
In 2002, the UK Office for Science (GO-Science), Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) signed abilateral agreement withthe Government of South Africamaking funding available to establish a networking working scheme which aimed to initiate and develop enduring partnerships between the UK and South African scientists. Under the agreement, both sides agreed upon the need to bring together their most excellent scientists in any field of science and technology. This scheme is administered by the Royal Society on behalf of DIUS and by the National Research Foundation (NRF) in South Africa on behalf of the South Africa Department of Science and Technology.

Scheme Objectives

Funding is now available tosupport the establishment ofnetworking grants between the UK and South Africa.

  • To initiate and encourage “bottom-up” networking between excellent UK and South African postdoctoral scientists.
  • To develop new and enduring partnerships in any field of science and technology, that would ultimately result in bids for project funding through national structures.

This funding opportunity is seen as a crucial “stepping stone” to support sustainable partnerships.

The scheme may also provide the opportunity for those scientists who have already previously participated in the networking scheme to take their collaboration one step further by applyingfor funds to support a follow-on activity.

Types of Networking Activities

Funding is available to support a wide range of networking activities. Scientists are encouraged to demonstrate how best the networking grant could be used for a particular activity. Scientists should ensure that their networking activity is interactive, with clearly defined outputs.

Applicants may choose ONE of the following networking activities which should take place in EITHER the UK or South Africa (not both). Applicants who apply for more than one networking activity per application or who submit multiple applications in the same round will not be considered.

Please choose onlyONE of the following:

  • One-to-One Meeting (either in the UK or South Africa), lasting between 5 days to 3 months.
  • Thematic Workshop (either in the UK or South Africa), typically lasting up to 5 days with the sending side supporting up to 5 scientists.
  • Exploratory Visit (either in the UK or South Africa), lasting up to one week. These exploratory visits may include up to 5 scientists who wish to collaborate together on a particular theme. The group may visit up to a maximum of 3 institutions.

Please note that this type of award is not intended for scientists wishing to travel to either country to attend international conferences, seminars or workshops.

Scientists looking for support for on-going international visits should consider other Royal Society funding scheme which are advertised through the website at:

Level of Funding

The Royal Society and the NRF will cooperate to share costs on the principle of the sending side paying for international travel and the host side paying for local subsistence, including in-country accommodation, food and travel. Funding is up to a maximum of £10,000 shared between the Royal Society and the NRF. Funding cannot be used to cover research expenses and proof of expenditure will be required after the networking activity has taken place.

Closing Date and Result Date

The closing date will be Monday 20 October 2008. Results are normally available within 3-4 months of the closing date (around February 2009) and will be distributed by email. The networking activity should not start before March 2009.

Contact information and submission of application form

Any enquires about this scheme can be made by contacting the Royal Society or the National Research Foundation. Before contacting us, please check whether your question is answered in the scheme notes.

Please ensure that a copy of thesame application form and supporting documents are sent to both the Royal Society and to the National Research Foundation. You do not need to submit a separate application form to the Royal Society but the NRF will require a compulsory soft copy of the application (SA Applicant). and NRF.

In the UK / In South Africa
Ms Jane Buckley / Mr Raven Jimmy
International Scheme Manager, Grants Section / Professional Officer, International Cooperation Grants
The Royal Society / National Research Foundation
6-9 Carlton House Terrace / PO Box 2600
SW1Y 5AG / 0001
Tel: Tel: 44(0)20 7451 2565 / Tel: +27(0) 12 481 4069
Email: / Email:

Detailed Information about the different types of networking activities available

1. ONE-TO-ONE MEETING (between 5 days and 3 months)

This networkingactivity provides funding for ONE scientist to undertake a visit to either the UK or South Africa.

Scientists from South Africa wishing to undertake a visit in the UK may apply for international travel from the NRF. The Royal Society will provide the scientist with the cost of subsistence and local travel within the UK (refer to thetable showing the maximum subsistence and local travel rates).

Scientists from the UKwishing to undertake a visit to South Africa may apply for international travel from the Royal Society. The NRF will provide the scientist with the cost of subsistence and local travel within South Africa (please enter the amount of funding you would require on the application form). However, the NRF would reserve the right to offer a lower amount if the amount was considered inappropriate).

2. THEMATIC WORKSHOP (lasting up to a maximum of 5 days)

This networking activity provides funding for a group of scientists in both the UK and South Africato undertake a workshop. The grant would cover international travel, subsistence and local costs of the workshop.

If the workshop is to be held in South Africa, the NRF will cover the local costs of the workshop; local travel, venue, accommodation and subsistence costs for all participants (UK and South African). The Royal Society will cover the cost of the international travel of up to 5 UK scientists (economy/APEX tickets).

If the workshop is to be held in the UK, the Royal Society will cover the local costs of the workshop;local travel, venue, accommodation and subsistence costs for all participants (UK and South African). The NRF will cover the cost of the international travel of up to 5 South African scientists (economy/APEX tickets).

3. EXPLORATORY VISIT (lasting up to a maximum of one week)

This networking activity provides funding for a group of up to 5 scientists from either the UK or South Africa who wish to collaborate on a particular theme. The group may visit up to a maximum of 3 institutions. Funding is only given to the group of scientists travelling to the UK or South African

Scientists from South Africa wishing to undertake an exploratory visit in the UK may apply for international travel (economy/APEX tickets) from the NRF (up to 5 scientists). The Royal society will provide the group with subsistence and local travel costs within the UK (refer to thetable showing the maximum subsistence and local travel rates)

Scientists from the UK wishing to undertake an exploratory visit in South Africa may apply for international travel (economy/APEX tickets) from the Royal Society. The NRF will provide the t with the cost of subsistence and local travel within South Africa (please enter the amount of funding you would require on the application form). However, the NRF would reserve the right to offer a lower amount if the amount was considered inappropriate).

Please note that there is no provision for bench fees, conference fees, departmental costs, medical insurance, excess baggage costs, and expenses relating to accompanying dependents or contributions towards salaries.

Eligibility Requirements

All scientists must comply with the eligibility and assessment criteria of the Royal Society in the UK and the NRF in South Africa.


  • The research must be on a subject within the natural sciences, including: physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, engineering, agricultural and medical research, scientific aspects of archaeology, geography, experimental psychology, and the history of science. The scheme does not cover social sciences or clinical medical research.
  • Applicants must demonstrate excellence in their field.
  • Applicantsmust have already identified a hostwho would be willing to participate in this scheme.
  • Applicants and their hostto the networking activity mustALLhave completed a PhD or have extensive experience at an equivalent level (would need to provide details of experience and publication record). We are unable to support the funding of students to this scheme. However, scientists are welcome to involve students in hosting a workshop (please consult the NRF and the Royal Society if you wish to involve students).
  • This scheme is primarily aimed at those scientists (UK and South Africa) preferably in their early or mid career stage. However, scientists with more experience would not be exempt from applying but would need to demonstrate how the activity would include scientists who perhaps are at their early or mid career stage.
  • In the case of the networking activity involving more than one South African participant, the NRF encourages the involvement of researchers from previous disadvantaged socioeconomic groups or academic institutions.
  • Applicants and their hosts must be from academia and NOT INDUSTRY.
  • Applications will only be considered for bilateral (not multi-lateral) activity.
  • Holders of a Royal Society joint project may not apply for a networking grant with the same overseas institute.
  • Scientists working in governmental research institute are not excluded from applying but they must clearly explain on the application why their institute is not funding the visit.
  • Applications cannot be accepted from private or commercial organisation.
  • Previous award holders of the networking scheme may apply for follow-on funding provided they are able to demonstrate how this would take their collaboration one step further and ultimately result in long term scientific exchange and research collaboration.
  • Applicants who apply for more than one networking activity per application or who submit multiple applications in the same round will not be considered.

UK Scientists

  • UK scientists should be resident within the UK
  • The UK scientist must hold a permanent or fixed term contract in an eligible organisation which, if it is the latter, continues at least for the duration of the networking activity.

South African Scientists

  • South African scientists must be South African citizens
  • Non South African citizens may apply provided they have held a permanent position at a South African institute for at least three consecutive years, exclusive of any period in full time education

Please note that scientists who have already received funding for ‘follow-on activities’ under the first phase of the networking scheme would not be eligible to apply again under this scheme. Scientists should consider applying for an International Joint Project or an International Short Visit (full details can be found on the Society’s website).

Assessment Criteria

The main criterion for the assessment of proposals is whether the proposed networking activity will be able to support sustainable partnerships which will ultimately result in long term scientific exchanges, and who will be in a position to bid for project funding through national funding structures.

The primary consideration will be:

  • The research background of the UK and South African scientist
  • The strength of the scientists and institution in the area of proposed research
  • The mutual benefit of the collaboration
  • The strength of the proposal
  • The potential contribution to the UK and South African science base

Application Procedure

It is the responsibility of both the UK and South African scientist to submit a copy of the same application form to both the Royal Society and to the NRF before the relevant closing date. When submitting the application form, please ensure that you have included the following:

1)A completed networking application form. Please ensure that under PART III of the proposal the following information is included(additional pages may be used).

  • Theme for the networking activity (Please provide us with a title)
  • Where the networking activity is to take place (name of venue & state eitherUK or SA)
  • Tentative agenda (only applicable for a thematic workshop)
  • Programme Outline (please explain the purpose of the proposed networking activity)
  • Timeframe for the networking activity(breakdown of what will take place)
  • For a Thematic Workshop or an Exploratory Visit you will need to list ALL participants taking part from both the UK and South Africa (name, title and institution)
  • For a One-to-One Meeting you only need to list the name of the applicant undertaking the visit and the name of the host.
  • Details of what we may expect as a result of these proposed activities. What are the proposed outcomes (defined outputs)?
  • Prospective benefits of undertaking this type of networking activity (it is important to provide information under each section of the application form).
  • Detailed budget (need to list costs from both sides). For a Thematic Workshopyou will need to provide a breakdown of costs for hosting a workshop.

2)An invitation letter from the host institution (on letter headed paper). This can be signed by the host scientist or their Head of Department.

3)Agreement (consent letters) from both the Heads of Departments in both the UK and South Africa (email or letter format) that participants are allowed to take part in this networking activity. If your HoD has signed the invitation letter, you do not need to provide us with this letter.

4)Nominated Referees - Please refer to the section on the scheme notes about the requirements for choosing TWO independent (nominated) referees. Nominated referees should send a copy of their reference form directly to both the Royal Society and to the NRF (by email or post).

Financial Information

Please provide both the Royal Society and the National Research Foundation with the amount of funding you require for you networking activity.

Royal Society

If the networking activity is taking place in the UK, please enter the full amount you request on the application form. You may wish to use the table below as a guide to the maximum amount of subsistence and local travel you may request from the Royal Society. These rates mainly apply for a One-to-One Meeting or an Exploratory Visit. If you are applying for a workshop, please provide us with a breakdown of all costs associated with a Thematic Workshop.

Maximum Subsistence Rates (Royal Society)

Visit length (weeks) / Inside London (GBP) / Outside London (GBP) / Local travel Allowance (GBP)
1 / 790 / 540 / 200
2 / 1580 / 1080 / 200
3 / 2370 / 1620 / 200
4 / 2475 / 2160 / 200
5 / 2772 / 2230 / 250
6 / 3003 / 2496 / 250
7 / 3160 / 2702 / 250
8 / 3304 / 2976 / 250
9 / 3564 / 3204 / 250
10 / 3800 / 3420 / 250
11 / 3993 / 3597 / 250
12 / 4162 / 3732 / 250


National Research Foundation

If the networking activity is taking place in South Africa, please enter the full amounts you request on the application form. It will be at the discretion of the NRF to decide whether the amount you have requested will be awarded. If you are applying for a workshop, please provide us with a breakdown of all costs associated with a Thematic Workshop.

Monitoring and Evaluation

End-of-award reports are requested from the UK and South African scientist at the end of each visit for feedback and to refine the operation of the scheme. Reports should also outline the scientific discussions, plans for developing collaboration and successful applications to other organisations for project funding (if any), and include a statement on expenditure of the award. Reports should be submitted within 2 months of the award ending.

Equal Opportunities

The Royal Society is committed to an equal opportunities policy in the provision of grants and awards. Please help us to ensure the effectiveness of this policy by providing the information requested. The information will be kept separately from the rest of your application and will not be seen by those involved in making short listing decisions. The information provided will form a confidential statistical record/database in accordance with the Data Protection Act and it will not be used for any purpose other than analysis of the Society’s Equal Opportunities Policy. Your assistance in this matter would be much appreciated. Alternatively, you can ‘opt out.

Guidance for Referees

The Royal Society and the NRF require that TWO independent (nominated) references are provided. One referee should be based in the UK and be familiar with the work of the UK scientist and the other referee should be based in South Africa and be familiar with the work of the South African scientist. It is the responsibility of the UKand South Africa Scientist to choose the independent (nominated) referees and to ensure that the referees are happy to provide the reference (All references must be completed on the RS/NRF reference statement form).

The onus is on the applicant to ensure that the referees send by email or by post a copy of the reference form to both the Royal Society in the UK and the NRF in South Africa. References not received will render the application disqualified. The Onus is also on the Referees to ensure that their HODs/Research managers send their letters of support to the NRF and the Royal Society.

The guidelines for choosing independent nominated referees are as follows:

  • The primary consideration is that he/she is able to comment independently and authoritatively on the application and area of research involved.
  • The applicant and host should confirm with the referees that he/she is happy to give a reference by the relevant closing date.
  • Nominated referees from the same institution as the Applicant or Co-Applicant are not accepted. The referee must not be a member of the Royal Society sitting on the assessment panel for this scheme, or a member of the Royal Society’s Council (if you require further clarification, please contact the Royal Society).

Please provide the referees with a copy of the application form. All references must be submitted to the Royal Society and to the NRF by 20 October 2008. Nominated referees should send a copy of their reference form directlyto both the Royal Society and to the NRF (by email or post) at the following: