.

·  I truly believe that God’s Word preached affects lives and changes people. Even in difficult times, I believe the faithful declaration of the Word will eventually change lives for the glory of God. Paul believed it, too. He believed that the Word preached in the power of the Holy Ghost could affect lives and people for God. He said so right here in our text.

Thus far, we have discussed from I Thessalonians 1 & 2, the following:

Ø  An authentic New Testament church was established in Thessalonica.

Ø  Paul and servants carried on authentic ministry among them.

Ø  They exercised also, authentic preaching.

Now, before we move into our text, let me remind you of the love Paul had for this church. He was like a nursing mother with her infant (V7) and like a loving father with his children (V11). The verses we are considering are at least a part of why he had such affection for them.

I. V13a&b they received the word of god as the word of god

(Note: Now before you consider this as being too simplistic, let me ask you to think.)

A. Paul and his team did not enter Thessalonica carrying a Bible as you and I carry.

1. It is true that apostles and evangelists preached from the prophets (Philip and the Ethiopian reading Isaiah 53; Peter at Pentecost; etc.)

2. At the synagogue, Paul would reason from the Scriptures, but the Old Testament Scriptures presented Christ in shadows and types (important to the Jews).

3. But consider preaching to Gentiles at Thessalonica, Greeks who were hated by Jews and hated Jews in return. Would a Jewish Old Testament really appeal to them? Doubtful.

4. The specifics of the gospel and Christianity in inspired form came from the oral delivery of the message from the apostles.

5. I can walk to a pulpit or other places and say some incredible things about God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, heaven, hell, sin, prophecy, etc. and say them with conviction and confidence. How? I carry God’s Word! Truth! Paul did not!

B. So imagine Paul preaching in Thessalonica among those people.

1. He stood and preached the elements of the gospel (the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ).

2. V13b The believers did not say, “Go away! It’s the word of men!” No way!

3. V13b They received it as truth; the Word of God. They believed and were saved!

C. So, Paul and company must have been great preachers! Not necessarily.

1. I Thessalonians 1:5 The message came by power of the Holy Ghost.

2. Any preacher is “great” when the Holy Ghost gives unction and authority and power and persuasion.

II. V13c the word of god, believed and received, affects any who believe and receive

A. V13c Here is a recurring thought from Paul.

1. Follow closely. The Thessalonians experienced the following:

a. Intellectual understanding.

b. Heart conviction and persuasion of truth.

c. An embracing of the truth, or an appropriation of the truth to the life.

2. Therefore (V13c), the truth (Word, gospel) worked in them effectually.

a. In other words, we will be affected by authentic reception and appropriation of truth!

b. See 1:3, 9&10. This is how they were affected.

3. I have fear!

a. I fear that with many the acceptance of the truth goes no farther than the intellect.

b. Authentic belief causes the truth to work effectually in us; in each one of us individually.

c. “But the effect is that I’m going to heaven.” But if it did not turn your life to serve God and look for Jesus, how can you say that?

B. We have addressed the effect of receiving of truth has upon a person, an individual. Now Paul commences to tell us how truth effectually works in the authentic New Testament church.


A.  V14a They imitated the churches of Judea.

(Note: Recall in I Thessalonians 1:6 how individually they became followers of Paul and the Lord. Now, as a church, they became followers of the Judean churches.)

1. Does this mean they said, “Okay, we’re a church now. Let’s be like other churches we’ve heard of in Judea”? No!

2. Notice that the Judean churches were the first churches and they were authentic churches. They, too, experienced the effectual working of the truth and took on the appropriate characteristics.

3. This was not intentional imitation on the part of the members.

a. Judea received truth and it affected them.

b. Thessalonica received truth that naturally produced the same results.

4. Think carefully. To read what is working to draw crowds somewhere else and imitate that program, must be sickening to God. However, to be submitted to the truth and the power of the Holy Ghost will probably cause us to take on similarities and characteristics of other Spirit-filled churches - like that first Judean church.

5. That first Judean church (Acts 2; the Jerusalem church) was a church that…

a. Emphasized gospel preaching.

b. Believed in prayer.

c. Was dogmatic and steadfast in doctrinal truth.

d. Was fervent in soul-winning.

e. Encouraged one another with fellowship.

6. All this was the result of being Spirit-filled – effectual working! On your own, read Acts 2-6.

B. V14b-16 They imitated Judea in enduring suffering and persecution.

1. Judea was opposed by Jews who accepted responsibility for Jesus’ death. (“His blood be upon us and upon our children.”)

2. Read Acts and see opposition from Jews.

3. V14b Now the Jews of Greece are opposing the gospel in the same way and the Thessalonian church is standing fast. They are staying true to the gospel.

Conclusion: You know, we may appear authentic as New Testament churches in America in every way except one. We may bear many of the right marks of authenticity. But I wonder; will we suffer well?

Ø  The churches of Judea did.

Ø  The churches of Greece did as great persecution came from Rome in the latter 1st Century.

Ø  The churches of the Dark Ages did; yes sir, those Anabaptists and predecessors were martyred by the thousands.

Ø  The Baptists during and after the Reformation suffered.

Ø  So have our sister churches in Russia and China.

Ø  So did the earliest Baptists of this nation; they suffered from the throne of England.

Ø  We haven’t! We will!

If we are authentic, the same gospel that has worked effectually with regard to many areas of life will also affect our ability to be true in the face of persecution. Jeremiah 12:5